-- Fall 90th, 509AV --
Spirit awoke with a yawn, and a grin on her face. She was nine! Well... she'd been nine yesterday too, but still! She was older! It was such a nice feeling... the day before, they'd celebrated, and Wind had had such a fun time... he got to eat a bunch of human food! The puppy had gobbled it down happily, and got to eat as much as he wanted... which turned out to be a lot. It was their second anniversary after all. At least that was what the adults had called it. Basically it meant that they'd spent two years together... two happy bouncy years! She'd loved it...
The young Frostfawn sat up, ready to pet her companion lying beside her, until she caught a strange smell. Very strange. And not a good one. She twitched her nose irritably, and looked around for the source of the odor. Right as she gazed at the sled dog, however, she came up with an answer. Wind was sitting there, staring at her slightly guiltily, but also not looking so well. Beside him... was a small pile of vomit. "Ewwww Wind! Why'dya do that?!" She demanded of the young dog, her face scrunched up with disgust. He'd thrown up right beside her bed! What was with him today?
Before she could scold him however, the canine stood up and a retching noise emanated from his throat. Oh no. After a few second of the noise, countered by the little girl scrambling as far away from the animal as possible, more half-digested food came out of his throat. Right onto her blankets. "Wiiiiiiiiiiiind!!!" She yelled for no particular reason, horrified that her bedding had been ruined. "What's wrong with you? Stop that!!" she demanded, as if the hound could answer. He replied with a sad, guilty look, and vomited again, this time at least on the floor again.
Her Aunt, who had heard the girl yelling burst through the door looking confused. "What are you yelling about Spirit?" She asked, slightly sharply, before spotting the messes on the floor and freezing. She sighed, and shook her head, as the girl answered the question. "Wind's throwin' up on all my stuff!" She explained, pointing straight at the culprit, as if this explained everything. And to the woman who knew more, it did. Obviously during the ruckus the day before, the sled dog had eaten something that disagreed with him. They'd let the pup get a little out of control the day before, but... the two had been so happy. She frowned slightly, and tried to explain the situation to the accusing girl.
"He ate something funny, and now he's not feeling well. His tummy can't handle it, so he throws up" She explained, leaning over with a kind smile on her face. Hearing that her best friend, her dearest companion, was sick, Spirit's mouth gaped open. How could she have missed that!? He wasn't annoying her on purpose! He wasn't feeling well! She remembered all the times she'd been sick... it wasn't fun. Apologizing profoundly, she dashed over to the puppy and rubbed his head voraciously. "I'm so sorry! Feel better! Feel better!" She informed the hound, moving to pat his stomach as well. His canine face displayed a happy expression, before falling and vomiting all over his friend's nightclothes. "EWWWWW" she screamed, falling backwards, glaring at Wind. She'd been so nice! Why'd he have to go and vomit all over her like that. Turning to her Aunt, she demanded "Aunty, make him better! So he stops doing this!" Her Aunt could do anything, right? She'd seen the woman take care of animals, and play with her own dogs... she'd know how to deal with this! Her arms were crossed and her face forcefully turned away from the smell on her shirt. Wind sat, head down, looking incredibly guilty and sad.
The Aunt sighed again, and responded "Okay... I'll go get someone to check him out, then clean up this mess. Meanwhile, change out of that, and keep an eye on Wind, ok? Make sure he feels well." She straightened, and walked out of the room, sincerely hoping nothing too problematic happened while she was gone. She'd fetch Lusina... the lady was always a good Veterinarian.
Spirit faithfully did as her guardian asked, getting into new clothes, before crouching before Wind again. This time, she kept a careful eye on him, in case he tried to vomit again. She patted his head and tummy constantly, muttering soft words of comfort to the sickly pup. She hoped someone could help him feel better.... "Feel better, alright? Get well soon. Someone's coming, and they'll help you!" and so on. She was anxious to see her friend get better, and had completely lost all anger against the hound. All that mattered was that he should get better...
As she awaited the return of her Aunt, an idea came to her. "Hey! You must be feeling pretty empty after all that vomiting... how 'bout a treat!" She said enthusiastically, hopping up to where she hid Wind's treats. She quickly grabbed on and returned, holding it out to the sled dog. "Here ya go!" she informed him, watching excitedly to see if it helped or not. The dog sniffed it hesitantly, before nibbling on the end of it. He gulped it down, but it was still strange to see the canine so unwilling to eat. The little Frostfawn gave him a strange look, but patted his head all the same. "Good job! Now a-- WHAAA" She yelled as the retching noises began again, and she dived backwards, away from the oncoming food. In a small, barely avoided puddle, lay a crunched up, saliva covered treat. The one she'd just fed him. Wind looked as guilty as ever, but Spirit matched it this time. It was her fault this time... she should've known not to feed him.
"Aww I'm sorry boy" She informed him sadly, her face drooping. Determined not to make mistakes like that again, she did exactly as her Aunt asked, and awaited the arrival of more people. She hoped they would come soon...
