Ricky watched as Ariann went off, never once did she look back after finally saying goodbye. There was a troubled look in his expression for a while but the guard found it erased with a smile and chuckle, as she no longer came to be in sight he returned to keeping watch as was his post. "Silly girl, don't matter what you say." He mused with another chuckle, the idea behind her words failed to change his mind. "No matter what ya think lass, I'm always gonna think ya important. Leila and I convinced ya to take a chance and I promised to keep ya safe when ya did. Ye'll always be that same girl to me who I'll gladly keep safe, and I've faith that ye'll come back."
He then looked out to the sea that stretched ever far out of the docks, a small breeze hugged him gently as his smile became warm and infectious. "Whether it be Zulrav's wind or Laviku's water to guide ya, ye'll come back someday in the future. Of that I've no doubt." He assured himself with a nod and silent prayer, his mind ready to tend to the task of duty once more.
"Ricky's words.", "Ricky's thoughts.", "Telion's words.", "Hannah's words.", "Other's words."
He then looked out to the sea that stretched ever far out of the docks, a small breeze hugged him gently as his smile became warm and infectious. "Whether it be Zulrav's wind or Laviku's water to guide ya, ye'll come back someday in the future. Of that I've no doubt." He assured himself with a nod and silent prayer, his mind ready to tend to the task of duty once more.
"Ricky's words.", "Ricky's thoughts.", "Telion's words.", "Hannah's words.", "Other's words."