"The Bloody Hunter?" Ana reitterated what he said, laxing her leg, but that seemed to be enough of a distraction for him to turn onto his side, get up, and grip her legs to throw her off. Ana rolled along the ground, feeling the thudding impact of stone to flesh reverberate through her and shake her body, at least she had gotten what she wanted. Except... Well... The boy didn't seem to be done with that, a sharp kick to the side greeted her with sudden pain. It was enough to make her curl inwards, groaning in pain, another kick connected to her side, leaving her without breath, and then something wet was spat on her face. The boy had spit on her, leaving her in the dust.
...Well at least I have the place I need to go to..
Before moving to find the Bloody Hunter, Ana first would clean herself up to her best of abilities, and check her body to make sure how terrible the damage was where the boy had kicked her twice. Lifting her shirt up, she saw the dark, large bruises just beginning. Pulling her shirt back down, Ana leaned against the wall she had been laying next to, breathing in the air. She was going to be going to a place that sold things, there was always the possibility of being able to steal said things, but she didn't trust that the shopkeeper would simply think she was another face in the crowd. Ana was obviously a foreigner, so she would have to look like a Nykan first before even attempting to pilfer from the place.
That was the beauty of morphing, it allowed Ana to disguise herself. Lifting her hood up, Ana moved to find an alleyway that was away from prying eyes. Placing a hand on a wall, she concentrated, breathing in, and cringing, gasping, the pain in her side became more evident. It took a few moments to calm her breathing back down, and this time Ana breathed in, and expected the pain, slowing her inhale down as the pain would become a little too much. Trying ever so desperately to accept the pain and work with it, exhaling out, she felt a buzzing sensation of relief follow after. The feeling was enough to make her rinse and repeat what she was doing, liking it the more she did it, until finally she felt she was concentrated enough.
Pulling at her djed and tugging it where she wanted it, she brought her other hand to her hair and thought the color of black. Applying the djed to her hair follicles attached to her scalp like a gel, and then rubbing her hand all around the blond strands, feeling with every roll of her palm carried the djed further through her hair. Dying it black. Next were the dark circles under her eyes, redirecting the djed close to her eyes, she wiped with a finger below her eye lid in an attempt to smooth out the dark circles into no circles. Next were her freckles, she did the same to them as she did to her dark circles, and soon after she went for her eyes. An easy task considering how often she went for working with her eyes, she thought blue, vibrant like Ximal's.
There was no mirror for her to see her handiwork, but she had to trust in herself that she had her morphed disguise up, it certainly felt like it. Mind pricking whispers inched their way in, as well as a feeling of immense satsifaction with herself, an overly confident Ana was a very dangerous Ana in all things considered.