30th of Spring, 512 AV
A clear sky hung above the Stadium as Sliver walked through the entrance. A few drills were taking place on the frozen side of the arena, but she was not schedule for training under Eyrwen, at least not today.
She glanced around, wondering is Silarial was already there, then realized she was actually early to their meeting, something easy to do when one lived in the barracks just next door. The Kelvic smirked at her own folly and walked over to the snow packed side, glancing at the weapon racks. She had her wood cutting axe slung over her back, but today was not a day for weapons, which was rather good for the Kelvic was rather appalling with weaponry of any sort.
Significantly better with her hands though...
Her longer hair was kept under her hood, slowly drooping over her face as the Kelvic sat down upon the snow and began stretching. She leaned her body forward, working to touch her fingers to the tips of her toes. She held the position for a moment before pulling back, then repeating. Slowly and methodically she stretched several parts of her legs and arms while seated in the snow, only rising to pull her feet back and up, as well as to bend down and touch her toes from a vertical angle, making sure her body burned with the effort.
No good in trying to teach someone unarmed combat only to get all cramped up.
Once done Sliver glanced around. Still no Sil, huh. She rotated her wrists and ankles, shedding her outer layers and jumping lightly in the snow to promote the blood flow, smiling as she thought of how comfortable the day felt upon her newly marked Gnosis skin. Spring time in Avanthal...wonderful.
A clear sky hung above the Stadium as Sliver walked through the entrance. A few drills were taking place on the frozen side of the arena, but she was not schedule for training under Eyrwen, at least not today.
She glanced around, wondering is Silarial was already there, then realized she was actually early to their meeting, something easy to do when one lived in the barracks just next door. The Kelvic smirked at her own folly and walked over to the snow packed side, glancing at the weapon racks. She had her wood cutting axe slung over her back, but today was not a day for weapons, which was rather good for the Kelvic was rather appalling with weaponry of any sort.
Significantly better with her hands though...
Her longer hair was kept under her hood, slowly drooping over her face as the Kelvic sat down upon the snow and began stretching. She leaned her body forward, working to touch her fingers to the tips of her toes. She held the position for a moment before pulling back, then repeating. Slowly and methodically she stretched several parts of her legs and arms while seated in the snow, only rising to pull her feet back and up, as well as to bend down and touch her toes from a vertical angle, making sure her body burned with the effort.
No good in trying to teach someone unarmed combat only to get all cramped up.
Once done Sliver glanced around. Still no Sil, huh. She rotated her wrists and ankles, shedding her outer layers and jumping lightly in the snow to promote the blood flow, smiling as she thought of how comfortable the day felt upon her newly marked Gnosis skin. Spring time in Avanthal...wonderful.