Completed Won't Back Down

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 21st, 2013, 10:17 pm

It felt wonderful to have Marx so close and leaning against him. He could not remember the last time he had a relationship where he could have actually said that he had fallen in love. For the most part he was just a player or the one getting played. That was life for him in Ravok as far as his personal life went. It wasn’t a bad life but now that Marx had found him maybe it was time for a change for the better.

“I’ve lived in Ravok my entire life. I haven’t been to many places outside of here.” Tallis said as he snuck a look at Marx as they walked down a narrow alley that lead to another entrance into docks. “I’ve been to Syliras once. In fact I’ve just returned from there. I had to uhm… pick up a package for my parents jewelry shop.”

It wasn’t quite a lie, but Marx didn’t need to know the real reason he went to Syliras. What she did know would be best for her should she ever be and question about what she knew.

“Have you been to many places outside of Ravok and where you are from?” Tallis asked honestly.
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 21st, 2013, 10:35 pm

Her sharp ears had picked up that he had skipped a probably important detail to his story, but it didn't really mean anything to her. She figured it was some shady business that he'd rather not share with her. Men had a tendacy to want to shine out like a beacon for women, or so she had heard and seen. She figured he was protecting her. It was actually a very sweet gesture.

"Born and raised for a whole 6 months in Zeltiva. And I've been everywhere in Sylira! Mostly cause I get lost a lot in the day time. Dholes aren't really nocturnal. I wish were though, or I would have got here so much sooner." She tended to put a lot of blame on her not being able to travel by night on her Dhole. Truth was, if she really wanted to, she could have traveled half in the day and half in the night. But, she liked sleeping, a lot. She could go through 9 or even 10 hours of sleep and not be woken. Plus, after a couple of days of losing her way, she found it was the best way to find her way. It was a trait that had gotten her here all in one piece, so she didn't think it was too bad of a way to follow.

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 21st, 2013, 11:18 pm

Tallis knew so little about Kelvic and was a little caught off guard by that here she was a gorgeous young woman and had not been alive all that long. Still, he was very interested to learn everything he could about her.

“You have seen more of Sylira than I have then. I was only there for two weeks and had to come home.” He would have loved to have stayed longer but previous arrangements made it so that he could waste no time. What he really knew was that he couldn’t get into any trouble if he was only there for a short stay.

As they approached the docks where the skimmers were Tallis was increasingly more alert. He did not worry so much about the guards but slavers. Marx was fortunate that they were still holding hands like the lovers they were. It made her less conspicuous. The slavers if Ravok had sharp eyes for Kelvics. Rumor had it that they made some of the best slaves. Tallis didn’t know that for sure as his parents never had any Kelvic slaves.

“I think we should take the first boat that we come to and see if we can get passage to the shore. Sound good to you?” He said with a reassuring smile and tone of voice. He didn’t want to worry her that he had seen someone that he knew to be a buying agent for a slaver he did odd jobs for.
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 21st, 2013, 11:38 pm

It was a good thing he didn't. She hated slavers. She didn't even really see them as being human. It was true, at a young and impressionable age Kelvic made great slaves and were able to easily make new bonds with other people. She was still young, young enough for them to want her "Sounds great." She grinned cheekily.

She let go of his hand, running a bit for a head start before she did a cartwheel and failed miserably, landing on her ass. She was still trying to get the hang of acrobatics. As graceful as she was on her feet, she wasn't too great in the air. She giggled though, she was in way too good of a mood not too.

Beyond her sight and care, the slavers seemed to be giving her an odd look. It looked a little off to them, but, then again, it could just be an excitable girl on a date with some lucky ass kid. They kept their eye on them as they were closing up their deal, but did nothing to the two.

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 22nd, 2013, 12:14 am

Tallis had to smile broadly at her attempted cartwheel. He even shook his head and laughed softly. “I think you need a little more practice.” He caught up to Marx and helped her to her feet before he took her in his arms to kiss her softly.

“I love seeing you happy and carefree. I’m happy you found me on the docks. What made you decide to approach me on the docks? Did I look like I needed help?” He said with a smile and turning to take her hand again.

The boat he wanted them to board was close by and he lead Marx in that direction. He tried to not hurry because he knew the slavers were watching. The more natural they were the less attention they would draw, or at least he hoped. He would never forgive himself if he led Marx into the arms of slavers. He was pretty sure they were a bonded pair and to lose her to slavers was unfathomable.
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 22nd, 2013, 12:25 am

She giggled again as she was helped up and he commented on her wonderful, she would even go so far as to say amazing, human body wheels "Just a little." His lips were soft on hers, she wanted more.

