Flashback [Kendoka Sasaran]A Lesson Earned[Felavik]

Akalaks learn lessons by paying blood and sweat

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Kendoka Sasaran]A Lesson Earned[Felavik]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 5th, 2013, 9:11 pm

Rykanis had managed to bash his foe in the head with his lakan, just before he was tackled. It had not done a ton of damage, but it had been enough to stun his foe for a moment.

It also gave him the time he needed to recover from the ground, as his foe also had to spend a few moments recovering in a different way.

Which left him to do his roll in peace, and to pop back into a fighting position. He was likely to have a sore chest in the morning, what with getting struck by the youths hard skull.

He was expecting the youth to come at him, but instead he held out his hand, and dropped his lakan upon the floor, leaving himself without a weapon. Apparently, he had decided to fight with fist, instead of blade.

And while Rykanis was decent enough at fighting unarmed, he was much better still when using his lakan. So he had no motivation to disarm himself also.

A smile still on his face, Rykanis did several things at once, in response to the mans challenge.

Rykanis took a step forward with his left leg, planting it firmly on the ground. Then he let out a cry, "Ha!!!" Yelling at the boy. He threw his left lakan aimed at the boys wide open chest, and then pushed off with his left foot to do a forward jumping kick aimed at the same chest, while he was preoccupied with the lakan.

If it struck, he would push off of the boys chest and leap back a few feet, possibly knocking the younger smaller Akalak down and flat on the floor. If it missed, he would turn it into a forward tucking roll, and attempt to pop up behind him, and slash him in the head with his remaining lakan.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]A Lesson Earned[Felavik]

Postby Felavik Dysodamus on May 6th, 2013, 1:09 pm

Except honour. Honour would have been his motivation and that was what Felavik had expected. He had not expected a Lakan to be flung in his face. That wasn't to say however that he did not know how to adapt to such a thing. Felavik dropped suddenly to the floor. The Lakan and the man sailed over him.

Felavik reached out grabbed his dropped lakan and swivelled around in time to block his opponent's lakan. He brought his foot up from under him in a swift kick to the man's elbow. If it connected he would follow through with his lakan (which would now be free since he had temporarily disabled the man's elbow (if that kick hit of course)) attempting to swipe across the side of the head.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]A Lesson Earned[Felavik]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 6th, 2013, 5:33 pm

The younger Akalak dropped flat to the floor. Even so, Rykanis barely missed with his kick, since it had been aimed lower at the chest of his foe. It was only his smaller size that had saved him, and only just.

As Rykanis passed, he tucked into a roll, leaning forward and curling into a ball, and tilting so that his right shoulder struck the ground and kept his head clear. After doing the forward roll, he landed on his feet, and popped up out of it by extending his formerly bent knees to their full extension. Then he would quickly swivel on the spot to turn and face his foe.

In the time it had taken for him to do this, Felavik had grabbed up his formerly dropped lakan, and regained his feet, were he blocked the blow of Rykanis lakan strike.

However he then attempted to kick Rykanis in the lakan holding arms elbow. Which might have worked... If his other arm had been unoccupied. Instead, all it ended up doing was him sacrificing his footing, and possibly relinquishing control of that leg to Rykanis.

Without even thinking about it, by pure reflex, Rykanis darted his left hand into position with a palm thrust, slapping his open palm near the youths ankle, to stop the kick before it reached his arm.

Then he would attempt to clamp down on his ankle with his aforementioned left palm, and grab his leg. If he managed to do that, he would yank on the leg straight up, which if successful would force him to fall backward, unseated from his stance.

It all fell down to something Rykanis had learned long ago. Never give up your footing, and your firm stance on the ground, if it meant your foe could possibly gain control of that limb. For if they could, the advantage was clearly theirs, and they could unseat you at their leisure. Perhaps it was time for the youth to learn this lesson, that is was hard to stand without any feet on the ground.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]A Lesson Earned[Felavik]

Postby Felavik Dysodamus on May 12th, 2013, 9:03 am

Felavik thought he had him that time but once again his opponent outsmarted him by grabbing his ankle with his other hand. Just as Felavik was wondering if he could knee the man with his other leg the harsh cry of his Uncle could be heard.