Spirit awoke with a yawn, and a grin on her face. She was nine! Well... she'd been nine yesterday too, but still! She was older! It was such a nice feeling... the day before, they'd celebrated, and Wind had had such a fun time... he got to eat a bunch of human food! The puppy had gobbled it down happily, and got to eat as much as he wanted... which turned out to be a lot. It was their second anniversary after all. At least that was what the adults had called it. Basically it meant that they'd spent two years together... two happy bouncy years! She'd loved it...
The young Frostfawn sat up, ready to pet her companion lying beside her, until she caught a strange smell. Very strange. And not a good one. She twitched her nose irritably, and looked around for the source of the odor. Right as she gazed at the sled dog, however, she came up with an answer. Wind was sitting there, staring at her slightly guiltily, but also not looking so well. Beside him... was a small pile of vomit. "Ewwww Wind! Why'dya do that?!" She demanded of the young dog, her face scrunched up with disgust. He'd thrown up right beside her bed! What was with him today?
Before she could scold him however, the canine stood up and a retching noise emanated from his throat. Oh no. After a few second of the noise, countered by the little girl scrambling as far away from the animal as possible, more half-digested food came out of his throat. Right onto her blankets. "Wiiiiiiiiiiiind!!!" She yelled for no particular reason, horrified that her bedding had been ruined. "What's wrong with you? Stop that!!" she demanded, as if the hound could answer. He replied with a sad, guilty look, and vomited again, this time at least on the floor again.
Her Aunt, who had heard the girl yelling burst through the door looking confused. "What are you yelling about Spirit?" She asked, slightly sharply, before spotting the messes on the floor and freezing. She sighed, and shook her head, as the girl answered the question. "Wind's throwin' up on all my stuff!" She explained, pointing straight at the culprit, as if this explained everything. And to the woman who knew more, it did. Obviously during the ruckus the day before, the sled dog had eaten something that disagreed with him. They'd let the pup get a little out of control the day before, but... the two had been so happy. She frowned slightly, and tried to explain the situation to the accusing girl.
"He ate something funny, and now he's not feeling well. His tummy can't handle it, so he throws up" She explained, leaning over with a kind smile on her face. Hearing that her best friend, her dearest companion, was sick, Spirit's mouth gaped open. How could she have missed that!? He wasn't annoying her on purpose! He wasn't feeling well! She remembered all the times she'd been sick... it wasn't fun. Apologizing profoundly, she dashed over to the puppy and rubbed his head voraciously. "I'm so sorry! Feel better! Feel better!" She informed the hound, moving to pat his stomach as well. His canine face displayed a happy expression, before falling and vomiting all over his friend's nightclothes. "EWWWWW" she screamed, falling backwards, glaring at Wind. She'd been so nice! Why'd he have to go and vomit all over her like that. Turning to her Aunt, she demanded "Aunty, make him better! So he stops doing this!" Her Aunt could do anything, right? She'd seen the woman take care of animals, and play with her own dogs... she'd know how to deal with this! Her arms were crossed and her face forcefully turned away from the smell on her shirt. Wind sat, head down, looking incredibly guilty and sad.
The Aunt sighed again, and responded "Okay... I'll go get someone to check him out, then clean up this mess. Meanwhile, change out of that, and keep an eye on Wind, ok? Make sure he feels well." She straightened, and walked out of the room, sincerely hoping nothing too problematic happened while she was gone. She'd fetch Lusina... the lady was always a good Veterinarian.
Spirit faithfully did as her guardian asked, getting into new clothes, before crouching before Wind again. This time, she kept a careful eye on him, in case he tried to vomit again. She patted his head and tummy constantly, muttering soft words of comfort to the sickly pup. She hoped someone could help him feel better.... "Feel better, alright? Get well soon. Someone's coming, and they'll help you!" and so on. She was anxious to see her friend get better, and had completely lost all anger against the hound. All that mattered was that he should get better...
As she awaited the return of her Aunt, an idea came to her. "Hey! You must be feeling pretty empty after all that vomiting... how 'bout a treat!" She said enthusiastically, hopping up to where she hid Wind's treats. She quickly grabbed on and returned, holding it out to the sled dog. "Here ya go!" she informed him, watching excitedly to see if it helped or not. The dog sniffed it hesitantly, before nibbling on the end of it. He gulped it down, but it was still strange to see the canine so unwilling to eat. The little Frostfawn gave him a strange look, but patted his head all the same. "Good job! Now a-- WHAAA" She yelled as the retching noises began again, and she dived backwards, away from the oncoming food. In a small, barely avoided puddle, lay a crunched up, saliva covered treat. The one she'd just fed him. Wind looked as guilty as ever, but Spirit matched it this time. It was her fault this time... she should've known not to feed him.
"Aww I'm sorry boy" She informed him sadly, her face drooping. Determined not to make mistakes like that again, she did exactly as her Aunt asked, and awaited the arrival of more people. She hoped they would come soon...