Location Welcome Center and Employment Office

Looking for a steady income job? Apply here!

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Aeria on April 6th, 2014, 1:55 pm

Aeria sighed in boredom as she messily filled out her sheet, and waited in the line. Finally, it was her turn, and she put the sheet on the table with a bit more force than was needed, causing a small thump. "Sorry." She murmured.

Name: Aeria
Race: Kelvic
Age: 2 - Female
Relevant Skills: Hunting, Storytelling, Violin
Preferred Occupation: Hunter, barmaid
Expected Stay In Syliras: For at least 2 seasons.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on April 7th, 2014, 3:44 am

Trega warmly smiled at the next applicant. She was a young woman with brown braided hair and grey eyes. The girl looked nervous for some reason, well, some people felt so when dealing with those they deemed to be the 'authority', Trega could only chuckle though, Knights were the ones she should be nervous around, she was just a secretary. Trega took the form and read it, "Hmmm..." The woman was a Kelvic, animal men, her working as a hunter shouled be more fitting than a barmaid since barmaids required frequent social contact and if what her memory served about Kelvics were true, they were not exactly smooth in human social conducts.

"Alright, you shall be a hunter then," Trega stamped the application the rolled it up, "I will notify the knights and other hunters about you, you can begin working tomorrow, bring us good game and we'll reward you accordingly," Trega then smiled at her, "Thank you for the application, you may go now."

OOCAeria is accepted to be a hunter in Syliras with a base pay of 5 GM/day.

I will PM your SS thread.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Akka on April 12th, 2014, 10:43 pm

This was frightening. Most of all, she felt the burden of moving to somewhere she had nobody to rely on. Her skin was cold with anxiety, her eyes couldn't relax in place and would frenetically look at the most minor of movements they could catch. She took a deep breath, and looked back at the streets, thinking about giving up for the second time. “Spit on their faces”, she whispered to herself and walked further inside the building. The guards stared at her, seeming to be used to the sight. Akka looked back into their eyes feeling the intimidation. Back home she was used to seeing this look coming from men, but now she started to learn that The Knights did not drain their power exactly from tradition or false gender hierarchies, but from force, law and order. They asked her what was her business there, and her voice failed back into her throat, falling, swinging down into silence as their faces awaited for a response, their expression wondering if she was unable to think. And for a moment she was. “I intend to apply for a job”, Akka replied with the vibrating voice of anxiety. He pointed inside, mumbling something through his helmet she couldn't even understand, having to focus on one thing only: getting off of their sight. Would it be the same with anyone else? The weight of the knight's iron fist on her back was holding her down already, this was a drastic change from life back in the horseclans. It took a moment before Akka realized she was thinking through the dangers of the new town staring at the pile of papers, one of which she should fill in.

“I hate this language”, Akka told the little paper when reading the lines and discovering what it is that she had to write down. The language came to her as something foreign, ever-present through her past years, spoken here and there, but always foreign. “Akka Bowtoucher from Endrykas...”, she said while writing down that name in what she later came to call “the knights' language”. “That's my name”, Akka said, as if she wanted to be sure that last information was relevant. “At least it's what I told everyone else since leaving Cyphrus” In the next field, the knights wrote “race”. For a moment, she stopped. Her mind, as if out of control, dived into the grass sea. The horses were running around, and every soul she saw was a horseman or a horsewoman. The clanspeople, together, her race. They look like me, and share with her a certain view of the world, and how to run it. They disagreed, but knew that every being that walks and swims on Semele is valuable. It is upon the end of these thoughts that she realized her eyes were closed, and one of the guards was looking at her with a weird look in his face. “Race”, Akka repeats to herself while writing down she's a human, a drykas, and a smile took the left corner of her mouth as those letters were drawn against the knights' paper. Drykas. Oh, how I miss the Migrating City...

