OOC Info [Sunberth] Job Applications

For working opportunities in the city.

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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Pulren Marsh on September 12th, 2014, 1:51 pm

Character Name: Pulren Marsh aka Palaren Marshall
Race/Age/Gender: 22 year old Human Male
Time in Sunberth: Arrived 55th of Summer, no foreseen departure

Desired Job: Guard/Mercenary
Start of Employment: Fall 514
Suggested Wage: Guard 5 GM, Mercenary basic is 1-3. 5 GM is a reasonable wage, but I believe by season end, I will be performing advanced mercenary missions, which could lead to a final count of 6 to 7 GM.
Relevant Skills: Observation, Weapon:Shield and Trident, Tactics, Brawling, Intimidation, Intelligence, Law
Employer: I intend for Pulren to live in the new version of the Gated Community and work as a Guard there. Specifics will be mapped out by Twister.
Location of Employment: The new Gated Community, Scars work otherwise, infiltration into Sun's Birth in the future as developed.

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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Elyra on September 24th, 2014, 11:05 pm

Character Name: Elyra
Race/Age/Gender: Kelvic/1/Female
Time in Sunberth: Born and raised. Will most likely die in Sunberth, too.

Desired Job: Spy
Start of Employment: Start of summer.
Suggested Wage: 6 GM/Day (546 GM per 91-day season)
Relevant Skills: Intelligence, Investigation, Larceny, Stealth

Employer: Whoever wants the information she can provide.
Location of Employment: All around-it's hard for a spy to work in only one location, after all!
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Coryphee on September 24th, 2014, 11:12 pm

Character Name: Coryphee
Race/Age/Gender: Mixed/26/Female
Time in Sunberth: New in Autumn

Desired Job: Spy
Start of Employment: Beginning of Autumn
Suggested Wage: 6gm
Relevant Skills: Intelligence, Morphing, Disguise, Impersonation

Employer: Daggerhands
Location of Employment: Throughout the city?
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Seffa on September 26th, 2014, 4:40 pm

Character Name: Seffa Roth
Race/Age/Gender: kelvic 4 female
Time in Sunberth: Seff has lived in sunberth her whole life, however she hopes to move to a place where the tuna is a bit more abundant.
Desired Job: thief
Start of Employment: she's been stealing for as long as she can remember
Suggested Wage: 4 GM
Relevant Skills: thievery
Employer: works for survival atm, however she would always be willing to be hired by someone.
Location of Employment: none
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Shurezza Lotus on September 30th, 2014, 10:15 am


Day, Season, Year and Era

Character Name: Self-explanatory.
Race/Age/Gender: Half-Symenestra, Sixteen, Female
Time in Sunberth: Arrived around the 30th, give or take

Desired Job: Advanced Mercenary
Start of Employment: Now
Suggested Wage: Base 5-7 GM
Relevant Skills: Unarmed - Competent, Flux - Competent

Employer: The highest bidder at the time
Location of Employment: May vary throughout city and even without
This isn't my main so expect my to suffer my flickering muse between what few threads I take.

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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Simeon Aytak on September 30th, 2014, 2:47 pm

Character Name: Simeon Aytak
Race/Age/Gender: Benshira
Time in Sunberth: 22 Years (Has spent his entire life in the city)

Desired Job: Poisonmaker and Herbalist
Start of Employment: 1st Day of Fall 514AV
Suggested Wage: 6 - 7GM
Relevant Skills: Herbalism (Competent), Medicine (Novice), Poison (Novice)

Employer: Self-Employed. Simeon wanders the streets in the daytime, peddling his services, be it something innocuous like a tincture to lift a child's fever, making a tranquilizing venom to coat a hunter's arrowhead with, or even unquestioningly producing a subtle drop of something that will create a wealthy widow. When night falls and the daggers come out, Simeon retires to the tent city and conducts experiments to hone his skills, though he won't refuse patients/clients, and is open to being stirred awake if the case is urgent enough. Simeon will also buy herbs off adventurers who venture beyond the city walls to gather them.

Location of Employment: Throught the entire city of Sunberth
"Milk of poppy for the pain, cayenne for the bleeding, and yarrow for the fever. There you go, good as new. I recommend you pay me now, otherwise - well - learning to heal is the same thing as learning to kill, you know?"
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Kechaiya on October 2nd, 2014, 7:16 pm

Character Name: Kechaiya
Race/Age/Gender: Mixed Blood/19/Female
Time in Sunberth: 6 Years, seemingly indefinitely

Desired Job: Doctor
Start of Employment: 508 AV
Suggested Wage: 8gm/day
Relevant Skills: 26 Medicine, 14 Herbalism

Employer: Self employed
Location of Employment: Operates out of her apartment, or whenever she comes across an injured person. But she always accepts payment before dispersing treatment.
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Urna on October 6th, 2014, 6:14 pm

Character Name: Urna
Race/Age/Gender: Ethaefal (Myrian) / 154 / Female
Time in Sunberth: 74 years, staying indefinitely.

Desired Job: Doctor/Surgeon.
Start of Employment: 495 AV
Suggested Wage: 12 GM/day (8 GM base, x1.5 due to L2 Medicine)
Relevant Skills: Medicine (Competent), Herbalism (Novice), Auristics (Novice)

Employer: Freelance.
Location of Employment: On the streets, sometimes using her temporary apartment for dirtier and more in-depth treatments.

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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Jarn on October 7th, 2014, 11:17 pm

Character Name: Veloth
Race/Age/Gender: Male
Time in Sunberth: I plan to have Veloth stay in Sunberth for a long time, but a trip to Zeltiva or Sahova is possible. He has lived in Sunberth for around 15 years.

Desired Job: Advanced Mercenary
Start of Employment: From the day he arrived in Sunberth Veloth has taken coin for his services.
Suggested Wage: 9GM (6 Base + 3 Competency) with a 6gm base due to varied work outlets and a specialized set of skills.
Relevant Skills: Boxing (Competent), Unarmed (Novice), Brawling (Novice)

Employer: Freelance
Location of Employment: Veloth takes work wherever he can get it, whether or not that it may be a ruffian, bodyguard, sports combatant or regular mercenary work. He is open to the idea of potentially dangerous missions, so long as the pay is worthwhile. What sort of work he takes varies greatly, and he usually finds work from recurring clients or through referrals.
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Marone on October 8th, 2014, 7:55 am

Character Name: Marone.
Race/Age/Gender: Human/28/Male
Time in Sunberth: Forever and ever

Desired Job: Making weapons
Start of Employment: A long time ago.
Suggested Wage: Weaponsmith, 8gm.
Relevant Skills: Weaponsmithing, carving and malediction.

Employer: Is the Knight's Armoury the only place? Because it doesn't seem to suit me.
Location of Employment: TBD.
Last edited by Marone on October 14th, 2014, 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Just got a new job. Will be trying to keep the stuff which I'm doing going at the very least so no one has to wait.

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