That little brown book.

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Feel free to start IC Journaling in this forum. Each character is allowed threads here where they can store notes they learn IC, facts, or even talk about their feelings and inner thoughts. Journals don't need to be in written form, they be anything you as a player thinks suits the personality of the Characte.r

That little brown book.

Postby Ehati on May 4th, 2013, 12:17 pm

First of Spring, Year Five-Hundred and Thirteen After the Valterrian

There is an air of sadness and anxiety in Syliras, as though the Sylirans still think disaster might strike. Today, of all days, do I share their fears. It feels as though things are going to happen this season, things that both bode good and ill for my fair city. I don't know if I should be prepared to be happy or if I should ready myself for sadness. It would be easier if I knew what to expect, and when to expect it, and of course how best I might avert it.

The new squires initiated from the pages are showing promise, however they are much looser in their activities than I ever was when I was a squire. I suppose it comes with youth. Children in Wind Reach were puffed up, overzealous, flighty little chicks as well. I should have expected the children of Syliras to be no different, yet I expected them to be more cultured without the threat of sudden death over their heads every day. Maybe they are spoiled, I do not know. I am happy I have already joined the ranks of the knights, even if I must await my knighting quest, so I do not have to be lumped in with these children who pull their antics. No one could mistake me for a child, or so I hope.

It's amusing. I've never kept a journal before, but my sponsor once suggested I take one to record what I go through in it. I suppose that now she is dead I am taking one to honour her memory. Trivial, really. Where she is, she doesn't care. It doesn't stop me from feeling awkward writing this, however. I shan't write it like it was a book, of course, but writing like these are my thoughts is disconcerting at best.

I suppose I am done, for now. I shall write more some other day.
Sera Ehati, 3rd Wing, Orange Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron.
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That little brown book.

Postby Ehati on May 6th, 2013, 2:21 am

Thirteenth of Spring

Since I've already written the year on the first page, I don't feel like writing it out again on every single entry I put in this book. I've decided, over the past ten days or so, that I will also place letters I've recieved in this book, to better keep everything nice and organised. If somebody should ever send me a letter, that is.

It's been an uneventful Spring so far, although there have been rumours of a knight... a Rogue Knight, as he is likely to be titled by any Syliran you happen to ask. I don't know much about him but that he is, well, rogue. If that's a bad thing or a good thing I do not know. I shall find out one day, I suppose. If Aquila would ever share with us what she knows about this Rogue Knight, I might be more likely to act. I hope he doesn't kill anybody, though.
Sera Ehati, 3rd Wing, Orange Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron.
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That little brown book.

Postby Eridanus on May 8th, 2013, 1:56 pm

To: Ehati // Apartment 303, Stormhold Castle, Syliras
From: Syreus Ehm Sol // Nirvana, Kabrin Road, The Wildlands
Sent Date: Day 8, Spring of 513 AV
Received Date: Day 16, Summer of 513 AV
Response From: Network Registry

Greetings Sera Ehati,

Thank you for indicating your interest.

I am concerned, however, of your affiliation with the Knights. Would they not allow secondary or freelance employment outside of your knightly duties for fear of it distracting you from your primary job?

If not, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I may make a visit to Syliras some time soon, and I look forward to grabbing a drink or two if you're free then.

Syreus Ehm Sol
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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That little brown book.

Postby Ehati on June 27th, 2013, 7:40 am

Twentieth of Summer

I guess I have to get used to keeping one of these books. I do not know why I am bothering in writing in this one, but I am tolerating the necessity right now. I have many emotions in me I do not know how to cope with outside of the reckless violence that would have me killed if I still lived in Skyinarta.

I miss Skyinarta some days, more so today than the past few seasons.

The reason for my irritation is the findings my Wing have been uncovering in the woods. Corpses stripped bare of their hides have been found, unwounded but for the blows it took to take these beasts down, left to rot and waste. The beasts of the woods were one thing, but when we began to find the plucked corpses of birds...

There is no greater wrath in my heart except for that which I set aside for poachers and murderers of birds. There is a part of me that wants to go out there and kill every single hunter that does not make good use of their kills, but the logical side of me that admires purity and faith trusts in that my superiors will not let this slip their notice. Hopefully, I am in the group they choose to send after these cruel, ignorant beings.
Sera Ehati, 3rd Wing, Orange Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron.
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