Last words written, she wondered to herself why they would like to know her race when hiring for a job. “Why is this relevant? To discriminate us?”, she pondered in a very quiet whisper and moved to fill in the age field. “Relevant skills...”, her lips accompanied her as she read, thinking about what it is that she knew exactly. “It is not too much, not as much as grandma, but I know how to make our longbows very well..., Akka thought out loud as she put in her talents and how much being a bowyer meant to her. For a second, her eyes closed again, and the face of her grandmother took her head completely elsewhere. Oh, grandma, if you didn't taught me... I will never stop making bows, I swear to you. She remembered, and wouldn't ever forget to her last days, that there is no archer if there is no bowyer. “There is no difference between an archer and a bowyer, any distance is a shortcoming”, she said quoting her grandmother as she filled in a line saying who taught her, and how much she knew, how good she was — or so Akka thought, as if she could write such intense quantity in a piece of paper that small.

“Preferred occupation... Bowyer, of course!”, she said scribbled down as the paper learned her intentions. Finally, she's asked how long she expected to stay. “I'll be where the struggle takes me... — she replied looking at the blank space eager to be filled — but I will stay here permanently so long as I have no good reason to leave.” She stared at the filled piece of paper and read it again. Was that the start of it? Would she be a bowyer in the hands of those knights? Would she be able to have her own shop and work alone? How much freedom would she be given? She had before seen the face of slavery, and at that moment was thinking she was always ready to escape, at any moment, from anything. Very nervous, she used to think of an escape plan from every single building she walked in.

Her head moved upwards slowly, and she faced Trega smiling at her. Her face was washed with knowledge, and Akka respected her years when looking at her hair. The horsewoman's knees were slightly unstable as she walked towards the secretary's table and laid the paper in front of her hands. “I'm looking for a job”, she said with her voice throwing the words out more naturally than to the two men at the door. As she looked into her eyes, Akka tried to pull the empathy for her fellow kind, a connection never talked about openly, but that back in her family was very important. They were both women, and that meant something.

After speaking to her and turning in the paper, Akka smiled and tried to nod, although to her perception it later seemed more like an unreadable gesture. Her hands were wet as she thanked Trega and walked towards the door. Leaving is always more comfortable than coming in. As with horses, they always know better the way back, they know where home is, and they know when you are leaving. It means you are ready to go, and that what you came to do is finished. Even in the harshest situations, where leaving is still an escape job, the feeling of a job almost finished is always felt warmly, the feeling of going home — unfortunately to her heart, that was not Akka's current destiny.

Name: Akka Bowtoucher from Endrykas
Race: I am a human, a drykas
Age: 28
Relevant Skills: I come from a family of bowyers, it is a tradition and a matter of honor to us. I learned with my grandmother, the most skilled of her time.
Preferred Occupation: Bowyer/Fletcher
Expected Stay In Syliras: Permanent.
Last edited by Akka on April 13th, 2014, 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on April 13th, 2014, 12:42 pm

The next applicant was a blond-haired woman with tanned skin in her late twenties. The first impression she got from this woman was she being a warrior of some sort, unafraid to voice her opinions, and being dominant in her life. Trega smiled, Syliras never view gender as a factor when determining what one could and could not do in life, the Knighthood had their equal share of both males and females. The woman's thin-looking body did rouse the senior's worry though, did she have enough to eat? This was probably why she was looking for a job.

Trega took the application and read it thoroughly, a Drykas. Trega raised an eyebrow just for barely a tick, the Drykas had raided and kidnapped women and children from Syliras last year and instances of hatred and racism towards the horseclans lingered in the Syliran population, however, not all of them were foul kidnappers, a lot of them were decent people, and in fact, Syliras got their fair share of Drykas abandoning their clans, cutting their ties off from their clans and lived in Syliras due to disgust. This woman might or might be not one of them, but one thing for sure, she was civilized. Trega stamped something in the application, then rolled it up, "Alright, Miss Akka, you will work in the Feathered Shaft, I will notify Sir Kalvin Wilde regarding your employment. Have a good day." With a kind smile, Trega motioned for the next applicant to come hither.

OOCAkka is accepted to be a Bowyer/Fletcher in Syliras with a base pay of 3 GM/day.

