Timestamp: Summer 11, 513 AV Leila was walking back from town with her newly purchased braziers and bag of coal. She'd heard that incense was popular among people, and had many requests for them. The only problem was that she'd had no experience with incense before, so she decided to solve that with some experimenting. She had a list of various herbs and the like that customers had been wanting, and she intended to try them out before selling them. She carried her items to her yard, Shaco greeting her with a friendly bark. Moving around back, to where the tables had been set up for her grand opening she set them down on the grass. Leila needed to set up two small fire pits, so she would have to collect stones, get some of her firewood supply, then set up the small braziers. She was going to have one heated by wood, to burn the incense directly against the metal. The other would have burning coals in the brazier. Her customers had varying styles about which method they preferred, so she needed to try them both. She left the goods there, and walked back through her home, crossing over to her lab, to start bagging up the herbs. She had put a sign on her door that she was out back in the gardens if she was needed. She put dried lavender, hemp, rose, rosemary, pine, vanilla, and cinnamon into a small sack and carried them out back with the rest of her supplies. She stood there, arms crossed, "Time to get down and dirty and get the stones." Grading Moderator's NotePurchase of Brazier, Simple x2, 1gm Coal, 10lbs, 1 gm |