John Griffin

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John Griffin

Postby John Griffin on July 7th, 2010, 10:59 am

Ser John Griffin

Basic Information
Race: Human
Birthday: 12th of Fall, 491 AV
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Syliras
Occupation: Syliran Knight


Syliran Knight John Griffin, 7th Wing, Black Company, 2nd Regiment, Silver Quadron

Physical Description
John stands at 5 foot, 8 inches, and weighs 160 pounds. Just finished with puberty he is coming into his own as a man. He is neither particularly skinny, nor particularly muscled. Narrow green eyes peer out from beneath his brow, and he keeps his dirty blond hair cropped fairly short. When on duty he wears the full plate of the Syliran Knights, with besagues at the armpits. Over the Armor he wore a tabard, embroidered with the Windoak, and a longsword and dagger strapped to the belt around his waist. If he is patrolling inside the city, John forgoes his shield and helmet, but outside the walls he carries them, and often a lance as well. Off duty he can be found still in his armor, training, or in light comfortable clothes with a studded leather jerkin, as he favors function over form. At his belt as ever he has his longsword and dagger.

Character Concept
John is a firmly dedicated knight. Born into a long line of knights, he takes his duties seriously, and strives to be the best knight he can be. A bit of a book worm, he can often be found reading, feeling that knowledge is just as important as skill at arms for a knight. He is kind, but not necessarily friendly until he gets to know someone.
Last edited by John Griffin on January 2nd, 2011, 10:26 am, edited 15 times in total.
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John Griffin
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John Griffin

Postby John Griffin on July 7th, 2010, 12:01 pm


Pre-Creation :
John was born in Stormhold Castle to Robert Griffin, an un-ranked Syliran Knight, and Susan Griffin, a cook for the Order. Susan suffered complications in child birth and, while not proving immediately fatal, withered away for six years before passing on. During those six years she looked after John as best she could, but often he was left to his own devices, which usually consisted of fighting imaginary monsters.

For the next four years Robert tried to take an increasing role in his son's life, teaching him his letters, and as much about being a knight as one could teach a child. Often he simply loosed John on a pile of books, as the boy was an avid reader. On his tenth birthday John was sent to the Mithryn Outpost to serve the Green Company of the 4th Regiment as a page. He spent three years there continuing his education towards knighthood.

Upon reaching the age of thirteen John was assigned as a squire to Syrlian Knight William Erindale. During the next five years William taught John the way of being a knight. The largest portion of his time was spent training with sword and shield. After that John was taking care of William's horse, or maintaining his arms and armor. He was still allowed to spend copious amounts of time in the library, as William taught John that a great warrior needs to use his mind as much as his muscle. The young squire also learned to ride a horse and use a lance, but since William primarily patrolled inside Stormhold, there wasn't as much opportunity for this.

During the third year of John's squirehood his father was injured in a battle with bandits. Since Susan had passed Robert had been becoming more and more ill, and the injury aggravated things even more. Though still quite alive, Robert was a shell of his formal self, spending most of the time in bed, too weak to move. John visited him as much as he could, but his duties kept him from seeing his father daily.

John's training intensified as he grew older, as William continued to push the boy to his limits. Finally the squire reached the culmination of all his training, the Knight's Quest. John was taken to the Windoak on his 18th birthday, and received his quest.

After the completion of the quest. His knighting ceremony was set for one week later, on the last day of Spring.

The day and night before the knighting John spent in the traditional meditation under the Windoak. Finally it was time.

John was knighted in a ceremony with two others. He was particularly elated that his father had managed to be present. Upon his knighting, Robert gave his son his own sword, which had been passed on to him by his father when he became a knight. John also received the plate armor typical to Syliran Knights.

And so it was that John became Syliran Knight John Griffin, 7th Wing, Black Company, 2nd Regiment, Silver Quadron.

Summer, 510 AV :

Fall, 510 AV :
Last edited by John Griffin on November 30th, 2010, 5:15 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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John Griffin
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John Griffin

Postby John Griffin on July 7th, 2010, 12:03 pm


Skills :
Wilderness SurvivalNovice1

Languages :

Lores :
History of the Syliran KnightsInitial
Religion, TyvethInitial
Fighting with Sweat in the EyesAwarded
A Lesson in HonorAwarded
Fighting in ArmorAwarded
The Good and Evil Sides of HorsesAwarded
Practice Blades Make PerfectAwarded
Maintaining BalanceAwarded
Training Cycle: Swordplay, Running, SwimmingAwarded
Heating a HotheadAwarded
The Feeling of DefeatAwarded
Tales of TravelAwarded
Painful Lessons: Walking Awarded
Seventy Days in the Arms of LoveAwarded
Fighting a Stronger OpponentAwarded
Relaxing in a Bath After a Long DayAwarded
Easy Arousal Control in a Public BathAwarded
Observing the Naked Female Form(I’ll Just Have Myself a Peek)Awarded
Pimping the Soothing WatersAwarded
Casual Conversation in a Bath Despite NudityAwarded
Opportunity in the Bath(For Friends, not that kind you perverts)Awarded
Pimping the Sylirian KnightsAwarded
Explaining NobilityAwarded
Explaining the KnightsAwarded
Being a bookwormAwarded
The proper way to hold a swordAwarded
Never far from his weaponAwarded
Move your feet (or get bumrushed!)Awarded
Swordsmanship Style (Syliran Knight)Awarded
Maintenence of a Knight's blades and armorAwarded
Arming a Knight of SylirasAwarded
Making Mountains out of Mole HillsAwarded
Seedy Shortcuts in SylirasAwarded
Facing a Battle Hardened OpponentAwarded
Suppressing a desperate attackAwarded
Sparring With DignityAwarded
Last edited by John Griffin on December 24th, 2010, 8:32 am, edited 27 times in total.
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John Griffin
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John Griffin

