Solo Morphing Scales

Aradia practices Morphing, and morphs scales onto her hand and can not get them off!

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Morphing Scales

Postby Aradia on April 3rd, 2013, 7:25 pm

5th of Spring 513 AV

Aradia had bought a book about Morphing not too long ago, but had yet to open it up and read it. It was hard to find some quiet around Wind Reach, everyone was always up and hustling and a bustling early in the morning. There was always noisy to be heard with so many people in one area, Aradia did not mind though, silence was something she did not like, except when she wanted to read a book.

That is why on this day Aradia decided to go to the Enclave and read her book on Morphing, and maybe even find a few books on music if she had the time to do so. She was not expecting anything grand or magnificent, since it was located in a cavern. Though when she arrived, she was admittedly amazed at what she was seeing. It was more massive than she thought it would be. She assumed it was going to be a little rinky, dinky, library with a few books on a shelf. It did indeed have a grand air about it, and it looked to be so elegant, if it wasn’t for the battered furniture sitting around. Aradia smiled and took in the sight, and found a place with comfortable looking chairs and tables for someone to sit and study.

She nodded her head in gretting to a female that was putting some books up on the shelf, and found a nice private, quiet area to read her book. She unzipped her backpack, and pulled out her book on Morphing. It was nothing spectacular, just an Average book written by educated individuals on the subject. She wished she could of found one written by a mage, but those types of books were almost impossible to find, so she settled for what she had, and hoped that she could retain some knowledge about Morphing through reading, and training what she read.

Aradia opened up her book and started to read the basics of Morphing. It was always best to start reading from the Novice side of things, instead of trying to dive completely into something. She sat there in the library for four bells, reading the first five chapters of her book. She yawned slightly, stretching her arms above her head when she was done, stretching her tired muscles and popping her aching joints. She took the book off of the table, and placed it in her backpack. She wanted to look for books on Music, maybe Songs that have been collected, but she had just ran out of time, she needed to go somewhere else and practice what she had learned. So she collected her things and left the Enclave, it was still early so her half-brother Red should still be out doing is Endal duties.

Aradia went to the place her and her half-brother shared, sitting down at the table she opened the book.

”Okay so… Trial and error is expected while learning Morphing. Constant meditation and focus is needed. Empty your mind and separate your mind from your body, then Morphing will be possible. Easy enough, I have to meditate when practicing Reimancy anyways.” Aradia said to herself. The Singer usually did this quite often, because there were something she just didn’t want to talk about with other people. Learning Morphing was one of those things, that she would rather just do herself.
Last edited by Aradia on April 3rd, 2013, 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Morphing Scales

Postby Aradia on April 3rd, 2013, 7:27 pm

Aradia sat there, and began to meditate, just like she did when she was going to practice her Reimancy skills. But this time she was going to go a little further into the mediation. Aradia closed her eyes, slowing her breathing down. Inhaling through her nose, exhaling slowly from her mouth. She emptied her mind, pretending that there was a broom inside there, sweeping everything out, until nothing was left. Her mind was blank, she concentrated on her breathing, in and out, in and out. She did this for thirty chimes, until she was in a trance like state, delving deeper into her mediation, she began to separate her mind from her body. In and out, she listened to her slow melodic breathing, in and out.

After a bell and thirty chimes, Aradia had achieved the focus needed to begin trying to morph something. She decided it would be best to start off small. The only thing she would be able to achieve is partial transformation anyways. So she concentrated on the scales that she saw on a fish, shiny, glimmering, white scales with a green like tint to them. Aradia looked down at her hand, grasping ahold of her Djed she kept the scales in her mind. She continued to attempt to make scales appear on the upside of her hand, for a bell, until finally small scales began to appear on her hand. Aradia did not force it, she not rush it, she kept calm and meditative as she focused on the scales slowly appearing on her hand.

Aradia felt a piece of stray hair tickling her nose, and she sneezed, breaking concentration and focus on the magic she was trying to perform. Aradia looked down and saw that some of the scales were still there.

”Oh no! Go away, Go away!” Aradia exclaimed at her hand, shaking it furiously trying to shake the scales off, but they would not budge. ”Trial and Error… hahaha very funny.” Aradia said brushing the scales on her hand. She had made an Error, so why didn't the book explain how to get rid of the error?! She was not sure what she was going to do now, she had scales on her hands. Maybe she could say it was just a rash, or something? She couldn’t possibly say that she was performing magic and it happened. No that would not do. Maybe the scales would disappear in a few bells? Aradia hoped that the scales wouldn’t stay there for days, she did not know how she would be able to explain such things.

Aradia sighed and shoved the book back into her backpack a little frustrated. She had damn scales on her hand, and no way to explain why they were there. If they were not gone in the morning, she would just have to go and buy something to cover them up. Aradia was tired from so much Djed usuage, she knew what it felt like to almost over give, it wasn’t that. It was just that learning a new magic all alone was extremely tiring in itself. Especially something like Morphing. Aradia let out another sigh and headed to the bed, passing out hoping when she awoke her hand would be normal once again.

***NOTE:**** OOCI am not sure if I portrayed Morphing correctly, I tried doing so, but if it needs to be edited please PM me and let me know so I can make it better. :)
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Morphing Scales

Postby Phoenix on April 29th, 2013, 4:11 am



Skill XP Earned
Research 2
Morphing 3
Meditation 2

Lores Earned
Amazed by the Enclave
Morphing: The Basics
Studying is boring
Meditation: The Basics of emptying ones mind
Morphing: Scales

The Order of the Phoenix

This was a nice little thread! I gave you what skill points I could! I think you did alright with the solo, but just remember that the more detail you add, the more points you will get! As your skill increases, you're expected to put more and more detail into your characters actions.

As for the morphing itself, this is a good start. Remember that you need models for most of your characters morphing abilities. She can't morph into a lion if she's never seen one in person before, for instance. :) Otherwise, great job!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out. :)

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