It wasn't with fanfare or panache that the man stumbled into the Employment Office; and apparently welcome center too if he were to judge by the signs and such, he wasn't really stumbling so much as having kicked the top portion of the steps to get inside; nearly fell on his face, and proceeded to use the door knob to stand up... Before opening the door on accident and falling firmly on his face. He was thankful that he had decided to empty his pipe out and put it away; he might be worse for wear with that. Be that as it may; as he started to stand up- he noted that; in reality- there was a woman behind a counter. Although as he uttered a low grunt. A single eye opened, before the other did; giving the secretary a bland look over; considering his situation a few moments and where he was. He made a low 'ah' sound in his throat '
Must be the person I throw paperwork at or something. Mhn, my face hurts but I guess I can answer some questions.There was just a bit of confusion there; albeit as he approached the desk; about ready to ask a question; he just rankled his nose a bit at how he smelled. Even he could take a hint at the dusky pungent reek of old smoke mixed with new, of sweat that still accumulated while walking in cool weather; and of course- his oily hair. He hadn't bathed in a couple of days to be quite honest. And, as he stroked his chin, in thought- strubble scratching against calloused fingertips and thick nails; his eyebrows wiggling in thought. The secretary behind the desk, again, seemed about to speak before Vik took notice of a stack of papers looking dangerously close to falling off a table; and a quill- with ink. Or what appeared to be a quill with Ink, he was certain it might be something entirely different.
Like those sneaky, sneaky Euypharians and their liking of makeup. Those sneaky, sneaky Euypharian men, looking all pretty, it wasn't
his fault he'd gotten confused and the tar beaten out of him.
However, the thing he was supposed to do was fairly obvious; even to a man who wasn't really all that prone to paying attention to his surroundings. So, it was with that he took the small partchment; with a writing impliment of some sort. Be he just sidled on over to a place to sit. And, with that; he took the greatest of pleasure sitting down on the bench. He felt the muscles all along his buttocks and thighs relax; his calves almost seemed to turn to butter as he sat fully upon the; likely not well cushioned; but still softer than the ground bench. The soft, groaning, grunt of his sitting down got a rather; dark looking glower from the secritary but- other than that a shake of the head was given toward the odd fellow who had just shown up to try and garner employ.
Obviously the fellow was not a sharp tool in a shed- well; to those observing his actions as he took a long, lengthy, glare at the parchment itself. Dabbing the quill against his tongue for a moment to test the freshness of the ink; before he dipped the tip within the well. Then; he began to fill out the information required. Murmuring lowly to himself as he did so.
Hrm... Well, th'ss a easy... question; m'name... Vik, vik, always remember it's Vik...” He of course wrote this down with a quick flourish that; in his rather horrifically swirling ledger; looked like 'Uik' but, with the little flare at the top; it was obvious he wasn't being facetious.
The next question on there; 'Race'; he tapped the quill against that for a few moments; staining the paper with ink just a bit before writing in, something that made him chuckle, “
A man is a man, as such an Isur is an Isur; I am a man, thus I am a man...”
As the following question was reached; he just, scribbled a number; not even regarding it as something to comment on. It wasn't something he was proud of, or anything like that. Nothing really witty. But, hey; it could be far more strange right?
Ah, for skills; he just shook his head a little; before starting to write in; tapping his quill against the page a few moments as it splattered more ink droplets everywhere- but, he managed to write in, what he felt was relevant to what he could do; albeit he did wonder why the skills were first and not the employment, “
Odd, odd, odd... Whys'ask skilly type things ifffen ye don'now where th' personly type wants t'be...”
Of course, a small grin was there as he filled in the employment section; easily writing in without hesitation what he wanted for employ; with a bit of care taken to put a star next to the one he'd really prefer to be. There, that done; he got to the last. This, gave him much pause. He had little want to stay in Syliras for too long; as- he could end up under assault from his father's killer should he do so; at the same time, he was mildly tired of running every season to another place. He had spent a majority of his life doing so; and the last six years had put him under a lot of strain.
The quill almost broke when he put his answer; but- that said; he seemed all the more pleased with what he had. So, standing up once more; before nearly falling over and banging his knees on the floor- having relaxed a bit more than he should have. He kicked his heel against the floor a couple of times to get the pins and needles out of his feet and legs. Before settling his little parchment just so with a small smile on his face as he did so.
Name: Vik
Race: Human
Age: 27
Relevant Skills: Brawling, Hand to Hand; 'Wilderness Survival'
Preferred Employment: Bouncer preferred, Adventuresome Sort secondly, Pit-Fighter thirdly
Expected Stay In Syliras: Up to three seasons.
Hoppen ya dun minna mess t'much cussim' not allat good at caligraphy.” His fingers, were stained with ink; the paper seemed to have almost nothing in the way of legibility. But, then again; anyone who was worth their salt as an accountant should be able to read his horrifically over-the-top illegibility.
Then; after setting the paper to a location the secretary could take a hold of it without mussing their fingers all to pieces. He just; turned on his heel; nearly waltzed on back to his seat.And with that, once again he sat; relaxing himself into the comfort of being able to just, sit; and hopefully he wasn't too out there for them; after all- if he couldn't find any employ? He was this side of a shyke river without a paddle; and he knew it!