Tasty Flakes As the name of the shop implies, Tasty Flakes sells a variety of delicious flavored snow, literally. Tasty Flakes is located in a set of buildings near the Frozen Falls market. It mainly caters to the younger citizens of the city, but there are also adult and elderly customers who frequent the store for the yummy treat. Flavored snow is a local favorite among the Vantha as it is pleasing both to the eyes and to the taste buds. Depending on the customer’s preferences, a variety of fruit syrup is drizzled over a bowl of freshly fallen snow. The fine, almost powdery, texture of flavored snow paired with an assortment of scrumptious fruity flavors is what makes people keep coming back for more. Toppings are optional, and there is a wide array to choose from as the owner makes sure to keep things new and exciting. The shop itself is a work of art with colorful decorations hanging from the walls and the ceiling of the large one-story building. Snowflake-shaped skylights are installed on the roof to let the light stream in on sunny days. There are wooden chairs and tables for those who choose to eat at the shop. At the counter, a clerk is always present to take the orders of those who fall in line. These orders are then forwarded to the kitchen, the room just behind the counter, to be prepared by the owner, Zsuska, and her son, Cerves Winterflame. The kitchen is a bit smaller compared to normal Winterflame standards, but the space is enough to move freely and get the orders done. This is where Zsuska personally makes the fruit syrups she uses for flavoring, storing them in large, long neck bottles specially ordered from the glassblowers of Wind Reach. At the back of the kitchen is a door leading to a small fenced area outside. Here, large wooden buckets are left out to be filled with clean, freshly-fallen snow. During the winter season when the snowfall is less frequent, blocks of ice are arduously shaved with a knife and placed in wooden bowls to be served immediately. In Morwen’s absence, business at the Flake has suffered, as the snow doesn’t taste quite the same when it isn’t fresh from the sky. Zsuska and Cerves now have to go farther and farther each day to find unadulterated snow with which to make their treats. (NPC) Zsuska Winterflame :
Race: Vantha DOB: Summer 73, 475 AV POB: Avanthal Title: Owner of Tasty Flakes Skills: Cooking 42, Food Preservation 32, Sculpting 20, Painting 39, Organization 28 Gnosis: 1 mark of Morwen A feisty, no-nonsense kind of woman, Zsuska Winterflame is the proud owner of Tasty Flakes. Originally a Skyglow, Zsuska married into the Winterflame Hold at the age of sixteen to Dyzek Winterflame. Three years into their marriage, the couple was blessed with a male child whom they named Cerves. After her husband’s unfortunate death, she took it upon herself to both raise her young son and to provide for their small family. She is a hard worker, and when she puts her mind to a task, she makes sure to get the job done. Zsuska knows how to set her priorities straight, the very reason why she was able to make her flavored snow business flourish and raise her son to be a fine young man. Zsuska’s spring of creativity never seems to run dry. Even though she now lives her life as a Winterflame, she still manages to incorporate her Skyglow lineage into her work. This is evident in the decorations of her shop, which she personally made, and how she is able to serve the icy treat in the most mouthwatering and artful way possible. Zsuska is always thinking up of new ways to spice up her flavored snow, from experimenting with new flavors to adding new toppings for people to try out. (NPC) Cerves Winterflame :
Race: Vantha DOB: Fall 84, 494 AV POB: Avanthal Title: Assistant and occasional Clerk at Tasty Flakes Skills: Cooking 34, Painting 19, Food Preservation 26, Organization 14, Storytelling 20 Gnosis: 1 mark of Morwen Cerves Winterflame takes very much after his mother, Zsuska. He got the artistic flair from his mother’s Skyglow heritage and his love for cooking from the Winterflame side of his family. Even as a young child, Cerves has already shown interest in the arts, making small paintings of food he would like to make someday. He is always reprimanded by his mother for eating the flavored snow he was supposed give to customers. Cerves has an extreme sweet tooth, always craving for all kinds of desserts and sweet foods. It is an open secret that he dreams to become a pastry chef someday, instead of inheriting his mother's business. He has been making all kinds of pastries and desserts during his free time, both to his mother’s consternation and delight. Despite being usually laid-back during work, Cerves makes sure to get things done. He knows the importance of hard work as taught to him by Zsuska, but he also knows how to take things easy and play every once in a while. He helps out at the kitchen whenever there is a rush of people wanting flavored snow, often tasked to retrieve the buckets of fallen snow outside. During winter and times of minimal snowfall, Cerves takes care of shaving blocks upon blocks of ice. It was not surprising then that he is able to maintain such a fine physique despite constantly indulging himself in sweets. When the shop is not so busy, he helps out in writing down orders and bringing them to the customers’ tables, often striking up conversation with people around his age. Menu :
Flavored snow: