-PC Name’s- Marxander, aka Marx
Physical Information- She is a Kelvic and therefore has a human and animal form. Her animal form is a Dhole, a wild dog/ wolf like animal that lives nearly anywhere from the ice cold mountains, to the steaming hot deserts.
Race- A Dhole Kelvic
Birthday & Age- 3rd Spring, 513, Just over 1 spring old
Gender- Female
-Physical Description- Human: She has long, rustic, brown-red hair, ember-blue eyes, and tan skin. She stands at about 5'6". She has a black, almost teardrop shaped birthmark on her nose. She also has high cheekbones. Animal- More red than in human form fur, but changes depending on the season. A black tail and nose. And her underbelly is a creamy white. She's bigger than most dogs, able to, on hind legs, easily be as tall as an adult, male human.
-Character Concept-
-Personality - Marx has a tendency to be blunt. She doesn't like to obscure the truth, but is willing to at certain points. She's rather quick to smile, rather wolfishly, but has her solemn moments, mostly when she looks up at the stars. She wouldn't be able to tell you all of their proper names but she knows the tiny lights like the back of her hand. She enjoys being pet and grabbed by the scuff of her neck. Like most Kelvic, she is not at all concerned with clothing, or in most casing, the lack there of. When she doesn't understand something, she is prone to being quite a grumpy, little bitch, yet she'll keep trying to learn.
Ethics - She can put up with a lot but there always comes a breaking point for her when she'll lash out accordingly. She believe in an eye for eye.
-Likes - She has a major sweet tooth. Watch out for your goods!
-Dislikes - Slavers. She can't stand them. She's a Kelvic, so it's of course a good grab to get one of her race, but she's evaded them quite well.
-Character History- Her father was a Kelvic and her mother a human that had some Kelvic in her, enough to make Marx at least. She grew up fast and, when old enough, left her home city, Zeltiva, to travel. Yes, it was dangerous and she end up with three, long, now pink scars on her left side. But eventually, in her lost state, both physically and emotionally, she found Ravok. She hopes that here is the place where she can find herself, and not feel so lost and alone in the world. Except, she's come to find herself in the exact place she hates.
Post Creation - Has entered the city of Ravok after traveling from Zeltiva.
-Training & Skill Points-
Starting Package-
SP-Hunting: +20
SP-Foraging: +7
SP-Unarmed Combat: +6 (+10 from Race)= +16
SP-Running: +5
SP-Astrology: +5
SP-Wilderness Survival: +7
Earned Skill/Points-
Common, Fluent
Isur, Basic
Shiber, Poor
1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
No Heirlooms
Lore of Ravok Culture
Lore of Zeltiva Streetplan
100 gold rimmed mizas (start)
+4GM from helping theif off of an tourist couple in the Ravok Dock
-2GM from boat ride back to Ravok
-3GM from boat ride to Nobel District
-5GM from some meat
+60GM from Special Delivery Job Here http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic35541.html
-Thread List-
Ravok: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic34673.html
Ravok: The Docks- http://www.mizahar.com/forums/post266858.html#p266858
Ravok: The Spot- http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic31546.html
Ravok: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic35322.html
Ravok: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic35541.html
Ravok: Job- http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic35541.html
Ravok: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic35619.html