by Philomena on May 23rd, 2013, 9:06 pm
Jen - thanks so much for the great post, it clarified a lot for me about slavery and how its working in Kenash, as well as making me think differently about the history and culture. Appreciate it!
I'm curious how other people are handling PC naming? Naming is so steeped in tradition, and family loyalties seem so important in Kenash, its made me think about the topic a lot. I suppose there is a lot of different cultures mashed together in Kenash, so perhaps naming will not be terribly universal, but I'd love to hear how other people are thinking through the naming of their families.
For my PC, I'm having her have a strong family tradition, now that she's a freeborn, so I'm giving her a long, long name: Luce Amalie Genevieve Lemaribeau Vuiterron. Of course, much like IRL, she'll never use most of this name, but I wanted to have her naming be part of her heritage. So the naming of girls in her family I'm having follow a specific pattern:
Luce: First name. These are chosen much like names IRL, and have a fair degree of the random, but to reflect the cohesivity of a family cultural tradition, I'm trying to stick with French-ish names. Of course, there's no France in Mizahar (thank goodness), so they aren't ACTUALLY french, IC, but having a pool of names that sound likle they are culturally related to the reader, I'm hoping, will give the feleling of 'they are different, but all belong together', if that makes sense?
Amalie: Mother's name. The daughter inherits the mother's first name as a second name, much like a patronymic.
Genevieve: Family Honor name. The daughter is given, for a third name, a name that honors one of her relative's achievements. Genevieve, traditionally is given as third name tot he firstborn daughter of all members of the Vuiterron in honor of the matriarch who founded the clan.
Lemaribeau: This is a tradition I've been thinking a lot about - Lemaribeau (it'd be sort of like 'Goodman' or 'Goodhusband' in english) is a Blessing name. Lemaribeau is, in the tradition of her family, a respectful way of denoting Lethe, something like how one might say "The Blessed Virgin" instead of "Mary" on earth, or "The Son of Man" instead of "Jesus". The fourth name is given to members of her family to pay homage to gods. I could come with other appellations too. For instance, if your mother wanted to ask, say, Qalaya's blessing on a daughter, she might have the blessing name of "Plumedouce" - that is 'Sweet Pen'.
Vuiterron: The name of her family (there's a bit of complication here, too, but its specific to my family bg, and probably not relevant or useful to anyone else).
Anyone else have fun ideas about naming? Or care to point out problems with mine?