Basic Information Race: Human Birthday & Age : Season of Summer, Day 52, 492 AV (18 years of age) Gender: Female Physical Description Standing at only five feet and three inches, Azilis is sometimes mistaken for younger than she actually is. Slender and unmuscled, she appears harmless – but don't let that fool you; her mind makes up for her lack of physical presence. She keeps her red hair, which is several inches past her shoulders, loose most of the time, and her eyes are a pale blue; the mark of an Inarta, her father once told her, although she thinks that the tales her father tells about Inarta ancestry from several generations past are just talk and nothing more. Not really one for the sunlight, Azilis' complexion is almost pasty. Her features are finely formed, thin and delicate though not angular. She likes pretty clothes, but not enough to squander sensibility. Character Concept A lover of knowledge, Azilis is disciplined in her quest to learn and firmly believes that knowledge is, in fact, power. Although she doesn't seek out social situations, she doesn't mind them and likes having close friends and meaningful conversation. Azilis has a dry wit that some find off-putting and can sometimes be argumentative without intending, as she is fiercely independent and likes to do things her own way, thank you very much. In her quest for knowledge, she can become overeager and see issues in black and white before exploring the shades of gray. Although she's no great athlete, she enjoys horseback riding as it affords her a chance to be alone with her thoughts. She is also a lover of good music and plays old Syliran folk music that her mother taught her on her heirloom harp. Ethics: Azilis is a religious woman and was raised to respect the gods before anything else. Unless she's got a really good reason to do so, she won't break the law. Likes: Good books, her harp, and intelligent conversation. She's also enthralled by the idea of magic and would like to learn how to use it more; her father Corentin taught her the basics of Auristics, but she doesn't know any more than that. Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, due to her upbringing in Nyka; Zith, as her family was once attacked by them and her younger sister was taken into slavery; people who are ignorant or disrespectful of learning. Character History Azilis Relia Theroulde was born in Nyka on the fifty-second day of summer, the first daughter of Corentin Theroulde, a teacher and studious priest of Eyris, and Aedrys Boreal, a musician of Rhaus. Her father Corentin, along with his younger sister Annaeg, was a native Nykan; although Annaeg admired the monks and eventually became an acolyte of Skerr, Corentin never felt called to serve one of the four Alvina. Aedrys had also grown up in the city; her parents had been wheat farmers in the Nykan farmlands. Though neither Corentin nor Aedrys ever served the Celestials, they were both deeply religious, and felt a mysterious bond with the city despite the violence that they abhorred. Corentin dedicated himself to Eyris early in life, burying himself in his studies and becoming a talented Aurist. Aedrys was a skilled harpist reknowned for the beauty of both the songs she composed and her physical appearance. They married in early 487 A.V., setting up a household in Skerr's quarter, where Corentin's sister Annaeg always managed to make sure they were well-fed even in times of famine. Although they were not rich, they were happy, and greeted the birth of Azilis' brother Sylvair with joy. Azilis arrived four years after her brother, in 492 A.V., and Thaelia, the youngest, was born in 494. Even as a young girl, Azilis showed a propensity for following in her parents' footsteps and respecting the pursuit of knowledge. She often dogged her father to the magic classes he taught, and her mother began to teach her the harp as soon as she was old enough to grasp the instrument properly. However, when Azilis was ten years old, Annaeg got into an altercation with a priest of Uphis and was mortally wounded. Her parents were shocked at her aunt's death and afraid that one of their children might someday follow in her footsteps and die young. A month after Annaeg was buried, they packed their possessions and left in a caravan with other émigrés for Zeltiva, where Corentin had secured a position as a professor of Auristics at the University