The chat was kinda dead so.....
(14:11:47) ChatBot: Eleazar_Victor_Syroin logs into the Chat.
(14:14:14) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: G'day chat.
(14:16:50) ChatBot: Velkano has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:18:32) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: G'day a very dead chat......
(14:18:54) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Everyone away writing?
(14:19:33) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: That's probably a good thing...
(14:19:58) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Does make the chat kinda lonely...
(14:19:59) ChatBot: Sabrina_Fisher has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:20:15) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Oh only two left....
(14:20:44) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: I guess I'll just keep talking to myself then?
(14:21:43) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Then again I still need to organize where my alt is going...
(14:22:02) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: And reply to a few things....
(14:22:27) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: And revise for my Maths exam on wednesday....
(14:23:01) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: I should really be doing other things to be honest....
(14:24:08) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: A silent chat is really unnerving...
(14:24:52) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: It's like being home alone on a cold dark night.......
(14:25:18) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Having just seen a horror movie.....
(14:25:29) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Every creak.
(14:25:36) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Every groan.
(14:25:44) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Every tap against the window.
(14:25:57) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Sends you scurrying under the bed covers.
(14:26:16) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: To hide from the imagined monsters......
(14:26:28) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Hiding in your mind.....
(14:26:35) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Just out of sight.....
(14:27:03) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Waiting for you to fall asleep.....
(14:27:09) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: or turn your back......
(14:27:23) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Then softly....
(14:27:29) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Softly....
(14:27:35) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: They come for you.....
(14:27:50) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: ...
(14:28:01) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Why do I keep adding dots?
(14:28:07) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Dramatic effect?
(14:28:12) ChatBot: Sabrina_Fisher logs into the Chat.
(14:28:17) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Meh. Well whatever.
(14:28:32) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Hello?
(14:28:35) Sabrina_Fisher: I have a question about NPCs
(14:28:46) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: A LIVE PERSON!!!
(14:28:52) Eleazar_Victor_Syroin: Sure go ahead
(14:29:00) Sabrina_Fisher: lol