This day for K so far... Had been interesting. As of lately he was trying to abstain from any sexual activities, but it seemed like the horomoned-raged boy was being attacked by girls now. It was like they knew somehow, did he have a huge invisible sign over his head saying that he was uninterested. Apparently girls were attracted to the ones that didn't want it, kinda like how he used to seduce virgins.... Gods it felt wrong on the other foot. So wrong. It had gotten so bad with the girls chasing him that he ended up running into... The Bronze Woods. Not again, why here of all places, why these wretched woods. "K why are you here? Don't you like women?" Kise asked him interrogatingly. "Yeah but... I... I don't know man." K mumbled out as he ran into the woods.
"It's just every woman out there we run into is a crazy... Bit-" K! I told you... Please..." Kise scolded softly yet firmly. "Yah... Sorry, let me rephrase that. Those women out there are savages... I just want to let it cools down a bit." He said as he moved deeper into the woods, stumbling on the occasional huge stick, trying to not touch anything. He was dressed in one of his new outfits, the only thing not so new consisting of his white cloak, flat and long barely a foot above the ground connected to his by three small chains hugging his neck. His fresh white tee shirt, accompanied by white gloves stopping at the knuckles, meshed on the palms for grip. New white cargo shorts, an elegant chain hanging over his left pocket, the shorts stopping roughly two inches under his knees.
Barely equipped for fighting all he carried on his back, was his scythe, he also had his studded gaunlets on. For everytime he came here, he was allures by a woman and it always ended up going bad. A ghost, two kelvics, a hunter, a mage... This list went on. With him being chased out by wolves, baboons, and... Gods that list when on. "Kise man... This time we won't mess with any women... I promise." K said as he passed through a clearing, giving him time to stretch as he walked. Once he began walking, he happened to turn his head to notice once more... Another girl sitting alone in the woods. She was sitting on a rock or something of some sort. Maybe a bolder, but that was unimportant.
He crept closer, a little closer, until he was literally behind a bush watching from her northeast view. She was short in stature, a simple young one, but then again her age was unknown. "K! Get out of here! She can be a killer or something." Kise yelled out in his mind. "Kise tell me... Would a killer wear such a pretty dress?" K smiled as he said it. "Oh! And would she be taking it off like that!" He was mumbling with slight grunts here and there but trying to keep it down. She had took of that elegant dress with two cloaks... Hmm nice design. Then she slid off her head band, this caused K to blush a bit as she was now in her underwear. "Oh yeah baby... Take it off..." K mumbled softly as he watched. "Kise... All I wanna do is see her get naked... Then perhaps I'll go.. Deal?" "K... More than meets the eye. Remember that." Kise said as he watched along with K.
She took off her underwear as expected, her mood seemed calm as if she didn't know he was watching. Good. She then did something so... Disgusting. So vile. So unlike anything he ever seen his heart exploded from beats. She transformed! She was a half woman snake thing... He couldn't believe his eyes, rubbing them constantly to see if his vision was affected. "K run..." Kise said as he stood there watching. "But she was so hot..." "K! Run." Kise warned once more. K had stepped on some twigs and caused a bunch of noise as he looked down, finally standing up and turning around. "K! Run!" Kise yelled out. "Petch! You ain't gotta tell me twice!" K grunted out as he ran, trying to run full speed, but slowed down by his scythe. His gaunlets and Scythe making noise was not the only problem.
His scythe had unknowingly been dragging, causing a deep yet faint line to form in the ground, tracing his movements. He was running as fast as he could but quickly tired out from the process. Finally resting and taking a break deep in the woods, in a clearing, resting on rock just like she was. Except he was exhausted, so he chose to lay down a bit, until he finally began to stretch. Sitting up on the rock would be boring, so he had jumped up, and walked back into the woods. "Ok Kise point taken. We are going home asap." K grunted out as he caught his breath. He had been walking through the woods, his gaurd down and he became lost. Taking a break as he leaned against a tree, his right knee bent as he placed his foot on it, he had his arms folded. Thinking about the sight he had witnessed.
What... What was that?