of Zeltiva. But tragedy struck again on the journey, when the caravan was attacked by a small pack of Zith who had strayed to the north of their usual territory to prey on travelers. Thaelia was abducted by the Zith and presumably enslaved, while Aedrys, who had been pregnant, miscarried and almost died. The events of that night caused a rift in the family that never quite healed. However, it awoke in Azilis a vociferous need to learn, especially magic, so that she might be prepared to deal with whatever situations she was thrown into later in life. She began to seriously study Auristics under her father's tutelage, and when they arrived in Zeltiva she fell in love with the erudite and accomplished people of the University. Her mother, who had been sickly ever since the journey to Zeltiva, continued to grow weak and finally died two years after Thaelia's abduction. She bequeathed to Azilis her heirloom harp, which had been passed down from mother to eldest daughter for several generations and was rumored to be blessed by Rhaus. At present, Azilis is continuing her education at the University and exploring how to accomplish the impossible with magic. Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Lores: Lore of Syliran Folk Music Lore of Zeltiva Novice Methods of Changing one's Aura (The Professor's Daughter) The Possibility of Simultaneous Seeing Between Two People (The Professor's Daughter) The Difficulties of Travel (In the Forests of the Night) Finding Comfort in Song (In the Forests of the Night) The Merciless Wilds (In the Forests of the Night) Confronting a Zith (In the Forests of the Night) The Responsibility of Survival (In the Forests of the Night) Overgiving (In the Forests of the Night) The Contagious Effects of Fear (In the Forests of the Night) Speculating about Important Events (In the Forests of the Night) Seeing Another Side to a Loved One (In the Forests of the Night) How Tragedy Changes Lives and Personalities (In the Forests of the Night) Experimental Magecrafting (Magecrafting Like Butter) Practicality Breeds Success! (Magecrafting Like Butter) Basic Magecrafting Theories (Magecrafting Like Butter) Djed Theory [Minor] (Magecrafting Like Butter) Languages Spoken: Fluent in Common Basic in Nari Poor in Pavi Equipment and Possessions 1 set of clothing: pale blue dress, navy corset, white shift, embroidered navy cloak, black walking shoes 1 waterskin 1 backpack (containing a set of toiletries, food for a week, flint and steel, and an eating knife) The Boreal Harp, inherited from her mother, Aedrys Boreal Basic Zeltivan Cottage Housing, containing a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table Ledger 100 Gold Mizas -45 G.M. (Summer living expenses) _______ 55 G.M. Thread List Threads Historical [Flashback] In the Forests of the Night [Closed] - The Wildlands, Late Summer, 503 A.V. In which the Therouldes are attacked and lose a family member and Azilis learns the dangers of magic use. Completed, XP awarded: 2 XP Harp, 1 XP Singing, 1 XP Dagger, 1 XP Leadership, 2 XP Auristics. Lore: The Difficulties of Travel, Finding Comfort in Song, The Merciless Wilds, Confronting a Zith, The Responsibility of Survival, Overgiving, The Contagious affects of Fear, Speculating about Important Events, Seeing Another Side to a Loved One, How Tragedy Changes Lives and Personalities [Flashback] The Professor's Daughter [Hadrian] - Zeltiva, 1st Summer, 507 A.V. In which Azilis meets Hadrian and they practice auristics and meditation. Completed, XP awarded: 5 XP Auristics, 4 XP meditation. Lore: Novice methods of changing one's Aura; Possibility of simultaneous Seeing between two people. [Flashback] Seeing and Touching [Hadrian] - Zeltiva, 8th Summer, 507 A.V. In which Azilis and Hadrian meet again to explore the Flux, meditate, and talk magic. Complete. [Flashback] Magecrafting Like Butter [Hadrian] - Zeltiva, 15th Summer, 507 A.V. In which Azilis and Hadrian meet a third time to enchant a butter knife. Completed, XP awarded. Summer, 510 A.V. A New City [Open] - Zeltiva, 12th Summer, 510 A.V. In which Azilis meets Aidemma, Kale, Chiri, and Sllarai. [University - Wright Library] Professor Stonemiller- Zeltiva, 35th Summer, 510 A.V. In which Azilis begins her magical education at the University of Zeltiva. Completed, XP Awarded: 1 XP Auristics. [University Lab] Golden Concoctions [Argos/Open] -Zeltiva, 50th Summer, 510 A.V. |