Character Name: Graderson Elderstock
Race/Age/Gender: Human/26/Male
Time in Sunberth: Just a few days if that
Desired Job: Thief/Hired Hand
Start of Employment: 46th of Summer, 514 AV
Suggested Wage: 3 GP
Relevant Skills: Intelligence 25
Stealth 10
Larceny 10
Acrobatics 10
Composite Longbow 5
Unarmed Combat 5
Employer: As a thief, Grad works on his own, and will have to find a suitable fence for him to be able to live off of this. Alternatively, Grad will deal with clients on a mercenary type basis, selling intelligence or performing special operations.
Location of Employment: As a thief Grad would only have his home as a base of operation, and his job could see him all over the city. As for the mercenary work, he'd meet his clients in discreet places and his jobs could take place all over the city.