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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Sllarai on July 3rd, 2010, 9:28 am

Sllarai’s Character Sheet

PC Name’s
o Sllarai

Physical Information
o Kelvic
o Exact day of birth is unknown/ Sllarai is 3 years old
o Female

Physical Description
o Sllarai is 5’5”. With short black hair that doesn’t go past her ears. Her tawny skin reflects that of her Mountain lion counterpart. She has light yellow eyes that sometimes appear to have a green tinge to it. Her slightly elongated canines don’t stand out as much as they do for some Kelvics. Instead her cat-like grace is reflected in every move she makes. Taking on her Mountain Lion’s ability to jump 20-40 feet she is able to climb steep rock faces or high into the trees. Her Mountain lion form is easily as big as a leopard, though not as muscular, instead she is much more nimble.


Character Concept
o Personality –Sllarai has a shy yet curious personality. She has little knowledge of the world outside of her former secluded mountain home. Once you start spending time with her or just wave to her in the street she will slowly let her true self out. Sllarai will give her all instead of backing out of a good fight. Sllarai also is always looking for friends and will be loyal till the bitter end if need be.
o Ethics – The only moral that Sllarai has is “Respect your prey. Respect your family. Respect your world”
o Likes – Likes to jump; leap, ambush, use her bow, hunt, and stand up for her friends.
o Dislikes – Sllarai hates having no way out of situations and will use everything at hand to make the outcome in her favor. She also has a slight dislike for heights even though she loves to climb and jump.

Character History

Sllarai was born with a twin brother named Erydes to a family that lived in the hilled and forested parts near the borders of Sylira and Cyphrus. Together with their mother who was a cheetah Kelvic and their father who was a snow leopard; Sllarai and her brother had great teachers in hunting and tracking. As humans Sllarai’s parents further deepened her skills for hunting by training her in the way of the bow. Before her parents had picked up their lives from Syliras and moved out into the wilderness; they were accomplished fletchers and they passed their knowledge on to their two children.

By the time that Sllarai was a year old she could craft; string and draw her own bow. She could also fletch and shape her own arrows and could carve the bones of the animals the family would kill for food for arrow heads. Sllarai’s mother pushed her to be fast and agile; while her father taught her to climb; leap, and pounce along the rocky crags they called home. During this time Sllarai found she didn’t favor the high cliffs and she preferred to keep her leaps down to five feet unlike her brother who had no such fear and would leap ten to fifteen feet across gaps in the cliff face.

When Sllarai turned two she was allowed to go on her first solo hunt as a Kelvic. After she was able to pass that test, her parents made her retake it, but only using her human form to track, stalk, and kill her prey. Her brother had to go through the same rigorous tests as her sister and both of them passed.

Later that year on a day when the whole family was out hunting for big game to start storing up food for the winter and making furs to take down to the city to trade for money. It was a cloudy day, but with winter fast approaching the clouds became almost a constant up in the mountains. The family was tracking down an injured ibex that had been climbing along the cliffs and dry creek beds. As the family stalked closer; Sllarai and her brother in their mountain lion forms and their mother and father in their human forms; the clouds released all their pent up water into a downpour. Higher up in the mountains unknown to the Kelvic clan there was a dormant river roaring to life.

The clan pushed the ibex further and further, still oblivious to the rushing water coming right for them. The ibex was in the dried creek bed now with Erydes and Sllarai close behind. As Sllarai was moving in for the kill a thunderous roar came from up river and shortly after a wall of water came crashing into the creek bed. Sllarai’s parents who were still on the bank but closer to the raging torrent where soon overwhelmed by the sheer amount of water that quickly broke free of the confines of the small river. Soon Sllarai her brother and the ibex her swept away downstream and disappeared into the angry tempest.

Sllarai remembers waking up soaked and frozen on a bank of the flooded river. She quickly changed back into a mountain lion and began looking for her separated family. Soon after she had began running up river she came across a body of an animal, when she pushed the lifeless thing over she looked directly into her brother’s dead gaze. She made a strangled noise and was forced back into her human form; her animal self just could not take the amount of grief that she was feeling at that moment. After what seemed like ages Sllarai was finally able to change back into her cat form and scoop her brother up and place him on her back to carry home.

When Sllarai made it back to her family’s cabin she found her father carrying her mother into the house. When he saw Sllarai his usually bright eyes seemed to dim even more in the moonless night. That night her mother passed away from serious internal bleeding and broken bones. Sllarai and her father buried them both on an outcropping of trees near the house. That night her father came down with a heavy fever and was delirious by morning and was so grief struck at losing his love and his only son in a single stroke that he soon gave in. Sllarai buried him between her brother and mother with the late morning sun on her back.

After she said her goodbyes to her family she trudged back to the cabin and started gathering up things she would need to make it to a city and forge out a new life for her. These hills were now full of treacherous memories and it would be hard to survive by herself out in the wild with no one to help. So she decided to pick up her life and throw it out into a world she had never seen only heard stories about.

Training & Skill Points
o Hunting-10/100 (10 Racial Bonus)
o Tracking-10/100 (10 Starting Package)
o Longbow-15/100 (15 Starting Package)
o Fletching & Bowing-15/100 (15 Starting Package)
o Wilderness Survival-10/100 (10 Starting Package)

o Lore -Mountain Climbing
o Lore- Local Cartography (Sylira/Cyphrus border)


o Fluent- Common
o Basic- Pavi
o Poor- Tawna

o 1 Set of Clothing (starting package)
o 1 Waterskin
o 1 Backpack which contains:
 1 Set of Toiletries (brush, soap)
 Food for a week
 1 eating knife
 Flint & Steel
o 1 Heirloom: Fathers Flatbow (mix between long bow and short bow)
o cashed in cottage/horse (+500gm starting package)

o 100 gold mizas.(starting package)
+500gm (cashed in cottage/horse)
Total: 600gm
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*edit: realized that I had no house and no horse so I cashed it in.
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Posts: 12
Words: 4251
Joined roleplay: June 30th, 2010, 6:29 pm
Location: Zeltiva
Race: Kelvic
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