7th day of Spring, 513 AV
Miro had been working with Rayage on his casting skills, and promised to bring him to a new level of understanding. Today would mark the first day of their serial training, though it would not drain all of their time. Only enough that on choice days, they could progress at the same training exercise. A few days back it had been introduced to Rayage and tested. Targets made of Reimancy were produced and manipulated by Miro, and Rayage had the task of casting at them. To keep the challenge from growing stale he would increase the difficulty through a few simple tricks.
The first would be to add distance between targets. It took careful planning to set a spell on the right path to hit a target, especially one moving. Another challenge would be to add more targets. To have to cast in chain, or even several spells at once, added a level of difficulty. Especially when casting rapidly caused fatigue to build and hinder performance. Adding in the final challenge of manipulating the target's path and speed made the training possible to challenge even a master. Too many targets at too far a range moving too fast and sporadically, even Miro would struggle to hit all of them. And before long he would become fatigued.
Truly it was the perfect set up, and they had the perfect spot in the training grounds to work from. The invitation had been set, and they would meet at their regular time. The sun was at its highest, and Miro sat waiting patiently with his staff in hand. He had spent the past couple bells arguing with Ender of the decision to dedicate training to Rayage instead of the Familiar. It was growing tired, as they seemed to always run in circles, but the Irylid was adamant on his position. Even so desperate as to concede to training alongside the Nuit. It was a curious offer, one that may even be agreed to. But only if it would not hinder his true apprentice.
"Not only can I learn to cast, but to produce the targets, as you would. I even would be able to train the Nuit, even cast against him. The best motivation is fear of death, and it will bring out the best in him. We are nearly matched in skill too, only I have far more talent, and can control water and wind as well as ice. With me as well to assist in his growth, there are many possibilities afforded to us. And out of consequence of his growth would come practice for me. To learn control, restraint, precision. A chance to hone my skills. It is not too much to ask, especially when I so often do not ask anything at all."
Miro tapped his staff anxiously. Both because of the impending arrival of the Alchemist and the weight of the request issued to him. "It was not but the other day you were denying the potential of the Nuit. Is still he so weak that he can not commit? You can not understand him, nor properly communicate with him, and dislike the man. I have lost track of the times you have threatened to kill him, and this seems the perfect chance for you to kill him without interception. My trust in your motives is too slight to risk any possible benefit you offer. Tell me you would do any different me in position."
Ender gave a nervous chuckle. "This is different though. I have everything to gain, and would only lose by betraying your trust. I do not think you would let our training go without moderation, and also with it Hypnotism. Ensure that I am true to my claim, unable to harm him, and that our session heads in a positive direction. I encourage all of this, for when I get the best out of him, it shall inspire the best of me. When the best of me is brought to the surface, you are stronger for it as well. This can work to everyone's benefit Miro." The Chained One became still for a while. "I will consider it, but no promises. We have much to see play out before then, and plenty of time to for training."