Postby John Griffin on July 7th, 2010, 12:04 pm


Clothes :
White Cotton Shirt4A simple, loose cotton shirt. Worn under armor as well as clothes.
Brown Cotton Doublet4A simple cotton doublet, worn over a shirt and under a studded leather jerkin. Forgone when wearing plate armor.
Brown Leather Jerkin2No longer worn, gathering dust at the bottom of chest.
Brown Cotton Cloak1Well used cloak, worn when cold, both on and off duty.
Leather Gloves1Worn off duty, sometimes tucked into belt
Leather Belt1Worn on and off duty, sword, dagger, and coin purse hang from it.
Belt Pouch1Worn from the belt on his sword side, contains John's money
Brown Cotton Pants4Worn under armor and off duty.
Low Boots1Worn Off Duty

Weapons :
Longsword1Family Heirloom - This sword has been passed down from father to son. John is the fourth generation Griffin to wield it in service of Syliras. Complete with scabbard. Image
Longsword1Spare sword. Left in room when in the city, left on horse when outside the walls of Syliras. Complete with scabbard.
Blunted Longsword2Longswords with blunted edges and tips, for training or tourneys. Complete with scabbards.
Shortspear16 1/2 Feet. Ash Shaft.
Light Lance110 Feet. Ash, iron tip.
Dagger1Very plain dagger. Complete with scabbard.
Training Longsword2Wooden training swords with metal cores.

Armor :
Full Plate Armor1Issued by the Syliran Knight's. Complete suit of armor, with gambeson for wear underneath. Also has personally owned besagues protecting the armpits.
Shield, Large Steel1Heater Style, nicked and scraped, but otherwise in good condition.
Studded Leather Jerkin1Worn off duty or as required.
Shield, Large Wooded2Heather Style, used for training.

Equestrian :
Horse1Kavinka Painted Mount. Brown and white Stallion, 16 hands. Named Honor. 5 years old.
Military Saddle1Military Grade Saddle. Long stirrups and a high pommel and cantle for support in battle.
Bit and Bridle1For directing horse.
Blanket and Hood1For Medium Sized horse.
Large Saddlebags1For storage of goods on the move.

Equipment :
Backpack1Used to carry goods during travels.
Toiletries-Comb, Brush, Razor, Soap
Food71 Days Worth
Eating Knife1For cutting food.
Flint & Steel1For starting fires.
Waterskin1Used on the road.
Whetstone1For sharpening weapons.

Miscellaneous :
Book1Blank Book

John has a windowless room on the 3rd Tier of Stormhold Castle.



Pre-Creation :
+10000Starting PackagePre-Creation
-2000Large Steel ShieldPre-Creation
-750Longsword, Practice, Metal-CorePre-Creation
-600Longsword Scabbard and Dagger ScabbardPre-Creation
-140Extra Clothing: 3 Cloth Shirts, 3 Cloth Pants, 1 Pair of Leather GlovesPre-Creation
-600Light LancePre-Creation
-1500Padded TabbardPre-Creation
-100Belt PouchPre-Creation

Summer, 510 :
-020Ale and tipSummer 8
-21502 Large Wooden Shields, 1 Metal Core Practice LongswordSummer 9
-2402 Leather Jerkins, 4 Cotton DoubletsSummer 16
-026Pool time, Soap and a TowelSummer 16
-2505 Days trail rations for trip to Sunset FallsSummer 26
-300Blank BookSummer 36
-090Dinner and three ales at the Rearing StallionSummer 55
+200From Sergeant TulleySummer 66
-030Three AlesSummer 66
-020Two AlesSummer 70
+32000WagesSummer 91
-2750Living ExpensesSummer 91

Fall, 510 :
-8000Kavinka Painted MountFall 1
-2000Military SaddleFall 1
-200Bit and BridleFall 1
-400Blanket and Hood, Horse, MediumFall 1
-800Saddle Bags, LargeFall 1
-2500Studded Leather ArmorFall 3
-3800Blunted Longsword w/ Scabbard, 2xFall 3
-5000BesaguesFall 3
-1900Longsword w/ ScabbardFall 3
-200ShortspearFall 48
-4500Seasonal Expenses (Good/Knight)Fall 91
+18000Season Wages (Syliran Knight)Fall 91

Winter, 510 :
Last edited by John Griffin on December 23rd, 2010, 6:56 pm, edited 43 times in total.
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John Griffin
Syliran Knight
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John Griffin

Postby John Griffin on July 7th, 2010, 12:06 pm


Flashbacks :
Rude Awakening, 12 Fall, 504 (Complete)
Learning to Tilt, 49 Spring, 506
Squire to Knight: the Quest; Part One Summer, 508 (Complete)

Summer, 510 :
3. First Patrol (Complete)
8. [Rearing Stallion]Ale with a Murderer (Complete)
10. Drills and more drills...but no carpentry (Complete)
12. Adrift in the Maze (Abandoned)
16. Soothing Water, Vibrant Conversation. (Complete)
18. Men with sticks. (Complete)
20.The non-Equestrian Knight (Complete)
21. By Oath or Flame (Abandoned)
26. Travel to Sunset Falls
27. Travel to Sunset Falls
28. Heart and Soul (Complete)
29. Travel to Syliras
30. Travel to Syliras
55. An Open Table with Empty Chairs (Complete)
65.An Absent Wish (Complete)
66. Retrieving Property(Complete)
70. A Drink with Strangers (Complete)

Fall, 510 :

Winter, 510 :
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John Griffin
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