Benshira Human
Birthday: Season of Summer, Day 15
20 years old
6 Feet tall and 170 pounds, with dark tan skin and sky blue eyes. Vinan has smooth black hair, which reaches down in front to his forehead and in the back to the end of his neck. Vinan wears the traditional attire of a Benshira, with a long legged and short sleeved tunic tied to his waist with rope, and a head covering consisting of a cloth covering his neck and forehead held in place with another thin rope. He also carries a neck high wooden walking stick
given to him by his grandfather before he died.
Vinan is a strong soul who, while kind, has very little faith in the world. His outlook is that cruelty will always triumph withought constant vigilance. Nevertheless, he tries to help his fellow mortals when he can. When provoked, however, Vinan can become vengeful and even sometimes destructive- reckless in his pursuit of what he sees as proper retribution.
Vinan hates the Zith race with a passion, believing them to be opposed to everything he believes and the embodiment of mortal evil in the world.
Vinan does not tolerate harshness or cruelty of any kind unless he believes it is properly justified. When he sees this he will go long ways to aid the victim, sometimes even harming himself in the process. When possible he always tries to find a way other than violence; this has not served him too well in the past, however, so as an extra precaution he carries his greatsword with him at all times. Vinan can be extremely self-righteous at times, always finding a way to justify his actions to himself even when others might recognize his wrong.
To anyone not an enemy Vinan is very generous, giving money, food, or even posessions to those in need. He will give none of these to anyone known an enemy, however, sometimes even attacking them on sight. In this he is very reckless, and places a grand disregard for himself or any bystanders in the way.
Vinan hugely enjoys food, particularly that based on bread and wine, which reminds him of his family before he split. He also enjoys dancing and singing, and has a strong attraction to alcoholic products such as beer and wine.
Vinan hates the Zith with a fiery passion after they destroyed his home tent in Eyktol.
Raised in an Eyktol tent in by his mother Yamel, Vinan lived a peaceful life training as a farmer like his father until the age of fourteen, when his tent of Ahel was attacked by a group of Zith while his father was out tending the sheep, well past his normal curfew. The Zith devoured his family, and it was only due to his mother's vigilance that he survived, hidden under a bed while the rest of his tent stood and fought. When his father came back he was devastated, but more so was Vinan, who blamed his father for leaving them alone while they fought. In his anger, he left the tent of his father and began a new one; the Tent of Vinan. He is haunted by this memory of the Zith, particularly by the death of his mother whom he dearly loved.
Soon after he found himself a wandering nomad, traveling the deserts of Eyktol and stopping at the occasional city. It is around this time that he stopped worshiping his racial god Yahal and instead turned to Tyveth, believing the values of justice and valor to have eclipsed those of faith and purity.
30 Longsword
20 Hunting
15 Cooking
10 Survivalism
Starting Package:
Cloak, pants, tunic, underpants, sandals, head covering.
Comb, Brush, Razor, Soap
Food for 1 week, eating knife, 5 lb. raisins, 10 lb. Beef Sausage, 2 lb. Smoked Beef, 2 lb. bacon, 3 lb. almonds, 5 oz. carrots.
Flint and Steel
4 Person Tent, Tarp for tent, Bedroll, blanket
100 ft. rope, lantern, torch (2), fishing tackle, fishing hooks
Wooden Walking Stick (Heirloom)
Leather Armor
Simple Practice Dummy
20 Gold Mizas