Open A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

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Taloba, home to the Myrians, is the thriving core of Falyndar. Inhabited by a fierce and savage tribe where blood sacrifices are normal and a way of life, they are untamed and proud of it. Warlike, and with their numbers growing, the Myrians are set on reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. [Lore]

A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Zurenai Avarachi on May 14th, 2013, 2:39 am

Zurenai walks through the gates, same day as his arrival and immediately feels several eyes watching him, a small smirk grows on his lips, "Oh... This is gonna be a bad day already..." He growls to himself & walks around, searching for a place to buy a sword. He walks into the training square and looks around the buildings, eyes flitting around quickly, seeing Chuki's cutters and walks into the building, a calm expression on his face and looks down the rack of wares slowly, his pupils turning rounder in the darkness of the shop. He sees Chuki and beckons her over, "What is it you will have?" She asks him, harshly. He looks up at her and replies in a calm voice."Two Kopis and a Kukri, please." Chuki nods and gets the blades and their scabbards. "7 Bikkas and you can be on your way." Zurenai nods and drops the Bikkas in her open hand, taking the blades and strapping one Kopis on each shoulder and the Kukri on his right thigh, leaving the building he begins to look around for a Tavern and upon stumbling on Durak's Tavern he walks up the walkway and into the Tavern, walking to a table and sitting down alone, watching the surroundings quietly. ( 512 AV, Spring 78. )
Last edited by Zurenai Avarachi on June 10th, 2013, 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Tinnok on May 14th, 2013, 3:58 am


Tinnok didn't often go to Durak's tavern, but on just needed a strong drink. The Akalak never bothered her, and she him. His three workers...whatever those dolts were called, always gave her sneers, but they couldn't turn away a customer, even one so hated as she.

She was halfway through her second strong ale when a tall figure passed through the doorway, and she glanced up from her shadowed corner of the tavern to get a look. He wasn't so tanned as other Myrians, nor as tattooed either, and there was something quite confident in the way he walked. Tinnok took another long draught of her ale and watched his progress as he took a seat over on the other side, brushing back a loose strand of hair from behind her ear.

Whoever the man was, he seemed a regular. No one seemed surprised by his entrance, and no one even asked to get him food or drink. The half breed leaned back in her seat thoughtfully. For some reason he sort of reminded her of Alva...but she couldn't precisely place her finger on the why of least not yet.


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A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Zurenai Avarachi on May 14th, 2013, 4:08 am

Zurenai keeps quiet, his hood up over his head in a hope to repel one from trying to talk to him and so far it seemed to work, not even the bartender has approached him. He sighs as he feels the eyes of someone watching him and he meets her eyes, silently staring back at her for a moment and stands, walking. Not towards her but to the counter, easily maneuvering through the Tavern and takes a Bikka, "One strong ale, Sir" he says to the barkeep and takes his 2 gm and 28 sm and slides them into his coin purse, taking his ale and walks back down to where he was sitting previously, and takes a large gulp of ale, wanting to drown his sorrows. Finishing his mug he looks at the woman that was watching him earlier to see if she is still there.
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A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Tinnok on May 14th, 2013, 1:48 pm


He watched her, and she him. It wasn't exactly a time when the Tavern would have been full. Since he was staring her down, the half breed didn't consider herself rude in doing the same, after all...she didn't much care for niceties in the first place. Shaded yellow eyes glowered from her corner, her wolf skin hood down around tanned shoulders.

"Can I get you some Dhani meat with that ale, miss?" The voice was dunked in sarcasm as one of the Myrian males that worked the tavern walked by, wiping down one of the tables that TInnok was nearly positive...was already clean. She frowned.

"Wait, I know the end to this joke, something about cannibalism, right? Stow it male, and let me drink in peace." The male looked about ready to say something else when there was a grunt from the bar where the massive Akalak sat.

"Isha..." The phrase was the merest of warnings, and enough to make the Myrian back off and move to another part of the bar. Unfazed, Tinnok took another sip of the ale, letting the liquid flow down into the innards of her stomach in a slow grinding manner, letting her eyes close for a moment. Surprisingly enough this place was one of the quietest places for someone like her in the City. Durak cared little about her tainted blood, she remembered the first time she had entered the tavern. He never asked about her heritage and she never told. The only emotion she had ever seen him display was the raising of one silvery eyebrow before handing her her drink. It had never been brought up again.

Eyelids flickered open, the dim tavern light catching the yellow hue within as she saw that strange dark haired man still staring at her, or perhaps merely staring anew....It was hard to be sure.


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A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Zurenai Avarachi on May 14th, 2013, 9:41 pm

Zurenai sighs, growing agitated with her staring and drains the rest of his ale, contemplating journeying over to her, It'd be harmless enough, the worse she could do is not answer him, or stab him. He sighs and slowly stands, his bag over his shoulder, his eyes shine yellow as the light touches them and they thin and turn sickle like, just for a moment, long enough for an experienced eye to catch, but not one of the drunks that are walking around. He was quite used to being provoked and mocked for being a Kelvic, especially any kind of cat like Kelvic. The taunts of "Here kitty Kitty." Play through his mind and feels a growl rumble in throat just from the though but he shakes it off and walks towards the woman with the yellow eyes, "May I sit with you?" he asks her calmly, feet positioned for leverage, be it to walk away after being denied, or to fight if she attacks.
~Herzius Legion Der Wandern Vormund
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A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Tinnok on May 16th, 2013, 12:09 pm


She had had many reactions to her appearance and personality in the past. They ranged from anxious hate to out and out wrath...but never before had someone simply asked her to sit. Slightly dumbfounded that the man did not wish to pick a fight with her, Tinnok extended a hand towards the empty seat across from her.

