Flashback [Seaside Market]City of Theives[Kreig Messer]

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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[Seaside Market]City of Theives[Kreig Messer]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 3rd, 2013, 2:17 pm

30 Spring 491

It was Rykanis first stay in Sunberth. And to be honest, he was a bit lost. He likely could find his way back to the exit, and from there back to this place, but finding anything new? That would be tricky.

He had spent a good bit of his life in Riverfall, and knew its streets quite well... But this was a new town. And the only way he would learn the lay of the streets and city, was to walk it. Anyone who planned to stay for any length of time, would do that.

This was for several reasons. Being able to find things was one. Being able to get away should trouble arise, was another. And the first rule of secrecy, stealth, and escape, was to know were the streets went, all the entrances and exits.

So it was on this day, that he found himself in a open market, which reminded him of the one back home. Except... These people seemed a bit more... Shifty. He did not dare buy anything from the looks of them. And from what he could observe, they were not selling the greatest of items.

This was a clear distinction from the market back in Riverfall, were quality was strictly enforced, as was license to sell... Which did not seem the case in this place. Rykanis had just ended up circling back around a path, only to see that in one spot were a merchant had been selling his wares, a completely different man was now there selling the same stuff, with a few new items added.

Rykanis made sure to keep a watchful eye of anyone trying to get to close, or to rob him. Long training as a spy and gatherer of info made this easier for him. And having the whispered advice of the shadows, did help also.

He was armed as always, with a pair of lakan in his scabbards... Though he hoped this would stay peaceful, and he would not need to use them.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rykanis Dakshata
Posts: 353
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Joined roleplay: March 21st, 2012, 2:10 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Akalak
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