Silver Bottom Bacco
Type: Seed-Based; Non-Flowering
Stature: Can grow to be 3 to 4 feet tall.
Color: A vibrant green stem with a speckled green-gold leaf on the outside and a silvery-white underside.
Seasonality: Seeds can be started toward the end of Winter, in a greenhouse setting, and then planted in early Spring. A crop should never be started later than the last few days of Summer.
Uses: Culinary; Medicinal; Recreational
Additional Information: Silver Bottom Bacco is considered to be the lowest grade of tobacco in Kenash and, therefore, usually fetches a modest price. It can be eaten raw, but is more often used in soups and stews. It is believed that the silver underside, when rubbed directly on the skin, can cure a variety of minor aches and pains. However, it is primarily enjoyed by being dried and then smoked within a pipe. It gives off a delightful, albeit, slightly metallic scent, and casts a silver-hued smoke.
Value: 5 sm/lb
Type: Seed-Based; Non-Flowering
Stature: Can grow to be 3 to 4 feet tall.
Color: A vibrant green stem with a speckled green-gold leaf on the outside and a silvery-white underside.
Seasonality: Seeds can be started toward the end of Winter, in a greenhouse setting, and then planted in early Spring. A crop should never be started later than the last few days of Summer.
Uses: Culinary; Medicinal; Recreational
Additional Information: Silver Bottom Bacco is considered to be the lowest grade of tobacco in Kenash and, therefore, usually fetches a modest price. It can be eaten raw, but is more often used in soups and stews. It is believed that the silver underside, when rubbed directly on the skin, can cure a variety of minor aches and pains. However, it is primarily enjoyed by being dried and then smoked within a pipe. It gives off a delightful, albeit, slightly metallic scent, and casts a silver-hued smoke.
Value: 5 sm/lb