by Slate on December 13th, 2013, 2:26 pm
Character Name: Self-explanatory.
Time in Sunberth: How long has your character been in Sunberth and how long are they planned to stay, if you know?
Desired Job: Perhaps a Wilderness Guide? I had thought it might fit for him to also work as a guide for the Tent City, since it seems to be a bit in the wild and a maze to those who are unaware of how it works.
Start of Employment: Present season.
Suggested Wage: 5 GM.
Relevant Skills: Wilderness Survival.
Employer: Perhaps Nevaeh or his slave from the Plantation? If the Night Eyes have their eyes on the Tent City, perhaps it was asked of Slate to work as a guide, or just suggested out of good will. Maybe Nevaeh has an ulterior motive, or maybe it was just an off-hand suggestion. I wasn't so sure who else, seeing as the Tent City doesn't seem to have the clearest of leaders.
Location of Employment: Tent City, in Sunberth.
I am quite open to any other ideas, however. He was a slave in various locations and could know various people, who would know that he is a hard worker. Anything with bodybuilding, hunting, or even something he doesn't know and will have to learn. He just needs some hard work to support himself and the kid.
[Open Thread]
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive. |