Closed [Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

A simple spar, between an Akalak and a Kelvic

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 20th, 2013, 1:26 am

For some odd reason Souris attempted to jump to avoid his attack. If he had been aiming low that might have worked, but even if he had aimed for her chest, it would not have. So his slap at her side hit, which undoubtedly stung.

However as he swung in to trip her up, her jump did work, and went over his leg. But she still messed up, and landed wrong off center, making one of her legs go out and sending her to the ground.

"What, your giving up so easy? We just started!"

Rykanis shook his head, at the girl, who was clearly not meant for fighting. Not because she messed up, but because she gave up so easily. Rykanis had gained more bruises than he could count, been knocked down so much his rear was bruised from one side to the other. But he still had not quit. A fighter had to be indomitable, and never quit.

"By the way, you can't jump to avoid all attacks. Only if I am aiming at your feet or something. Now why don't you try to stand, and see if you can. If you can't it is broken. Otherwise... We will see if you are well enough to continue. But don't quit so easily. A warrior is not a person that never gets knocked down, a warrior is someone that never quits, and keeps getting up."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Souris Blanche on June 20th, 2013, 2:55 am

Souris sighed, shaking her head. "You're silly." she rubbed her forehead a little forcefully with her hand, groaning. "I think I picked the wrong teacher," she teased. Though it hurt her ankle a little bit, she stood up. Must just be twisted or something near that. It had happened to her once before. She didn't exactly have too much time to have had a twisted ankle, but she was a little clumsy when trying something new.

She took in a large breath, filling up her mouth with air. It made a mouse-like appearance. Such as when they were eating. But for her, it was just her being exhausted. Already. Due to the fact she didn't really want to fight, she just wanted to talk to the Akalak man. But she'd try to want to fight. She wanted his attention, so it wasn't that bad. It gave her his attention.

"I wish I could jump to avoid all attacks. I'd be a master at everything sparring related! Jump here, jump there, scurry this way, scurry that way, scavenge, run, sniff, squeak," she begun to imagine fighting to be a mouse sport, and felt a slight ego boost on her own behalf. The thought made her laugh, and she went at Rykanis with playful punches. Though they were playful, she tried to swing her body with it. To still follow the rules he placed before.

She threw a few punches, until her stance was pulling on her thighs and her arms were tiring. The fists unfurled, and her claws were out and ready. It was only a few moments after when she realized she may have scratched him. "Oh!" she gasped.
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[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 22nd, 2013, 10:25 pm

Rykanis just looked back at Souris, as she shook her head and called him silly, and a bad teacher.

"Perhaps so, but I am the teacher you ended up with. So no backing out now."

Though he sounded serious, he smiled back at the girl, a laugh on his lips.

Rykanis however was a bit confused, by her next rant, which he was unsure was directed at him, or herself. In the end, she laughed at her own words, and continued on playfully punching at Rykanis.

Her words though sounded more like how an animal would attack. Humans did not squeak, at least not usually, nor did they usually sniff at things... The mention of scurrying reminded him of rats, and of Dex a kelvic he had met awhile back.

Which sent his mind whirling, was this girl a kelvic? She did have odd eyes, and they way she spoke and acted, seemed to hint at that... All of the disparate bits of information seemed to be coming together, and the possible conclusion he was getting was that she was indeed a kelvic. Though he could not yet be certain... But logic seemed to say that it was true...

He was only half paying attention, deep in thought on the idea that she might be a kelvic, trying to figure it out for certain, conversing with his other half... So deep in thought was he, that he was not paying attention when one punch came in, a open palmed punch.

It had not been deep, but the sudden shock of pain as the nails scratched into his forearm, down from just after his wrist, all the way to his elbow... Rykanis acted without thinking, by instinct, the same as if some animal had appeared out of the dark and attacked him.

Rykanis suddenly tensed, and went on the offensive, as his training told him to, and let out a full strength punch aimed right at the girls stomach, with the same arm that had three bleeding cuts down it.

He had not been thinking. He had been shocked and caught off guard, and his automatic reflexes had instinctively told his body to react and attack, before his mind caught up to his situation.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Souris Blanche on June 24th, 2013, 4:18 am

She had been grasping for words to apologize, when she watched his fist come at her. There was no time at all to try and move, and she had already been stuttering. The fist barreled into her stomach, and she was sent a ways back, her light weight no use in keeping her weighed down. Her breath was knocked out of her lungs, and at first it was shock that consumed her body.

Again was she on the floor, on her now most likely bruised bottom, looking up at Rykanis. She was thinking things over... Did he just punch me? Her eyes looked from his arm to his face, and she tried to say, "oh my gosh I'm sorry" but there was a rather sharp pain in her stomach. She had only just noticed it, and when she came to realize this, tears burned her lids and she had to force them down. "Ow." She mouthed, basically unable to speak due to her stomach. Which made really no sense.

