Completed Making Breakfast

Artur meets with his coworker to share breakfast, and learns how to make it as well.

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

Making Breakfast

Postby Artur on May 11th, 2013, 8:35 am

Making Breakfast
Spring 2nd, 513 AV; 11th Bell

'I'm late! I'm late, I'm late, I'm so late!' Artur ran as fast as his legs could, though they were still exhausted from yesterday's little misadventures. He was suppose to have woken up a bell ago to meet with Lounel at the Rose, but his sleeping habit got the better of him as the bear wasn't use to waking up everyday. When he turned on the street the Rose was believed to be on, Artur silently praised his luck as he saw his new acquantiance still hadn't left yet. When he finally reached Lounel gasps for air were frequent, as he had little air in his lungs to spit an apology.

"Had trouble finding the place?" Lounel mused with a grin, his brown eyes now on the bear. Artur took a few deep breathes to regain some small amount of control, so he could finally speak to his new teacher of food.

"Slept in... too long... I'm not used to waking up early nowadays." He panted while he regained some small amount of control, finally he straightened up an placed his hands at his waist. His chest and abdomen heaved steadily with each deep intake of air he made, a steady breath release helped calm the demands his lungs made for more. "So what are we doing?"

"Follow me, we'll eat breakfast at my place." Lounel waved for Artur to follow as he began to turn and walk on, Artur took a moment before he began to follow.

"Good cause I am starving!" He raved with enthusiasm, ready to get cooking in another kitchen. Yesterday had been an evenfull day, and the fact he knew how to slice vegies now and toss a decent salad, it gave him a sense of accomplishment in the end. Knowing that he had finally began his pursuit in the knowledge of good food, that was the most exciting part of the path he was now treading down.
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Making Breakfast

Postby Artur on May 15th, 2013, 6:48 am

Artur followed Lounel a little ways down the street until they arrived at a worn building, when they continued inside Artur found himself intrigued to find that Lounel actually lived here. There were some cushioned seats in a common area for comfort, with a dining table between it and the small kitchen area. Lounel had a small area for counterspace with an iron stove to cook with. When the bear followed the man he expected the how to be big and extravagant as the Rose, but as he looked at the entire room and its simplicity he nodded. Lounel was just like him, a simple cook wanting to make his art to share. "Nice place!" He exclaimed as they went on to the kitchen area, Lounel chuckled a bit when Artur said that.

"It ain't nothing but a place to rest your head, wait here while I get the ingredients together." He pointed next to his counter area as he went on into another room near the kitchen area, a couple of chimes passed when he finally returned with arms full of random things. Artur looked at him surprised, curious about what he had as it was all placed neatly and sorted.

'I smell... I smell meat. A strange kind of meat.' There was a sliver of pinkish meat that made him lick his lips, his stomach gave a low growl as he stared at it. "Bacon is better cooked trust me," Lounel mentioned as he fumbled around in his cabinets. Finally he pulled out a small pewter bowl and a dining fork, and handed them to Artur. "You'll be getting the eggs ready." He grabbed one of four white round orbs, and tapped it against the side of the bowl. Artur was amazed to see the egg crack apart as the liquidy ooze slipped into the bowl, another orb fell out of it but it was yellow this time. "That's called yolk, its the good part of the egg. The inside is yolk, outside is the shell."

"Inside yolk, outside shell." Artur repeated with a grin, Lounel gave him a funny look too.

"Do the same thing I did with the other three eggs, make sure there's no small pieces of a shell in there; and when you do," He took the bowl and fork and acted as though he were stirring the egg, "Whip it all until its a solid bright yellow. I'll be getting a fire started for the stove." He handed the bowl to Artur and laid the fork on the counter, and went back into the other room again to get some wood. Artur took one of the three remaining eggs left, he eyed the white orb curiously as he tapped it a few times. He then tested the shell with a few light presses against it with his thumb, and wondered how Lounel cracked the shell so easily. He then gave it medium effort only to find that his thumb broke through the shell, and felt the slimey oozy liquid that rested within.

"Oh," He muttered under his breath in astonishment, "Oh whoops. Wow!" A silent exclamaition as he slowly pulled his thumb out, the clear liquid felt weird as it stuck to his thumb. He looked over his shoulder to find Lounel hadn't come back yet, and tilted the egg to where the yolk slipped right out of the hole he made. Thankfully the bowl was under it when he did, as a small splat was heard in the dish. Artur looked at the yellow orb again in awe as he wiped his thumb on his shirt. He grabbed another and thought about how Lounel did it earlier, the way he tapped it against the rim of the bowl was quick and hard enough to make a good crack. From there he split the shell apart if Artur recalled, which meant he had to do the same thing. Artur raised the egg above the rim and did a count down, a hand on the bowl to make sure it wouldn't go flying. When he brought the egg down he nearly smashed the whole thing completely through, the liquid and yolk ran free into the bowl. 'Whoops...' Some of the clear substance went over the outside of the bowl, and leaked onto the counter as Lounel came to see his progress.

"Not so hard tiger." He gave a wink and grin as he went over to the stove, Artur looked over his shoulder once more as he touched the clear substance on the counter. His stomach was empty and he wanted an early taste at what he would be eating. So he tried the little bit on his finger, and grimaced as he found the taste aweful. His fascination died down as he tried to keep from making noises, and he took the last remaining egg and did it with less force to avoid another spill. When he split apart the egg after he cracked it, the yolk flopped right in with the rest, and Artur almost admired the accomplishment of cracking eggs. That is until he noticed small fragments were in the the bowl, and the yolk of the egg he almost completely smashed ran free.

