Location Welcome Center and Employment Office

Looking for a steady income job? Apply here!

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on March 16th, 2014, 1:40 pm

What came to Trega's mind when she got a first glimpse of Nayato was, of course, "Traveler," "weary", and... "desert". The senior female gave a warm smile at Nayato, this man must have traveled far to reach her, it would do best for her to show Syliran hospitality. When she noticed his pure black eyes, Trega made a small 'o' shape on her mouth, this man was a Chaktawe, one of those desert-dwelling race that looked humanoid, but not quite human, unlike the Benshira who was fully human.

Trega took his application paper and read it thoroughly, her assumption was right, he was a Chaktawe. Him applying to be a wilderness guide didn't struck her as odd, he looked like he knew what he was doing. If he could survive in the harsh desert, then surely he could learn to adapt to Syliras' temperate Woods fairly quickly.

"Alright, you are hired as a Wilderness Guide," Trega took a stamp then marked his application for approval, "I shall notify travelers and hunters about you." Trega then would gesture for the next applicant to get ready, "Would that be all, Sir Nayato?"

OOCNayato is hired as a Wilderness Guide with a base pay of 5 GM/day. :) I will add this information to your SS thread.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Irriel Lighthand Terras on March 19th, 2014, 7:22 pm

3rd of Spring, 514 AV

It was busy as usual. People hurried about on some business or another, off to do something they deemed important which most likely was completely unimportant. It was a crazy, confusing mess of sights, sounds and smells which were all too familiar to Morzak, yet they were not things he was accustomed to. Bodies pressed in on him from all sides, but with a push of his arms and a brisk pace Morzak carved a path through the masses, ignoring, or perhaps not even noticing the angry stares and annoyed huffs he caused to erupt around him. It took some time, and a lot of doubling back, much to the people's dismay, before the Kelvic finally found what he was looking for. The Emplyment office.

For a moment Morzak simply stared up at the sign, tilting his head as he tried to make out the lettering there. The Hunter had shown him words and letters, and some numbers, but Morzak was only a pet to him. Would a master teach his dog how to read? Surely not, and so it was the same for this kelvic. Morzak could recognize letters, and even some words, but he was certainly not proficient at the written language. Some would say his speech leaved much to be desired. Lowering his eyes Morzak pushed open the door, stepping over the threshold into the building which would give him just what he was looking for.

The Kelvic must have looked a sight. Dressed in just his bottoms, his boots tied at the laces hung around his neck and his uncovered top half showed large muscles, hair, scars and bruises all mixed together with dirt and grim from traveling in the wild. His back was slung over his shoulder, held by one strong hand as she stepped toward the desk and the woman behind it. Completely ignoring the papers, Morzak leaned on the table, staring at the woman there, "Work..."

For her part the Secretary only looked slightly surprised at the man's odd actions, and quite calmly pointed to the pile of papers and said, "Welcome to the Welcome Center and Employment office. Please fill out one of these forms and wait to be called."

Morzak blinked and looked at the paper, taking one up, and a quill, he dropped his back with a loud thud and crouched down where he was, using the woman's desk as a writing place as he bit his tongue, carefully tracing very slowly the words onto the page.

Name: Morzak
Race: Bear
Relevant Skills: Hunt, Live in Wild
Preferred Occupation: Hunt
Expected Stay In Syliras: Stay home

The Kelvic was not sure of his own age, so he simply left it blank. The rest of the questions the man answered to the best of his abilities, though his limited vocabulary and lack of proper writing skills made what should have been a simply exercise in writing take several chimes to finish. When it was completed he slid the paper to the woman, took his back and sat against one of the walls, absently looking around the small room as he waited for his name to be called.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on March 20th, 2014, 8:19 am

The next man to arrive was an odd sort, he was shirtless, dirty, and wore boots as necklaces. His body was clearly muscled and no stranger to physical labor, Trega raised an eyebrow at the bulky man, answering in kind that he had to fill in the form for official procedures, the forms are needed to be filled by the applicant.

Trega watched with intrigued old eyes as the strange quiet man took his time in filling the form right in front of her, various people in the Office gave an assortment of reactions to his attitude. Some found it intimidating, some found it funny, and some... found it endearing. Trega gave a look at Amitabh, the Gnora Priest just waved his hand in a gesture that seemed to say 'Let him be, all are equal until proven otherwise'.

