Ser John Griffin
Basic Information
Race: Human
Birthday: 12th of Fall, 491 AV
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Syliras
Occupation: Syliran Knight
Race: Human
Birthday: 12th of Fall, 491 AV
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Syliras
Occupation: Syliran Knight

Syliran Knight John Griffin, 7th Wing, Black Company, 2nd Regiment, Silver Quadron
Physical Description
John stands at 5 foot, 8 inches, and weighs 160 pounds. Just finished with puberty he is coming into his own as a man. He is neither particularly skinny, nor particularly muscled. Narrow green eyes peer out from beneath his brow, and he keeps his dirty blond hair cropped fairly short. When on duty he wears the full plate of the Syliran Knights, with besagues at the armpits. Over the Armor he wore a tabard, embroidered with the Windoak, and a longsword and dagger strapped to the belt around his waist. If he is patrolling inside the city, John forgoes his shield and helmet, but outside the walls he carries them, and often a lance as well. Off duty he can be found still in his armor, training, or in light comfortable clothes with a studded leather jerkin, as he favors function over form. At his belt as ever he has his longsword and dagger.
Character Concept
John is a firmly dedicated knight. Born into a long line of knights, he takes his duties seriously, and strives to be the best knight he can be. A bit of a book worm, he can often be found reading, feeling that knowledge is just as important as skill at arms for a knight. He is kind, but not necessarily friendly until he gets to know someone.