The cheers of the crowd filled her ears as she whirled around under the lead of her partner. The people dancing just earlier had made way for their performance. It was their moment, he had said, and she believed him. Silarial leaned against the taller dancer’s chest, their bodies swaying as one with the music’s easy beat. Dipping her low as she arched her back, feeling the tension on her lower back and abdomen, he whispered softly against her ear, “You’re tense. It shows in your movements.”
She was suddenly pulled up to meet his sensual gaze, and the Snowsong returned it with what she wished was a sultry enough look. Her hand caressed the side of his face as she wrapped a leg against his waist. “
Sorry, I’m not really used to this kind of dance yet.” She muttered faintly as she locked the knee of her free leg. Arkis dragged her across the floor and she held on to him in an embrace.
“That’s too tight! You’re a seductress, not a brute. At least act like one.” The man smirked as he pushed her away, never losing the connection between them through their hands. She swiveled just in front of a seated customer and Silarial winked at him playfully, lifting her arms as if she was offering herself to dance with him. Before the patron could have responded though, Arkis pulled Silarial close to him once more in a show of claiming her.
The female Snowsong pursed her lips when she faced him again. “
Who are you calling a brute? I’m a graceful, proper lady. Definitely not a brute, nor a flirt like you.” She placed her hand, that which was not resting on his shoulder, on Arkis’ bigger ones. The two of them turned on the spot, Silarial’s dark locks flowing after her as her skirt fluttered like a blooming crimson flower.
His voice rumbled in his chest as he chuckled lowly. “I’m a flirt now? I can’t wait for the next description you’re going to attach to my name.” Another pushing motion, and another pull. When her slender frame was almost against him, she lifted the leg closest to him and he effortlessly caught it with one hand. Arkis lifted her by the limb, the other hand supporting her by the waist, and spun her in place. Silarial gathered the momentum from one full revolution and lifted her other leg onto his arm.
They spun around a few more spins until the music gradually died down. He gracefully and -uncharacteristically- gently, lowered her down. The pair stood there, holding each other and foreheads touching. Silarial could feel her mentor’s hot breath on her face and it made her feel awkward. She had never been that close to a man before, and her heart beat uncontrollably fast within her chest. Be it caused by their performance or because of Arkis’ closeness, she did not know.
As if on cue, the audience roared into cheers and applause. Silarial broke away from the male Snowsong and smiled a winning smile at the cheering crowd. The hours of practice with Arkis paid off! Turning her head towards her partner, Silarial saw a strange expression on his face. It only lasted a quick instant, for his arrogant countenance was soon back in plain view. “Remember, curtsy.” He chided as he led her forward.
Yeah, yeah. You don’t need to remind me.” was her quick retort. She and Arkis bent low into a bow, and stood up to the even louder cheering from the patrons. They were shouting for an encore, and it warmed the female dancer's heart very much.
“I am sorry my dear brothers and sisters, but my beautiful partner here needs a quick break,” Silarial’s head flew to his direction and gave him a questioning look, but he pressed her hand hard to shut her up. “However, feel free to take the floor once again and dance to your hearts’ content!” He did a quick incline of his head and they stepped away from their makeshift stage.
Silarial wanted to ask him what happened, but he brushed her off and pushed his way out the tavern in a hurry. “
Arkis…” she whispered to herself as she stared after his retreating figure. She didn’t know what exactly made him that way, but she noticed that he was beginning to act strangely the last few days they were together. Did she do something wrong?
Left on her own as the people rushed to the clearing with the intent of continuing their earlier dance, Silarial made her way to the bar and sat in the furthest vacant stool. She sighed. Her friend was no longer working in the tavern; she had already left Avanthal just a few days ago. Now Arkis went ahead and left her without any explanations. Quite suddenly, Silarial realized she didn’t have anyone to go to anymore.
I’m all alone now, huh…” she sighed as she leaned her head on her arms over the counter. She wished she knew what was running through that man's mind. It would make things a lot more easier between them.