After a few chimes, he finished, Trega politely took the paper and read it, I see... She encountered this kind of people before, he wrote 'bear' as his race so her first assumption that he was a Kelvic, some Kelvics behaved more like their animal counterpart, but this man was able to speak and write - however limited - so it was close enough for her. "I... see, Sir Morzak, I'll just change your race to 'Kelvic' now, yes?" Trega assumed he would agree so she made the proper adjustment, but kept his age blank.

The woman then stamped the form then rolled it up, "I will notify the knights and other hunters about you," She gave him playful wink, "Bring us good meat, we'll pay you appropriately." Then she gestured for the next applicant to be ready, "You can continue with your day, Sir Morzak."

OOCMorzak is employed to be a Hunter with a base pay of 5 GM/day

I have updated your SS thread. :) Have fun hunting!
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Ahri on March 20th, 2014, 11:27 pm

Aria walked around, trying to find the employment office and eventually stumbling on it. She took a sheet and quickly wrote on it, hoping it wouldn't be too messy and be legible.

Name: Ahri
Race: Human
Age: 18
Relevant Skills: Glassworking, Massage, Flute, Storytelling
Preferred Occupation: Glassworking
Expected Stay In Syliras: No idea, at least a few seasons, though might change.

She stood in line, holding her paper, looking over it occasionally, when she finally reached the front. "Here." She said, putting it on the table, looking around the room quickly then back.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on March 21st, 2014, 2:12 pm

The next applicant was a human, with a slim figure, perhaps too slim to be healthy. She had bright blond hair and her gray eyes with a blue tint. The girl had such this endearing aura about her that struck Trega's heart, she would be perfect to be her granddaughter appearance-wise, but nevertheless, an applicant was still an applicant. Trega accepted the girl's form then looked over it, Eighteen? The old woman thought, the girl looked too young to be eighteen, perhaps it was just her youthful appearance.

"I see," Trega gave Ahri a kind mother smile, "The Inner Fire Glass is always looking for another helping hand, I shall notify Miss Leena regarding your application." Trega then stamped the form then rolled it up, "You are free to go, you can begin working tomorrow, thank you for the application." The woman then motioned for the next applicant to be ready.

OOCAhri is employed at the Inner Fire Glass in Syliras as a Glassblower with a base pay of 7 GM/day.

I will update your SS thread and give you the link through PM. :)
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Faelia on March 22nd, 2014, 9:18 pm

It was spring again, but while Faelia desired to simply sit back and relax to enjoy the weather, she had a task to do. Just earlier, she had promised her family that she would find a job. It had been high time that she needed to find one, anyway. For too long, she had been living off the support of her human family, eating the food they bought from the market, wearing the clothes they wove together. It hadn't been too long ago that she had learned how to hunt. Not only that, but she had surprised herself with how easily hunting came to her, both in her Kelvic animal and human form. As a falcon, all she had to do was simply to take off into the sky and search for some prey on the ground. Diving down, the kill was quick and easy. If she desired for larger prey, she would have to remain in her human form and take it out with the use of a hunting weapon. But either way, even if she wasn't quite an expert at it, she did want to continue to improve while also gaining some extra money for her family.

The Kelvic entered the Employment Office, pausing shortly as she noticed how packed the room was. For a moment she just stood there, a little uncertain on what she was supposed to do, before she noticed a stack of forms on the right. Picking one up, she noticed that it was an employment form.

Silently thanking her family for having taught her the basics of reading, she made her way to the business couches in the corner and took a seat, working to complete the form.

Name: Faelia
Race: Kelvic -- Peregrine falcon
Age: 4 years old
Relevant Skills: Medicine, Hunting, Fishing
Preferred Occupation: Doctor or Hunter
Expected Stay In Syliras: Quite awhile
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Athaera on March 23rd, 2014, 9:55 pm

29th day of Spring, 514 AV

Athaera walked into the building, her short, messy hair definitely keeping her from earning any proper cash. But she needed money. She had to get a proper weapon since her old dagger had rusted away.

A messy stack of paper sat on a small table, and Athaera picked one up, filling it out.

Name: Athaera
Race: Human, Vantha
Age: Fourteen
Relevant Skills: Hunting, Carving, and basic knowledge of Fishing
Preferred Occupation: Hunting
Expected Stay In Syliras: Most likely until the end of the season, maybe longer. Until I get enough money.

