Time stamp: 51 Spring, 513
"Thanks, Lavira, come back anytime!" The weaver called after the young woman, waving congenially. It had been a fair trade for both, Vira only losing a single pinion and a few hours of free time as a volunteer to the man for the four foot length of rope she'd acquired. It would serve well enough as an anchor to some of the other hooks, eyeholes, and nooses that littered the inner face of the Edge and provided perfect grips for those wishing to practice their mountaineering skills.
Vira threw a wave back at the craftsman and headed through the halls to the Outer Warrens to make the trek up to the Edge. The day following market days were usually extremely busy for Inarta as shifts began again, but the young Chiet was lucky this day and had managed to find time slip away for half a day of climbing, hoping to hone her skills on the most difficult cliff available. She did not know what to expect that morning as the Edge's weather could at times be unpredictable, between fierce updrafts against the cliff and even fiercer winds on the Outer side of the Edge. She silently hoped it wouldn't be too bad that morning so that she could complete the ascent and descent within the time she had and make it back to her spot with time to spare.
Her lunch had been packed as soon as she'd woken, heading to the kitchens to obtain her rations for the noon meal, scarfing down her breakfast, and then heading to the gallery to talk to one of the craftsmen about obtaining the very length of rope she'd just bartered for. Now, it was time to head to the pathway leading up to the Edge, excited to get a move on. Hey, maybe she'd run into a couple of others who might have time and they'd share in her climb that day; it was always more fun working with others than alone, afterall, and you never knew who you might encounter in the corridors of Wind Reach.