"Lo-Lou! I think I killed it!" He said as he turned to the man, the cook only looked up at him from the stove as he was getting the wood situation. "This one is bleeding its yellow stuff. I think I may have killed it." Lounel laughed as he stood up to look in the bowl, a wide smile on his face as he thought it funny.

"Artur its just yolk, you can't hurt it or kill it. I would suggest using your finger to get out the small pieces of shell though, I'll get the jug of milk ready after I get the wood going." He explained as he kept himself from laughing, Artur thought it odd that yolk could bleed. Only living things tended to bleed, so how could it be that something that isn't living can bleed? He didn't ponder on the subject for long, as he had to work on getting the fragments out. For some reason his finger would get close to touching a piece, and then that piece would move away as if the substance toyed with him. This nearly flustered him as he bit on his lip for a short while, he concentrated on sliding the piece up the bowl and out of the ooze. After many tries and several successes all the shell pieces were out!

Crackles could be heard as Artur finally looked over his shoulder again, the stove had a fire going inside as Lounel came back from his pantry room with a small pewter cup of milk. "Add this in there and whip the fork around to beat the eggs, that'll mix the two together." He instructed further after he poured the milk in, Artur nodded and held the bowl close with his arm. He took the fork and began to rotate his hand and wrist in a clockwise motion. When he looked to Lounel the man gestured for Artur to rotate faster, and so Artur picked up the speed in his arm as he continued to beat the yolk. He watched as the yellow orbs seemed to vanish as they became mixed with the milk, the substance somehow blended together to make a solid bright yellow just as Lounel said. 'Whoooaaa.' His eyes bulged with surprise as he fell in awe.

"Solid work, now lets get to the fun part." He stated as he took the bowl and placed it on the counter, he went over to the bacon afterwards and Artur followed with curiosity. His stomach reminded him he was hungry when he did, but he only had to be a little more patient now; food was on its way.
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Making Breakfast

Postby Artur on May 21st, 2013, 6:16 am

Lounel stripped the bacon and tore it up here and there, then set it to the side as he took the bowl of eggs. Artur watched him closely as he poured the yellowy substance into the frying pan, a sizzling sound could be heard in the heated frying pan. Lounel then took a white rock and pinched a small piece off, and gritted his fingers over the eggs as white grains of powder fell in. "Salt is main ingredient that makes everything better. Usually just a pinch, maybe two, and you're good." He explained as he reached for a jar with black flakey powder. "Pepper is another useful ingredient too." He smirked as he took a pinch and repeated the process, to Artur the eggs looked like they had small ants or something in them. Lounel took a metal spatula and scooped it under the eggs, flipping a bit of it over as the whole substance became seperated, he continued to do this until the liquidy yellow substance became a solid fluffly yellow and white, then moved them over to a large pewter plate.

"Now we get the bacon going." He enthused with another smirk, as he scrambled the pieces of bacon he tore apart into the pan. It took about several chimes, but the bacon then started to sizzle too. Enough for this liquid substance to ooze from the meaty goodness and pop rather loudly.

"What is that?" He inquired curiously as he scooted back a bit, a cautious move just to make sure the pops would cause the substance to fly out at him.

"Bacon grease. Some meats you cook will render it, you gotta be careful when it pops like this because it can burn." He warned as he flipped some of the strips with a caliper. He looked to Artur with interested as the bear became curious, a delicious aroma of pork started to fill the room. "The thing you have to absolutely remember when it comes to cooking, the heat you use has to be just right for the food. Too low and your dish won't cook thoroughly, too high then it gets overdone quickly. It's all about time and heat." He explained to Artur, the bear nodded as he made a mental note on that. After a good amount of chimes passed Lounel took a rag and grabbed the handle of the pan, and moved it off the stove. He scooped out the bacon which had taken a dark red color now that it had been cooked, and placed the strips next to the eggs.

When the two moved the plate to the dining table he showed Artur how to set up a table before eating, the guests would get a plate or saucer with their chose of a spoon or fork, and from there food was passed around to be served. "Another thing to keep in mind," Lounel spoke as he scraped half the eggs and a portion of the bacon onto his plate, "Always make a bit more than you expect when you have guests, you never know who could go back for seconds."

"Seconds... Got it!" Artur cheered as he scooped the remaining eggs and bacon on his plate. He had more than enough to need seconds, but then again his serving was probably two in one. When he tried the cooked eggs and bacon he rolled his eyes as though he had found heaven, he thoroughly enjoyed the taste that flowed onto his tongue with each chew. 'Scrambled eggs and bacon, now this is a good way to start my days!' A smile came along as he chewed, and Lounel laughed a bit as the two enjoyed the rest of their morning.
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Making Breakfast

Postby Fallacy on June 3rd, 2013, 5:20 am

XP Award!

XP Award:
  • Cooking- 3
  • Observation- 2
  • Cooking Scrambled Eggs
  • Cooking Bacon
  • Enhancing Flavor with Salt and Pepper
  • The Dangers of Spitting Grease
  • Setting a Table

Any questions or concerns about the rewards gained please send a PM :)

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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