Leda Leda smiled with amusement at Akilia's reply on the subject of danger - it was such a bare-faced, childish response and said with such an air of innocence that it could not help but warm Leda to the girl. "It's nice to meet you all too..." Alabast certainly seemed charming and genuine, with a pleasant face and a cheeky grin, and it was nice to see someone admitting they didn't know something instead of making wild guesses. "A surname can be all the rage in some parts of the world, yes. I acquiesce to the truthfulness of your comment. It does not, however, mean one should follow blindly the rules which society has lain down before us, especially when those rules negate our well-being, created by the tiny percentage of the population which rules the roost. Society was created to keep the higher classes at the top and the lower classes at the bottom, and the importance of a surname is part of the illusion created by those in power to insure that those whom they see as inferiors, quite wrongly, will think that it is a standard and hence will not take up arms to draw them out. To suck them and spit them out like one spits the venom out of a wound." Leda let her tone both suggest a severe seriousness and cynical humour, and she was lightly smiling, "Who knows? I don't hunger for a proletariat revolution but it might do a world of good to some of those who are just a little too comfortable with their position." She then turned her mind over to Ehati's other comment on surnames which she had received with a stab of wounded pride on behalf of those, including herself, who were born out of the bonds of marriage, "Should a bastard be ashamed? How very dispirited of you. I have never met a bastard who found themselves one by choice. Then again, maybe you hold much more store by a person's ancestry than by their personal value. It is a shame, admittedly, if it were the case, but I dare venture that it would not surprise me. You seem to be a pillar in a community which holds up an imposed hierarchy which apparently I have no right to criticise." Leda had played around the subject long enough in her eyes, "If you must know, my surname is Oceanripple. Hardly as sophisticated as some, but it is a common sort of name amongst the Svefra." Leda listened to her talk of predators and prey with good humour. "We are all prey, and most of us are predators... just to varying extents. I should not like to be wholly prey for, though that would be giving myself up to a most charming tragic melancholy, I'm afraid others should find such a pose tedious and pretentious. As for predator? Why would anyone play the part of a hawk plucking songbirds, such as the Cerulean Warbler which Akilia mentioned, out of the sky? For though a hawk is beautiful, and so is the passage of life and death, is there not something horrifically ugly in that which destroys beauty in others? Or maybe it will turn out not to be a hawk at all... just another mockingbird." She said the last with pointedness, her dulcet, musical voice sinking deeply into some of the more meaningful words. "Cuckoo spit isn't really a weed. It is the froth created by some sort of insect on a plant, and it is named Cuckoo Spit." Leda paused and looked back at the tree, tempted to clamber clumsily back into its great branches, where she had been sitting only minutes before the red-haired cow with the voice of a fishwife started darkening her thoughts, before turning back to Ehati, unabashedly looking straight at her, "You assume that you know a lot more about the forest than us. You also assume that you are obviously of a higher rank than any of us here present and that gives you the right to be rude. Perhaps you do and you probably are but, to be perfectly candid - and I always believe one should be candid if ever one has anything unpleasant to say - you also seem to vastly overestimate your own skill and talent. I suggest you keep a slice of the advice which you offer so freely, especially since most people are willing to give you respect from the outset... unless you treat them with disdain." Leda sighed lightly. Maybe if she had been born in Syliras, had been bred there, she would have been more wary of the woman, but relatively-speaking, she looked harmless and Leda had far greater things to worry about. She had not been born and bred in Syliras but on the sea. When one was used to the true fear and deadliness of being caught in a huge storm, and making potentially deadly spur of the moment decisions, not showing any ill-deserved deference to a loudmouth Inarta didn't seem such a risky move. Leda stared at the woman for a bit, trying to figure her out, and a little ashamed as to how far she had gone with a perfect stranger. After all, many people only seemed arrogant and proud on the outside to hide weakness or timidity - it really was unfair to form a concrete judgment of someone so quickly. "Now there's an atmosphere and I hate an atmosphere..." Best to change the subject, "Otaki is a pretty name. How long have you had him?" |