She stood in line for a few minutes, but what seemed like hours. She quickly smoothed down her hair with the comb in her bag and pulled her hood down so she didn't look so scrappy.

The woman at the desk greeted her with a warm smile. She seemed nice, but her demeanor sickened Athaera. She managed to maintain a fake smile as she presented her paper to the woman. Athaera felt her eyes flash red, and tilted her head downward and pulled her hood farther over her face, hoping the woman didn't notice.

Athaera stood by the desk as the woman looked it over, awaiting rejection.
Last edited by Athaera on April 5th, 2014, 12:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on March 25th, 2014, 3:09 am


The next applicant was another small human - she looked like it - Trega smiled again at this odd coincidence. Perhaps this was a way Sylir ease her old heart, seeing younger women reminded her of her grandsons, who had grew up and carved a path of their own, they hardly had time for their grandmother.

"Welcome, dear" Trega took the note from Faelia then read it thoroughly. Another Kelvic, well, for obvious reasons, Kelvics were often hunters or foragers, staying true to their animal nature, but not this one, this one had some skill in medicine and one of her preferred occupation was being a doctor. She put the "Doctor" first before "Hunter" so Trega expected medicinal job was her first priority.

Trega examined the Kelvic girl, then she rubbed her chin in thought, "I don't think you have the qualifications to be a doctor... yet, I can set you up to be an assistant at the Soothing Waters however, that way, you can train in arts of medicine first before moving up to 'Doctor'." Trega accepted the application, but with a note saying that Faelia would be working as an assistant first before she could become Doctor.

Trega then smiled at the girl, "Alright, I shall notify the Soothing Waters regarding your application, you are free to go now." She said as she motioned for the next applicant to be ready.

OOCYou need Competent Medicine to be a Doctor. At Novice, you'll be a Doctor's Assistant

Faelia is accepted to be a Doctor's Assistant in the Soothing Waters with a base pay of 3 GM/day.

I shall PM your SS thread link soon.


The next applicant was a young woman, she would look like a normal human if not for one of ther sub-races' most defining trait, her shifting aurora eyes. Trega always admired the Winter Goddess-Queen's children, a peaceful and fine people they are. Trega took Athaera's form then read it thoroughly, well it was not often a girl so young wanted to be a hunter, but if she was capable, who was Trega to deny her? "I see," the elder gave Ath a motherly smile, then rolled up then stamped the application, "I will notify the knights and other hunters about you, bring us some good game, we will pay you accordingly, and," Then she winked, "Good luck, dear."

OOCAthaera is accepted to be a hunter with a base pay of 5 GM/day, I will PM your SS thread.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Fell on April 3rd, 2014, 7:20 am

Fell had finally given up trying to find work around town. There just wasn't enough gold to be made out of it. After thinking over what she must do she finally came to a conclusion which ended up her standing in line in the Employment Office of Syliras.

It took a few chimes, but eventually she had reached the front desk, applications scattered across the surface. She slid one over, and began filling it out.

Name: Fell Evalose
Race: Human
Age: Nineteen
Relevant Skills: General Labor, Hunting, Work with her Hands
Preferred Occupation: Hunter or Laborer
Expected Stay In Syliras: Should remain here for a while.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on April 5th, 2014, 9:00 am

The next applicant was a beautiful woman, no doubt, she had light tanned skin and creamy blonde hair, the green orbs adorning her eyes were mesmerizing to look. The old wise woman smiled at her then took the application, she then read it thoroughly. This woman was applying to be either a hunter or a laborer which struck as odd to the senior lady, a person as pampered and clean as Fell applied for work of the physical nature, she didn't look like it. If she had any experience with hunting or laboring, this woman wouldn't look like a masseuse or dancer. Nevertheless, Trega didn't want to assume, if she had the skills to do it, then who was the senior to judge?

Trega then stamped the application then rolled it up, "I think you'll better be a hunter, while still hard work, I think the work of a laborer is not suited for you," The senior spoke frankly, Fell could break her bones doing back-breaking work such as laboring, "I will notify the hunters and knights regarding your application, you can begin working tomorrow, have a good day, Miss." With a kind smile, Trega motioned for the next applicant to come hither.

OOCFell is accepted to be a hunter in Syliras with a base pay of 5 GM/day.

I'll PM your Storyteller Secrets link.
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