Spring 513, 16th day.
As the sun began to set to yet another tiring day, Ruza found herself setting up camp in the most secluded place possible right outside the town. After feeding her horse Tako, and cat Boyga she began making her way into the city she has not yet visited. This meant there could potentially be very interesting new people, or whole lot of bastards...It's half the fun to find out. Ruza had herself wrapped up in her cloak, it was getting a little chilly as night quickly approached. Her hair draped messily about, the length adding to her warmth. She made her way into town, the streets still busy, she carefully made her way through the crowd before realizing she had no idea where she was going.
"Excuse me? Does anyone know where the nearest bar is?" She asks raising her voice a little bit to be heard. Her eyes darting about searching for a face that might have been looking back in acknowledgement. And there had been no such luck, people seemed to be busy with their own lives or whatever it was they were all focusing on at that moment. With a sigh she made her way up the street and tried again. "I am LOOKING for a BAR!" she nearly demanded, getting slightly irritated at being ignored.
~"Down that street and to the right"~ said random stranger, who was only heard and not seen. So that meant that she knew where to go, just not exactly which direction. "I will just follow the sailor folk!" she exclaims to herself with a determined look about her face. Ruza looked around again and found a large sailor looking chap heading down the street. "If you see a stranger...follow him!" she replied to her last statement, who cared if people heard her or not, its not like she was tall enough to be seen right away.
Following the strange sailor, she finally found her way to the bar...although it seemed the man she followed had no business there and passed on by. "I have been fortunate tonight, we must celebrate!" once again talking to herself as she entered the bar, within the first step she could tell that tonight will be as uneventful as the past few days. Nobody seemed to care that a small sized woman entered. Walking up to the bar she smiles at the bartender with the sweetest smile she could muster "I would like your kelp beer kind sir!" she asked him, and was answered with a strange look before he filled up a glass and she of course paid him before lifting up the mug and making her way to an empty corner.
Sitting down and making herself comfortable, she brings the mug to her full lips and takes a small sip. Her eyes widened and with a forced gulp she scrunches up her nose in distaste. "Oh my...it seems to be a beer that must be gulped down before you taste it...this will be interesting." she mumbles as she takes a deep breath, readying herself for a nasty chugging experience.