Closed Food and Fisticuffs [Silarial, Yousef]

[Tundra Training Stadium] Sliver becomes an instructor for a day, teaching a new friend and meeting a foreign face

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Food and Fisticuffs [Silarial, Yousef]

Postby Sliver on April 24th, 2013, 12:40 am


30th of Spring, 512 AV

A clear sky hung above the Stadium as Sliver walked through the entrance. A few drills were taking place on the frozen side of the arena, but she was not schedule for training under Eyrwen, at least not today.

She glanced around, wondering is Silarial was already there, then realized she was actually early to their meeting, something easy to do when one lived in the barracks just next door. The Kelvic smirked at her own folly and walked over to the snow packed side, glancing at the weapon racks. She had her wood cutting axe slung over her back, but today was not a day for weapons, which was rather good for the Kelvic was rather appalling with weaponry of any sort.

Significantly better with her hands though...

Her longer hair was kept under her hood, slowly drooping over her face as the Kelvic sat down upon the snow and began stretching. She leaned her body forward, working to touch her fingers to the tips of her toes. She held the position for a moment before pulling back, then repeating. Slowly and methodically she stretched several parts of her legs and arms while seated in the snow, only rising to pull her feet back and up, as well as to bend down and touch her toes from a vertical angle, making sure her body burned with the effort.

No good in trying to teach someone unarmed combat only to get all cramped up.

Once done Sliver glanced around. Still no Sil, huh. She rotated her wrists and ankles, shedding her outer layers and jumping lightly in the snow to promote the blood flow, smiling as she thought of how comfortable the day felt upon her newly marked Gnosis skin. Spring time in Avanthal...wonderful.

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Food and Fisticuffs [Silarial, Yousef]

Postby Silarial on April 30th, 2013, 1:58 am


It had been such hard work just to make a grumpy desert boy tag along.

The first time she had mentioned the idea of training under a competent Icewatch guard, he had holed himself up inside his room, which was originally her mom Areeyah’s room, and refused to crawl out of his tent. ‘Why does he even pitch a tent inside the arvinta in the first place?’ was what always crosses her mind whenever she saw the collapsible shelter propped up and taking up too much space.

And then there was the matter of dragging him all the way to the Stadium.

Yousef had been blatantly reluctant to come with her, and even tried to weasel his way out through lame excuses. But Silarial would not be deterred when she finally puts her mind into something. They will get that much needed training, and she will drag the taller man and turn him into a productive, though temporary, resident of Avanthal. Plus, besides the obvious benefit of knowing how to defend one’s self, Yousef probably needed the work out too. She heard that sweating removes all the negative stuff within the body like toxins and pent-up emotions, so that must be good for the both of them, right?

Grabbing her friend (though she knew that he would not admit to considering her a friend) by the wrist, she dragged him through the steady stream of people in the streets. There was quite a bit of a distance between the Snowsong Hold and the Stadium so rushing from one point to another can easily get tiring for an average person. It was somehow reassuring to know, however, that she only had to trek half the space between Frostfawn Hold and the Stadium.

After about fifteen chimes of trudging through the snow, the pair had finally reached the entrance of the massive Tundra Training Stadium. Silarial looked around as they went inside, standing out like a sore thumb among the many tough-looking people that littered the place. As she flicked her gaze throughout the area, she noticed a familiar figure at one side of the field, by what seemed to be a weapons rack.

A warm smile immediately found its way onto her face. She waved her hands enthusiastically and called out, “Sliver!! I’m heeere!” the Vantha let go of her grip on the Benshira’s hand and loped towards the woman. “Sorry, did you wait too long? I did not realize we were already very late.

When Yousef finally decided to come closer to the two women, Silarial grinned widely and stepped aside to introduce the man. “By the way, I brought a friend along. Sliver, meet my desert friend, Yousef. And you, Yousef, I told you about her before and now here she is, Sliver! She’s the one who will teach us how to fight properly, by the way.” Inclining her head a bit to the side, she tucked loose strands of hair that were too short to braid as she waited for the two to know each other’s acquaintance.

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