OOCSure go ahead and end this thread, I suspect that there will be more to come.Immortality, it was a goal that many sought, the way to live forever and never grow old. Cyrus could honestly say that it was something he had been looking into, not a great deal but he had inquired after it to his mother a few times. She had merely given him a rather vague answer, saying that he would know the path when he grew powerful enough. His mother had a habit of being cryptic on occasion, never giving away too much information and always playing her cards very close to her chest.
It was certainly not an immediate concern of his as he was still very young and capable, right now laying the foundations for his Imperium took precedence over all else. Her concern for his life was touching, so to assure him he chuckled lightly.
"You needn't worry too much, Kouri, I will live for a long time yet. For know it is best to concentrate on other concerns, like you improving your powers. Once I gain enough power and influence we can then worry about my mortality." Cyrus said, standing up and beckoning for the child to follow him.
"We shall call this a night, my dear girl, I suggest that you practice your other abilities before our next session. Let us return to Syliras now." He said.
This night had been very productive, the girl wanted to support his ambitions which was certainly welcome. He had also gotten a good feel for her powers which would help in any further plans her had that involved her. This was only the beginning however, a long road lay ahead, one that would take strength and determination to see through. With Kouri now at his side he felt much more confidant about facing whatever lay ahead.