Felavik! What on Riverfall are you doing?” His Uncle exclaimed. He had been passing by the sparring room looking for Felavik when he had noticed the boy locked in combat with a man many years his senior. Felavik's senior anyway. Uncle Artimel was blue as well and, in many respects, was very similar in looks to Felavik. He could almost have been his father.

Felavik looked to his opponent; to his Uncle; to his opponent; finally to his Uncle again. “Sparring, Sir.” He wiggled his leg as if to ask for it back from his opponent.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]A Lesson Earned[Felavik]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 17th, 2013, 12:17 pm

Rykanis had not gotten the name of the man, so he did not know his own, but seeing as he had responded to the man shouting the name, he could only assume that was the Akalaks name. Felavik.

He silently tucked the name away for later, a small nugget of information. Or more to the point, his other side did. Rykanis himself did not much care for it, no he was much more preoccupied with the fight.

It was him to convince Rykanis to let go of the youths leg, instead of yanking it. After all, having a Akalak, young or not, in your good graces, and owing you one for helping you to save face in front of your elder... That was always good.

As Felavik wiggled his foot, he squeezed it a bit harder for a moment, and then released it, and took a step back. He then searched around for his other practice lakan, which he would need to return to the Sasaran, it was not his after all.

Once he found it, he would walk back over, and look over at Felavik.

"So Felavik, who is this? Why do you not introduce me?"

Rykanis himself had yet to say his name, he simply smiled at the youth. Would he admit that not only was he sparring, and losing to him, he also did not even know the mans name? Or would he attempt to hide his lack of knowledge? Rykanis was interested to see what he would do.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]A Lesson Earned[Felavik]

Postby Felavik Dysodamus on June 28th, 2013, 11:00 pm

Felavik glared when finally he had his leg back not appreciating the joke. “Uh, greetings Uncle Artimel. I was just sparring with this older gentleman.” Felavik shot a mischeivious eye Rykanis' way when he said older.

“I am Artimel; Son of Soryn, Grandson of Dysodamus. May you live long and extend your blood. I would very much like to know how this all occurred but, for the moment, I am afraid we are late to a prior engagement. Good day.” And without asking so much as Rykanis' name Uncle Artimel disappeared from the doorway.

Felavik grunted shaking his head. “Sorry about that. Uncle Artimel doesn't like to chat much. I'm Felavik by the way. It was nice sparring with you.” Felavik grinned at the old man, bowed and left also. It would not do to keep Uncle Artimel waiting...
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[Kendoka Sasaran]A Lesson Earned[Felavik]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 30th, 2013, 1:33 am

Rykanis was a bit unsure of what had just happened. Apparently the mans odd uncle had come bursting into their spar, interrupting it.

It had seemed to be going on well enough, Rykanis had just gotten the upper hand, and had captured the younger Akalaks leg. But now it had ended.

He of course was not one to be rude to his elders, so he nodded, and allowed them to go off, noting his name, Felavik. The next time they met, their battle would not be ended so prematurely. He also noted the other Akalaks name, which was much longer.

Rykanis would spar on with one or two more Akalaks, but his energy was just not in it. How could it be, when he was wondering about the odd nature of the end of his prior spar? Soon enough, he would leave, the mystery bubbling away in his skull.

-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]A Lesson Earned[Felavik]

Postby Magpie on July 16th, 2013, 2:04 pm

Rykanis :
Weapon: Lakan +5
Dual Wield +2
Observation +2
Brawling +3
Tactics +1
Acrobatics +1

If you Spar, Spar Hard
Don't Kick a Man When He's Down
Knowing When to Disarm
Never Give Up Your Footing
Toying With the Loser
Felavik: Akalak with the Odd Uncle

Felavik :
Observation +3
Tactics +2
Weapon: Lakan +2
Brawling +1
Unarmed Combat +1

Asking for a Spar
Going All Out is Always an Option
Acknowledging When a Maneuver Didn't Work
Not All Opponents Will Disarm When You Do

Notes :
An interesting little spar, good on both of you for being accurate with experience levels. Looking forward to seeing you go at it again!

If you have any questions or concerns about what was awarded, please don't hesitate to PM me.
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