I will PM your SS thread soon.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Ever on April 23rd, 2014, 6:03 am

Ever was in a rush today. She desperately needed work to help pay for her home, food, and for her two year old daughter. Her hair was mess, and when she approached the front desk where the old woman sat ready to get her stamped and move the line along. She didn't waste any time filling out her application. Anything she could get, she would work hard at.

Name: Ever Ostelle
Race: Human
Age: 22 Years Old
Relevant Skills: Seduction, Dance, Anthropology
Preferred Occupation: Waitress or Dancer (or something more interesting)
Expected Stay In Syliras: For a Long Time
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on April 23rd, 2014, 5:32 pm

Ever, you can't have two PCs registered in the same domain in the same season.

Please move either Fell Evalose or Ever Ostelle from Syliras then I will respond.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Leon Merkin on April 26th, 2014, 3:37 pm

"This is it," Leon said to himself, walking through the doors of the welcome centre. Leon had just moved into his new home and he needed to find a job to support himself. Upon walking into the door, Leon noticed people taking sheets of paper that took from a table. Joining in with the rest, he took one and gandered at it. It was an information sheet for him to fill out. Looking at the sheet, Leon wondered about what information to put down. When he made up his mind he wrote,

"Name: Leon Merkin
Race: Human
Age: 23
Relevant Skills: reimancy, sheilding, acrobatics, use of dagger
Preferred Occupation: Mercenary, Barmaid, Bartender
Expected Stay In Syliras: Currently a resident, no plans to move"

Leon wasn't sure if he should of written down his use of magic. However, Leon assumed that the information is somewhat confidential, at lease to those who aren't knights... he hoped.

joining the queue, Leon waited to see the woman at the desk, and once he was at the front of the line he handed her the paper and greeted her with a smile. "Hello there," he greeted as he handed over the paper. "I hope the information on the paper is filled in correctly," he said, scratching his head nervously, "I've never really filled out something like this before"
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on April 26th, 2014, 3:57 pm

Trega looked upon the next applicant, he was a young-looking man in his twenties of average height and build. Trega smiled at the brown-haired young man, the senior then took his application. She raised an eyebrow, a mage huh, that was odd, mages were usually fickle folk and would rarely reveal their secrets, let alone blatantly like this, but of course, presumption of innocence, unless he caused trouble, she would shrug off this little blurb, "Alright, be forewarned, no magic use in the walls, you are not a Mage-Knight." The old woman warned him then looked over his preferred occupation.

Well, he had a couple of useful non-magic skills such as acrobatic and dagger-wielding, he would make a great busker, but he preferred to be a mercenary, barmaid, or bartender. Unfortunately, Mercenaries are not popular in Syliras due to the Knighthood keeping things safe and usually mercenary jobs came rare and couldn't be used as a steady occupation. To be a bartender, one needed some kind of social skills in which he had none, "I am sorry, your skills and preferred occupation do not match. Mercenaries can hardly find a job here while you must be social to be a bartender, I heard mages are quite anti-social, so, I must reject this application. Please make a new one, I would suggest you work as a Busker in the Syliran Theatre". She then ordered him to take another parchment and move back to the back of the queue.

OOCI would suggest you take the Busker occupation.

Also, I checked your IP, you have lots of accounts, all played in Syliras, Oleander, Simon Oracle, Haylo, Vadatur, etc, etc, please explain this to me through PM.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Aeris on May 11th, 2014, 3:56 pm

Name: Aeris
Race: Konti
Age: 29
Relevant Skills: Massage, Medicine, Herbalism, Healing
Preferred Occupation: Healer or something dealing with medicine
Expected Stay In Syliras: Few seasons, probably.

Aeris wrote on the paper, writing neatly as possible, but she hadnt practiced it, really. Why would you need to write when you had things already written in books? She walked into the line, waiting for her turn, and putting the sheet on the table. "Thanks, " She said absentmindedly, not really caring about sounding sincere.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on May 12th, 2014, 1:43 pm

Aeris, your gnosis mark and Konti Gift is not yet accepted by the HD, if you do, you would have a SS thread, PM me once you have received your mark then I will respond.
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