Closed Termites!

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.


Postby Capricious on March 30th, 2013, 12:56 am


Date: Spring 16th, 513 AV
Location: Particles of the Past
Event: Termites.

"...your future looks bleak. You will begin to struggle with romance, if you are not already, and it is highly likely any romance you may have currently will come to an abrupt end. You will not be the one to end it, but you may lack any emotional response. In fact, it is highly likely you will be grateful the partnership ended because the relationship," There was a pause as Nik'lani trailed a fingernail over the Jamoura's palm, so much larger than her own, "is beginning to sour."

How could one race be so much larger than her own, even tripling in size? Yet the Jamoura were so gentle and Nik'lani was fascinated by the vast stores of knowledge they held in the same way the Jamoura were fascinated with her ability to know the future. Perhaps there was something to learn there; that there were things everyone would want from another? Or was the moral that... Well, that was not important. What was were the lines on the palm in front of her.

With a hand that lacked calluses, Nik'lani studied the line of health that lay on the outer side of the palm, in line with the pinky. A button nose wrinkled in thought, as if she were puzzled by something. Two high arching eyebrows came together and a plain lips pursed. Her visions were quick and abrupt, little more than a feeling of intuition. This time, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. "There are signs... Only signs, mind you, of something coming in the future. The danger is... severe. I cannot tell if you will be in risk of death, but you may have injuries to some extent. Please be aware of your surroundings in the next two weeks and halt any rash decisions." Not that a Jamoura would be likely to make rash decisions without thinking things through, but one never knew. Besides, if Nik'lani did not warn her, who would?

The Jamoura seemed puzzled. Nik'lani had transitioned from professional to edgy. One moment she had sat perfectly still, entranced in the reading, and the next the woman was shifting on her seat and clenching the Jamoura's hand, giving warnings. Sharp eyes observed the Konti, who, upon realizing the grip she had, released the Jamoura and leaned back in her chair. "Are you alright?"

Nik'lani nodded, bun bouncing against her scalp. "Yes, yes. I believe that is all for today's reading." The feeling she had disappeared when the physical touch ceased, but Nik'lani was still on edge. This Jamoura was in danger, but how?

And then it happened. The floor shifted. Only a little bit, enough to make the cards carefully stacked on the table slip gently to the side. But enough to gather attention. Nik'lani's eyes widened as she met the Jamoura's but before she could warn the Jamoura to not move, the Jamoura stood. With a groan, the boards beneath their feet gave way. Nik'lani reacted in the only way she knew how, by automatically recoiling in fear.

The Jamoura, table, and cards disappeared out of sight. The last thing Nik'lani saw before she screamed were the scared eyes of the Jamoura woman.

* * *

The Jamoura suffered a concussion. She had hit the net and become the floor for the table. The cards were lost, slipping between the slugsuckle ropes. The Hahk'Shatara had taken nearly a bell to get her out of the netting after a doctor reviewed the injuries and claimed she was able to be moved.

Upon inspection, tiny bugs were discovered in Particles of the Past. They crawled on the boards and, before the Jamoura's eyes, ate at the flooring. The creatures were no bigger than a fingernail but had caused so much damage. The Hahk'Shatara ordered Particles of the Past to close as an inspection ensued. Slugsuckle ropes blocked off the entrance.

Although the ropes kept individuals out, they did nothing to keep creatures in.

OOCThis event is the beginning of the termites. The location is considered infected and will be closed for most of the season. Feel free to write your response to observing this event. On April 6, 2013, this thread will be considered closed and all responses graded. There should only be one response per individual. The services Particles of the Past offer can be found at the Dancing Lantern

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Postby Deadfang on March 30th, 2013, 9:14 pm

Deadfang was lazily flapping around beneath the hidden city of The Spires, looking for an opportunistic meal to pop up. She didn't really feel like trying to hard, for she was only peckish, and not starving. A good squirrel or hare would be nice. She found a high rising root near the ground and alighted upon it, her eyes scanning the area. It was daylight, so her sight was diminished, but the shade of the trees kept the worst at bay. She could still hear just fine though. She could hear a lot of talk from high above in the trees, but ignored it for the most part. She had no interest in the daily going-ons of the people there. She heard a rustle in the foliage beneath her, and she stood very still, creeping down into a crouch and peering at the floor.

A giant pack rat had climbed from an unseen burrow beneath the roots, and was making a beeline for the center of a small clearing. Watching intently, she saw the rodent start fussing with something that seemed out of place in the forest here, but Deadfang couldn't quite make it out. She knew that if she took off, she might scare off the poor meal-to-be, so she went prone atop the root. She crawled along the top of the root, slowly, quietly, trying to keep her claws from scratching at the bark. These roots were large enough, to allow her to crawl, pushing with her knees and elbows, thankful for the added fur upon her joints to cushion her from the roughness. Eventually she found herself a very short distance from the pack rat and the oddities.