She had never encountered a wound like this before. She found herself battered by what seemed like not even five chimes of being taught anything. This was most embarrassing. But it's not like he didn't just swing his Akalak arm at her. "Rykanis, that kind of hurt." As soon as the words escaped her lips, uncontrollable tears swarmed down from her eyes. Oh, dang it! One hand still grasping her belly, she wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I said I'm sorry." It was a squeaky whimper. She once had a bottle dropped on her paw, which had bruised her, but she had never been punched before.

"No internal injuries, just harmed pride." She forced herself to stand back up, and a lousy punch was thrown from her fist. It wasn't even really a punch. More like a tap with her knuckles. Her face scrunched up in a very pained way, and she forced a smile. "Me, go, home. Enough for today?" She felt as though she were over reacting. But you try to be this size, being punched by an Akalak. "See-you-later?" She wondered if sleeping would do the trick. She wondered what Rykanis would say. She wondered if she could make it home without doubling over. Probably not. She doubted she could change into a mouse. "Phooey!"
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[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 30th, 2013, 1:48 am

Before he even fully realized what he had done, the girl was laid out on the floor, clutching at were he had struck.

"Souris! Oh, I am so sorry! You scratched me, and I just reacted, I did not mean to!"

They were having a spar, and getting hit and punched was a common enough occurrence, but Rykanis now reacted by yet another instinct, when seeing a girl in pain and hurt, crying before him, and feebly mentioning that she had said she was sorry.

One thing was for certain, by the nails, she did appear to be a kelvic. Though he had no clue what kind. But what else but one of those would had such nails, he wondered?

Rykanis reached down, and scooped her up like she was a child, which compared to him by size, she nearly was. One hand under her back, the other under her legs, he stood up, cradling her to his chest, looking down at her face.

"Nonsense, I will take you. Just tell me where. I did not mean to strike you as such, you just surprised me, but it is the least I could do to make amends. Were do you stay?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Souris Blanche on July 5th, 2013, 6:08 am

She was reluctant to get taken into his arms, but she couldn't exactly put up a fight. As she looked up at him, her nose twitched. Along with this, her lips raised a little, as she thought. Her gears worked, having almost forgotten where she resided. "Er, Atri's Place." she mumbled. Being out of the energy or breath to squeak or, honestly, be too high pitched, she sounded like a normal worn out person.

"I'm not usually awake right now anyway. But my sleeping schedule is screwed up, see." whether or not she wanted to, this walk was going to be awkward for her if she didn't speak, so she did. and not having many topics in her head from her short life thus far, she spoke of the most recent things that had happened.

"I'd seen you around, so I thought it was more than coincidence that I saw you exit your residence. Maybe it was, I dunno." she paused to yawn, her small palms coming up to cover her mouth, her body turning inward into his, cuddling up to his chest. "So I followed you to the.. training place.." her eyes began to close. "You keep up a great pace, by the way."

"I didn't really expect to have the courage to go up to you. I thought I might run in and then run out. I tend to do stuff like that. I guess not being very brave is like, a mouse stereotype or something. But I always get sheepish and embarrassed. If I don't have a huge ego at the moment..." she was going to explain more, but it seemed the extent of her wake was finalized with a light cartoonish, breathy, prolonged squeak. Her nose snuggled in more to the crest of his arm. It seemed the pain was forgotten once she'd begun talking, and once she was cradled, sleeping was inevitable.
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[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 5th, 2013, 8:07 pm

Rykanis scooped up Souris, and headed towards the door. He thought for a moment when she told him were she lived, at Atri's place. He had to orient himself as he walked out the door, trying to recall where it was. After a moment, he remembered it was almost directly north of here, off a small off road. But mainly just following the main road north till you hit the arena.

He was not sure what she meant, when she said she was usually asleep at this time. If he had known a bit more about kelvics, he might have known that their sleep pattern could carry over, but sadly he did not. His knowledge of them was rather sparse.

He was a bit surprised as she began to cuddle up to him, getting comfortable apparently. Not for that, but for what she said along with it. She had been following him, on his run! And he had not noticed at all! He of all people! He had been preoccupied during the exercise, and who really expected to be followed during their morning jog to work out and spar? But still, he had failed to notice her tailing him.

He had simply thought there meeting was by chance, that she had randomly picked him to spar with... But no, apparently she had followed him from his home, and picked him on purpose. It was a bit disconcerting really, that the kelvic had managed to do what she had. He was going to have to be far more vigilant in the future, even when he was not currently spying.