They were bonded. Even if the slavers did get her, they would probably have a hard time breaking her bond. In all brutal honesty, they would most likely take Tallis too and watch them beat her until he broke the bond for them. She often heard horror story tales like this. It was only one upon many of the reasons she hated slavers.

She hummed as he lead her to the boat "I don't know why really. I could blame it on bond, but I think my eyes just caught you. I'm sure that if I didn't see you on the docks, we would have meet at some other time. Things just have a way of working out like that sometimes, don't you think?"

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 22nd, 2013, 12:51 am

Tallis’ eyebrows furrowed for a moment as he gave some thought to what Marx had just said about them meeting at some other point if they hadn’t met at the docks. His life was chaotic at times and at other times it was boring which led to a lot of daydreams of a better life. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to follow in his parents footsteps and be a shop owner. They made a fair amount of money but there was no excitement and he was a young man still trying to find his way in the world.

“I think you’re right. We would have met at some point while you were in Ravok.” He wasn’t entirely sure how the bonding worked and if she hadn’t come to Ravok would they have met. It was irrelevant and he knew it. Marx had come to Ravok and it was more than just a chance meeting that had brought them together.

When they reached the skimmer Tallis took out a couple coins to pay for their passage across the lake. Before they boarded he looked casually in the direction of the slavers. They were busy talking among themselves, but of what Tallis did not know. It made him apprehensive not knowing.

He turned his attention to Marx and smiled softly. “Did you know that there are slavers up on the dock off to our left?” When we come back to the island we will have to land in another spot on the docks. I don’t know what they are up to, but I do not want to take any chances.”Tallis said softly into her ear.
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 22nd, 2013, 1:07 am

"What?" Her body jerked, head whipping over to them. Her lip curl up and she growled, her canines seemed much more pronounced. Her pupils now tracking their every movement. This was truely her animal side. Not that their was really one side or the other, but this was part of her. To react, to protect. Had Tallis not been in the boat, and say the skimmer told her they were slavers, she would have taken no hesitation and jumped off the boat.

She felt like shifting, back and forth, if at all possible. Teeth, hands, nails, claws, she didn't care, it was all the same. All of her hated them because as much as a human as she looked, she wasn't, just as it could be said that as much as an animal as she looked, she wasn't. She was a Kelvic.

She glared at them and snorted. They weren't worth her time. Filthy assholes. But as long as the smug pigs could see them, she'd be marking her territory while she did it.

She took Tallis' face between her hands and kissed him over and over again until it become one long, deep one where she wrapped her arms around his neck and her teeth nipped his lips, caring enough not to hurt him as she did, of course.

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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Won't Back Down

Postby Tallis Ishtari on May 22nd, 2013, 10:31 am

Kisses, kisses, and more kisses. Tallis for a short moment thought that he going to have to restrain Marx from doing something that would endanger both of them. Then all of the kisses rained down on of his lips. In his mind he began to thank Rhysol and The Voice for the luck they had bestowed him in Marx. If the slavers were watching they had to be thinking what a fortunate young man he was. He wrapped his arms around his love and kissed back as affectionately as he was possible. The few other couples on the skimmer surely were envious.

Tallis felt the boat move away from the dock and released Marx to place his hands on her hips. He smiled. “I am so lucky to have you. What got into you?” He said with a tease. “Whatever it was I like it.” He heart beat wildly in his chest as the bond between them strengthened. All he could do was smile as his head was still a little dizzy until the boatman said something about having a seat on the mesh between the hulls. They were about to hit the open water and they didn’t want to fall over.
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Won't Back Down

Postby Marxander on May 22nd, 2013, 10:38 am

Marx sat down as instructed, feeling a little less miffed about the slavers now. Her grin was very wolfish, nearly victorious in a manner "That would be territorial instinct."

The boat pushed off. She didn't mind the people looking at their loving, kissing moment. It only affirmed her dominating nature and she act of marking. She would defiantly be making sure that no one was to do such a thing as even thing they could mark her bondmate. He was hers. The same could be said the other way around, but for now she relished in the fact that he was hers.

Besides all the marking, he looked so cute with that nearly boyish grin splitting his face.

"Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun."

"Death cannot kill what never dies."

"You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
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Dholian Huntress
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