Solo [Smoldering Embrace]Mmm Mazes...

Spirit decides to take on the challenge of the Smoldering Embrace

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[Smoldering Embrace]Mmm Mazes...

Postby Spirit Frostfawn on April 21st, 2013, 12:41 am

--Spring 27th 513AV--

Well... the show had finished, and it had been amazing. The Reimancers had done an excellent job of their show, completing mind blowing tricks and showing off their magic. The beauty of that, and the bonfire itself was just stunning, especially in tune with the night sky. Spirit sat for several chimes after the demonstrations, just marvelling at the beauty. The metal sphere of the bonfire itself was a work of art, and the whole scene of the Smoldering Embrace made her realize just how... amazing Avanthal was. The city provided all these shows, for free, just for the citizen’s entertainment! The thing that surprised her most though, was the reason she was here for. Apparently, if you found your way through the side passages, you would come across puzzle boxes, with prizes in them! She loved how there could be anything in them, and half the fun was finding out what you would get.

Just thinking about the fun she would have exploring the maze made her bubble with excitement, and she practically jumped up from her seat. Gazing around, she picked one of the eight tunnels at random and started through it, looking carefully for any sign of a side tunnel. Wind, who had been sitting at her feet followed patiently behind her, ready for any kind of place they would go. As she walked, her eyes scanned the walls, making sure she didn’t miss a turn off. If she did, then she’d have to go aaaall the way back... and just waste time. She rarely did stuff at night, and wasn’t very good at staying up late, so wanted to finish this as quickly as possible. With her personal time limit, she still wanted to savor the experience, but just hoped that it would take her less than a bell.

She mused about what she would find in the chest. Food? A jacket? A piece of art? Or maybe something more practical, like... a bridle? She didn’t particularly want that since it seemed sort of... boring almost. The idea of a surprise present was that it was interesting, something that you wouldn’t get on a normal basis. Something new... exciting, something that she wouldn’t let just fall into her normal possessions, but be one of her special things... an item that she could savor forever, and remember this by. A small smile came to her lips as she thought about this, though she wasn’t quite sure why.


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[Smoldering Embrace]Mmm Mazes...

Postby Spirit Frostfawn on April 21st, 2013, 12:42 am

To her left, Spirit spotted an indentation in the wall. An entrance! She jogged lightly up to the entrance and gazed down it, to see what it was like. There was no lighting, but luckily the moon and stars were bright, so seeing wasn’t too much of a problem. The path looked uneven, and twisted at a point, leading off to somewhere she couldn’t see. Well this would be fun! A massive grin appeared on her face, and she set off down the winding path, heart soaring.

The Vantha sauntered down the path without a care, not really paying attention to where she was going. So far, it hadn’t split, or deviated too much, so everything was fine. She walked a little downhill, then uphill, quietly whistling a random tune to herself. She was horrible as music in any form, but loved it all the same, since it was so beautiful. This pattern was made up of three basic notes, sung at random lengths and in a random order. She was trying to make something that sounded nice, but it wasn’t working well. It sounded more like gibberish then music, and was rather pointless. The slight failure made Spirit feel slightly downcast, but nothing could ruin her mood that day, so it was only a minor effect.

She finally came across a split, and stopped, thinking. Which way to go... She cocked her head slightly to the left, trying to decide. It wasn’t really an important decision, but for some strange reason it felt like on. As if... the path she chose now would completely change the outcome later. Actually... that made a little bit of sense, especially pertaining to real life. Every decision you made effected your life in one way or another, and for many there was no coming back. Spirit mused on this subject for a while, forgetting about the decision ahead of her. She’d never really thought about philosophy much, and it turned out to be a pretty interesting topic. Her musing went on for well over a chime, all the while the Vantha just stood there motionless, absorbed in her thoughts.

A small whine from Wind brought her back to real life. Spirit started slightly, and turned back to look at him with an apologetic smile. To her surprise however, he simply walked past her and took the left path, leaving for her to follow. She stood there in shock for a moment, amazed that the dog would do this. Normally he was content to follow, but apparently he was growing impatient. Or maybe he thought he knew the best path for her to follow... with a small shrug, she quickly jogged over to catch up with him.


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[Smoldering Embrace]Mmm Mazes...

Postby Spirit Frostfawn on April 21st, 2013, 12:42 am

She had found it! After only a few more chimes of walking, Spirit finally entered a room. It had snowy seats, and candy, but the most attractive of all... a large golden box at the end of the area. It had a strange attraction property... it was so tempting to just... touch it. She walked towards it, unsure why, but knowing she should. It was an interesting feeling, as if she was almost being dragged, but willingly. The Vantha inspected the chest as she approached it, intrigued by it’s appearance. There were designs all over the sides, but the most appealing of all was... a square. It seemed to be holding the chest closed, though how she did not know. And she had an irresistible urge to touch it...

Her finger touched the shape in the chest, and she stared at the reaction in surprise. The cube had become multiple sections, and it had just fallen apart! Spirit stared at the pieces in shock, not quite sure what to do. Had she broken it? Or was this... a puzzle? Since they were called puzzle boxes, she came to the conclusion that it was, indeed a challenge. Maybe she had to put them back together? She shrugged, deciding that trying wouldn’t hurt, and began to attempt to solve the puzzle.

Now, the Vantha wasn’t bad at puzzle solving, but she wasn’t particularly good at it either. She stared at the separate sections of cube in her hands, trying to decide where to put them. She began to stick them together at random, hoping it would work. It failed, so she tried again. And again. On maybe her fifth try, she finally got it right! The pieces fit together perfectly, and with a slight shove she stuck the last one in. There was a small click, and the lid popped open.

Inside was a scarf. Not just any scarf, but something that looked like a lot of effort had been put into it. It was obvious, as Spirit pulled it out of the chest, that it was quality work. It was a royal purple, almost the same color as the highlights in her hair, and was beautifully decorated. Along one side there was a string of copper bells, that jingled quietly as they moved. The fabric was thin and smooth, but felt warm too. All in all, it was magnificent. The Vantha wrapped her hands in the cloth, then draped it around her neck, utterly happy with her discovery. It was just what she was looking for... something she would never get normally, but something she could treasure too. A smiled slightly, then turned and began to find her way out again, content.


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[Smoldering Embrace]Mmm Mazes...

Postby Noblesse on May 20th, 2013, 2:15 pm


Spirit Frostfawn :
  • Observation +3
  • Investigation +3
  • Singing +1
  • Philosophy +1

  • Location: The Smoldering Embrace
  • Exhilaration after an Amazing Performance
  • Solving a Puzzle Box

  • Inventory: You acquired a purple scarf decorated with tiny copper bells

Pretty short but interesting thread. That part about Wind going ahead of Spirit and leading her was quite nice. I can see that you've improved a lot in writing out details and I'm very proud of you for this! I can't wait to see more of your improvements in the future. :)

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