Pen’s eyes narrowed for a moment hearing the Zith’s stomach, but she didn’t react otherwise. She was beginning to get what she thought might be the idea. This Zith—Axe, she called herself—was certainly not averse to a nibble of Kelvic meat, goat or otherwise. In fact, she was likely genuinely interested on the idea…but Pen was beginning to think that the threats were just that—threats. To keep the slave in line, and little more.
After all, that would be some expensive goat meat if not.
She listened as Axe spoke of duties Penri would perform, and how Axe slipped into an odd construction of speech, identifying herself as “this one” and “she”.
"We will be leaving the floating city and heading into the wilds surrounding it where I have my camp. This one expects you to watch over the camp when she is away at night, and to carry the equipment when moving camp. It is also expected of you to learn how to care for this one's talons, and do whatever else is asked of you."”
One of the talons was shown to the leashed woman, who forced herself to look at it for a few seconds before nodding and looking up as they neared the shipyard. “Of course, mistress,” she replied, loud enough to be heard by the other woman as they walked briskly through the busy streets. “Whatever you require.” Well, perhaps, but no need to say so—and if all the tasks were so simple, Penri foresaw no problems. She almost tripped over the cobbled street again, though, intent on the next words.
"In return for taking care of these simple matters no one will harm you while this one draws breath, this one protects what is hers."
Penri wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She was, of course, surprised by the force of the statement. Perhaps it was just the Zith’s imperfect grasp of Common, to speak so to the slave she kept calling meat?
It was as though Axe heard Penri’s silent confusion.
“"Understand these words, Slave Meat Penri, I value you greater than my father's axe and any of the Prey that walk the floating city's streets. Prove yourself worthy of that value."
The slave would have sworn that her head was starting to ache. She tentatively returned Axe’s gaze, hating to be reduced to confusion so quickly, and becoming slowly determined to figure out what on earth this Zith meant, by anything. She knew very little about Zith, Penri realized. A learning experience. Her mother would be proud of the optimism, she thought, one corner of her mouth sneaking up at the thought.