70th Day of Spring, 513AV
Bodies roiled and swirled. Men and women screamed and roared. Blood arced and painted trees, shimmering and flashing crimson and scarlet or darker, steaming arterial hues. So many weapons clashed together that the voices and thick, wet sounds of impact were barely audible. Everywhere the charnel stink of dead and dying, screams for mercy or deliverance that would not come...
And Razkar in the middle of it all, gore-clotted weapons raised in blood-slick hands, screaming his defiance and his loyalty to the shifting face above it all. Watching down. Grinning with fanged and fearsome benevolence.
An armored human shouted a curse and lunged at him, broadsword sweeping through the fetid air. The Myrian's head snapped to him with a savage grin, swaying back from the clumsy weapon, tracking it's path and hammering it even further away and to the side with a backhand blow from his gladius. Over-extended and off-balance, the human staggered, twisting to his side-
-his side a beautiful target for Razkar's ax, which swung into his ribcage from the side and bit into flesh and organ and bone.
And he could feel it. He could feel the agony of his enemy, the shock and the pain and the disbelief... the sense of failure. The Myrian paused even as battle raged around them, barely remembering to pull back his gladius tight to his chest-
-thrusting a killing blow into the human's throat-
-no, now it was a Dhani, slit eyes bugging out and black blood oozing from its nose-
-an Akalak, warrior rage dimmed by despair as the blade punched out the back of his next-
-a piratical-looking Svefra, bearded and wild and still spitting blood even as Razkar twisted the blade-
-bathed in blood, mouth open, shocked... stunned... staring down at weapons... they were too large. They seemed bigger than usual, and lighter, but...
Razkar blinked, a disturbing thought piercing his battle rage. With an effort he quelled it, then found it was... easy to quell. The sounds around him went from deafening to muted like a candle puffed from light to darkness. The corpse slumped to the ground... and only empty armor clattered to the jungle floor...
"... what is this...?"
Silence. Eerie and unnatural. The kind that simply could not exist on a battlefield. Razkar blinked and noticed it, looking up... and finding a jungle full old bloodied, armored, armed beings from every race he had met and seen staring at him. Expectantly. Eager, almost, to get back to the business of slaughtering each other.
Well, why not let them? Clearly this is a battle of most savage earnest. You could reap much here, please Myri, you ancestors, yourself-
"This is... wrong..."
Rustling. Footsteps. Careful but sure. Confident and knowing. He looked towards the sound through his haze and his uncertainty. A figure, moving between the suddenly-shadowy ranks of fighters... flitting from his view... until it stepped forwards, a terrible and beautiful as ever.
"I suppose..." he said with a wry smile "... I should not be surprised to see you, Wolf..."