She might not make a bad spy herself, it seemed if nothing else she was decent at sneaking, and gathering intel. And on inserting herself into the situation, as an excuse to meet him. Quite a good usage of intelligence gathering, to make the meeting seem so normal.

"Sour, you followed me from home? Why?"

As he trotted along the road heading to Atri's place, he continued to listen to her tired mutterings. Had she just said she was a mouse? Perhaps she was a decent spy in some ways, but apparently when she was tired she just told all!

Though a mouse kelvic... He could not recall hearing of any such before... Not that he knew a great deal of kelvics.

Before he could question her any further, she let out a odd squeak, and fell asleep in his arms, even with the motion of his movement and heading towards her home. He did not wake her, instead letting her sleep.

But as he neared her home, he realized he had no idea were her room was... He tried to ask her were it was, though it was not easy her being unconscious.

"Sour, we are here, but were is your room? And were is the key?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Souris Blanche on July 5th, 2013, 8:30 pm

She woke up slowly, listening to the question. She blinked just as slowly, making tired, only half conscious grumbles. Her key? Her eyes opened. Were they already back at Atri's place? She looked from the building to the Akalak, her brow scrunched up in a confused knot. Had she fallen asleep? Apparently. And he hadn't stopped her? Why? Why not keep her awake?

Just as she felt herself falling back into an unconscious sleep, she remembered where she was and what she was doing. She hiccuped, startling herself. She looked back up at Rykanis. "Oh goodness." she reached into her pockets, which she found to be empty. She was suddenly aware that her key was being held up in her breasts, as she feared it would fall out of her pocket. Which, on the way here, it would have.

She remembered halfhearing a previous question about why she followed him, and as she rummaged into her "pocket", pulling out her key, she explained. "I've seen you before. Around." as if that explained anything. For a moment it seemed like all she would say, but then she continued. "You seemed nice. But I've been quick to judge before. Despite this I followed you anyway. It wasn't too difficult to stay quiet." she walked and ran on her toes. Somehow this made her quieter. "I didn't want you to know I was following you, but since you're taking me home, I thought why not. Right? I mean, it doesn't even seem like a big deal anyway, once I think about it..." even though they were at her residency, and she was awake again, she snuggled into his arms.

"It was an accident, running into your backside. I thought I was going to have to think up some huge excuse why I chose you rather than the other men in the room, but it was an accident on my side, running into you. I didn't really have to give any explanation at all." she sighed. "I live in a single room further to the left of the building. Second to last one." she paused, looking towards her room. "I can manage the rest of the way."
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[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 6th, 2013, 1:10 am

For some odd reason Souris stuck her hand down the front of her own clothing, before Rykanis, only to bring it back out with her key in hand. Rykanis could not help but avert his eyes as she did so, it only seemed the chivalrous thing to do.

But it struck Rykanis as odd. Did she really think that someone would take her key? What other reason would she have for doing that?

Not to mention, it was a odd place to store something... And even odder to extract it before a male.

He kept his thoughts from showing on his face the best he could, but the entire circumstance was odd... He had a kelvic, a mouse one, that had been stalking him. The spy side of him made him consider the option if this was just trying to throw him off, and someone was actually sending her to find out things on him... But even if it was not anything like that, he still had a kelvic stalker.

When she said she could make it the rest of the way, Rykanis raised one eyebrow at her, but shrugged, which shook her up and down a few inches with him still holding her, and then proceeded to gingerly place her back on the ground.

"Well... I cannot say it was not odd... But still, I hope you will be well. I imagine we will see each other again. Until then."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Tuvya Sasaran ]Of Fist and Fur[Souris]

Postby Souris Blanche on July 6th, 2013, 5:00 pm

After being set down, Souris felt the sudden cold breeze of it being morning. She didn't quite want her time with the Akalak to be over, and so she stayed standing there for a time, thinking. So he thought his time with her was odd? So did she. When he said he imagined that they would see each other again... she puffed out her cheeks. Of course they would! She knew where he lived now. Maybe next time she would sneak up on him as a mouse. She nearly giggled at the thought of it.

She started walking back to her room with her head a bit low and her shoulders slumped. She was exhausted even moreso than a few moments ago. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small tomato she'd scavenged before she followed Rykanis. She nibbled on it, and then stopped. She turned, eyes wide and giddy, and ran at the blue man.

Her small arms wrapped themselves around his waist, and she hugged him. If you could call it that. If you were to look at it, it was more like a static cling. "I'll be sure to sneak up on you again, count on it, 'kay?" she asked, grinning. She turned, and then ran back to her room. "Bye Rykanis!" she waved, almost dropping her key. She fumbled with it for a moment, then opened her door, waving again. She tossed the key on the little endtable, and flopped on the bed. "Whew."
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