Which was about the same time that she noticed he had eyes nearly the same color as her own. Her own eyes widened, and she took a long moment to consider precisely what it all meant. He simply could not be what she was...her own survival was near miraculous in scope, but other creatures had slitted yellow eyes, and now she realized why she had thought of the tiger Kelvic. It was in the way he walked, languid and fluid, a stare that owned the space he occupied...just like a cat.

Perhaps he was a tiger Kelvic, or something else...but most certainly feline in nature, of that Tinnok was sure. She continued staring at him, knowing that she should speak, yet at the same time, uncaring.

"Kelvic?" The word came out unbidden. She wasn't sure if she should share her least not yet. They had only just met after all, and there was no reason to drive him off so soon, if the Kelvic had the same hate involving Dhani that she did. She took another swig of ale, offering a hand.

"TInnok of the Tempered Steel."


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A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Zurenai Avarachi on May 16th, 2013, 9:32 pm

Zurenai eyes narrow and watches you, carefully, ready to be insulted until you offer your hand and eyes open back up, taking your hand, shaking it gently and then sitting down onto the chair you gestured at, "Yes, I am indeed a Kelvic. A Melanistic Jaguar if you will & my name is Zurenai Avarachi. Are you yourself a Kelvic?" he asks after he states his own nature. "No, you couldn't be, it's far to dark for your pupils to be slit. I guess that makes you a Dhani." he says and smiles lightly. "I guess we share the same troubles, Don't we? Dealing with insults and threats, brawling because of our existence." he nods with a sigh. He watches her, still careful but his playful demeanor takes over and dismisses his caution, overwhelmingly glad to be with someone that is like him. "Perhaps you'd like to join me somewhere else. Somewhere we are more suited to live in." He gestures to the door.
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A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Tinnok on May 17th, 2013, 2:21 pm


Eyes widened in surprise, quickly readjusting to hide the expression. His speech was fluent for Kelvic, precisely worded, but that was not the most surprising bit of it. He seemed to immediately ascertain her least in part. He had to know a full Dhani would be killed on sight, did he not?

But perhaps he was newer to the City, did not know the ins and outs precisely.

And then on top of this he asked to go to a place both of them would find more comfortable. It was strange how insightful this creature was. Tinnok had always been fascinated by Kelvic, the strange blending of animal and human tendencies, yet somehow she knew they were not children of Caiyha...after all, her Nura never worked upon them as a Phylonurist.

All of her senses and better judgement told her to tell him to petch off. He didn't know her, nor the troubles she had been through, and part of ehr sincerely wanted to keep it that way.

Instead...she drank down her ale and left a single bikka, which more than paid for the two ale upon the table. "Alright, Kelvic."

She rose from the table, throwing the wolf's hood over her eyes and gestured to him. "If you follow me...we can head back to my place. I think I take your meaning."

With no more words she swept out of the tavern and down the streets of Taloba. Looks would be cast their way, two outsiders inhabiting the streets. One new, and one that had been there all of her life. It wasn't until passing through the tunnel that led them out of the city, and hearing one of the guards spit upon the ground that Tinnok spoke to the Kelvic.

"How long have you been in Taloba?"

Her feet walked comfortably over the jungle floor, bare soles finding damp earth for which to quiet her steps, avoiding dry patches of brush, body instinctively crouching. A silent Myrian was a deadly Myrian, after all, and Tinnok took pride in maintaining the practice even out of the military.


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A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Alva on May 17th, 2013, 6:45 pm

It wasn't often one found Alva lounging around almost lazily outside of Taloba, and it was even rarer to find her doing it clad in the striped fur of her true self. However, there she was, enjoying the cool air of the jungle evening, laying about ten feet from the entrance to Taloba comfortably. If asked, and if she had the mouth to speak, she would have told somebody she was helping guard the entrance. It wasn't an untruth, but nor was it entirely accurate. She just wanted a reprieve from cluttered food stalls and a sweaty peoples in a very physical world.

She would not admit she was dozing off, though, and if not for hearing a familiar voice she might have successfully fallen asleep.

Her head lifted and she craned her neck to see the woman that was speaking, recognising the steady gait of Tinnok but not the walk of her companion. She didn't recognise him and he didn't seem to be a Myrian by the way he held himself. Alva might have chuckled, for she believed the man to be Tinnok's mate and found it kind of interesting to see the woman with anybody but her wild friends when outside of the city.

She heard, though, her question to the male and got to her feet heavily at the realisation that the man was a stranger. In all honesty, she was a barbarian as well, however she had the benefit of knowing the jungle and it's natives her whole life and that granted her some sort of familiarity with the Myrians, at least in her opinion. Even though she didn't doubt Tinnok's might, she felt obligated to follow and keep a watchful eye on the barbarian with her.
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A walk through town, (Open Thread.)

Postby Zurenai Avarachi on May 17th, 2013, 9:35 pm

Zurenai follows behind Tinnok as she walks, staying at least 5 feet back at all times and shrugs as she asks the question, ending his quiet streak as he had not spoken since they started walking. "Outside or Inside the city?" he asks calmly."Not even a day inside the city, about two weeks outside." he shrugs and watches the Tiger as it stands, eyes slitting slightly at the site of it but shrugs off his aggression, his eyes slit almost straight down, like Tinnok's now that he is outside in the light. The blue, purple hue of his eyes glistening. "Would you mind if I transformed?" he asks calmly. Walking just as quietly as Tinnok.
~Herzius Legion Der Wandern Vormund
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