Deadfang still couldn't make it out, so she decided that she'd attack first, and investigate later. She extended her claws, gripping the bark, and pressed the balls of her feet firm against the wood. She slid her wings out slowly, keeping them as close to the surface of the root as possible, until they were nearly fully extended. Then in one powerful motion, she pushed off with her hands and legs, bits of bark exploding from her claws, her wings filling with air. The pack rat had enough time to look up, a moment for its eyes to grow wide in fear, before her claws wrapped him up and slashed the life from his little, furry throat. She skidded across the leaf ridden ground on her torso, small twigs and rocks biting into her slightly. Prize held out in her extended arms. She stood up, her prey limp in her hand, as she walked over to the oddities.

They were off white, rectangular, and paper, and had very strange pictures on them, as well as symbols that she didn't recognize. She picked up several of them, noticing that they were spread about the entire area. She gathered all she could find, deciding that maybe someone lost them in the forest, and slipped them into one her pouches. Then something tiny smacked her in the forehead.

Her fingers scrambled at what had landed on her, finding it to be wiggling. A tiny white worm of some sort. It wriggled around, clearly not thrilled at the thought of being held, so she eased its discomfort, and popped it in her mouth. It squished between her teeth, and was surprisingly tasty. She then looked up, for if there was one thing she'd learned about bugs, that where there was one, there were a thousand. She jumped up in the air, flapped her wings, gripping her prize tight, as she floated upwards, wings working lazily. She floated around the vine nets that adorned the city, for a reason unrealized by Deadfang. And then she saw where all the bugs were, adorning a massive hole in the bottom of some structure or other. She flapped up to the hole, hearing voices within the shop. She tied her pack rat by the tail to her belt, then set to work.

She flipped over in the air and used her wings to give that extra push, until she was able to sink her claws into the wood on the bottom of the shop. She could hear the heavy footsteps of Jamoura, the dangerous creaking of the wood, and the sound of exasperated workers. Ignoring all of this, she slowly crawled along the bottom of the wood, staying just out of sight, then reaching out with a single claw, scooping up several of the bugs. She popped them into her mouth, repeating the process several times. Occasionally she needed to shift her position precariously, slowly releasing and grabbing with her talons. When she was finally full, her hands and arms were tired and sore. She let go.

She fell for a while, and let loose a satisfied screech, just to see if anyone would look down into the hole at her, as she twisted, opened her wings and took off, heading away from the sun, for her home at Knyvz.
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Postby Zantair on April 5th, 2013, 9:14 am

"Your first card is Death..." Zantair paused to let the drama of the card increase, He always found it amusing how people consistently made the assumption that death was a horrible card, "Luckily, death rarely means the loss of someone close, expect great changes to occur."

The large Jamoura was quiet and patient, but underneath that facade was a nervousness unusual for his race. He fidgeted as Zantair flipped the second card and hummed for a short while before beginning his second card. "You have been given the three of pentacles, expect early success in an endeavor, but I cannopt say how this shall be in the future, it would be wise to make good use of the success you will soon gain." Zantair reported with only the slightest smile on his face.

"Your last card is the eight of wa--" Zantair halted as the creaking of wood snapping and plummeting made him jump. He paused glancing around his workroom, looking around before tentatively heading around to the direction of the sound, he turned the corner and stopped, taking a step back as he saw the large hole were nik'lani and here customer used to be. Tarot cards were fluttering as they fell to the unknown beyond the sight of the kelvic man, and everyone quickly made themselves scarce, leaving the building as quickly as they could.

Zantair paused as he looked at Particles of the Past, with slugsuckle ropes guarding entrance to the slowly dissolving building. He turned and head away from the building to his new work place, it was a bit further out than before but Zantair was sure he could make the trip in due time everyday.
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Postby Capricious on April 9th, 2013, 9:33 pm



Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Stealth 1 • Termites: Yum!
Observation 1 • A Hunt Being Interrupted by… Cards?
• Particles of the Past is Damaged

+Half a Deck of Tarot Cards


Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Fortune Telling 1 • A Session of Fortune Telling Being Interrupted
• Particles of the Past’s Temporary Location
• Particles of the Past is Damaged

Hi There! I enjoyed seeing how both of your character reacted to this new occurrence. If you have any issues or wanted a specific lore/etc., feel free to contact me!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out. :)
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