To the esteemed Mathias Syka,
Word has reached the horse nation of your impending mission, and I send this letter with humility for consideration in joining this intrepid expedition.
My name is Delani Denusk. I have long been a lover and seeker of knowledge, from the first why that slipped from young lips. I have long been searching for that which would aid in my own quest to simply know. Know why the tradewinds blow; know what brings the rains to feed the cyphrus grass; know when the mare will foal. For knowledge is a precious thing not many understand or pursue; it is as much a treasure as a warm blanket in the winter is to the one who freezes in the cold.
Eyris blessed me with her gift of knowing and since its receipt I have pined for the opportunity to use it in such a way that others may benefit; as much as I wish to learn and to know, I find greater solace in others rising above their circumstances for the knowledge I might be able to provide. The Lykata is a special gift for that reason, and it would be with humble delight that I could aid you and those you choose to take on this most exciting endeavor. What I may lack in certain skills is easily made up for with a quick mind and greater desire to learn.
With regards,
~Delani, of the Denusk Pavilion, Sapphire Clan