[Verified by Banshee] Rodywyn

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Rodywyn on June 10th, 2013, 1:16 am

Name: Rodywyn Buckinging
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Date of Birth: Autumn 18, 491
City: Syliras

Appearance: Rodywyn is 5’ 10”, with dark hazel eyes, and dark curly brown hair, his skin has been weathered by many nights in the Syliran woods. His eyes are sharp but kind and cheerful.

Character Concept: His father was a knight, and his father before him. They are not famous, or first wing, but have served the city for as long as they care to trace back their history. Though, unlike other families, they do it in a slightly, less honorable capacity.

Personality: Rodywyn is quiet, but he is not afraid of action. Spending most of his time in the Bronze Woods taught him patience, and the values of being watchful. He is openly religious, and often spends an hour or two in quiet contemplation of the Gods the knights Value, every morning.

Character History: Born in a mild autumn, his early life was easy, care free, and enjoyable. And though his mother died when he was only 6, he never dwelled on it, and never fell into the traps of melancholy that seemed to plague the world. When he turned 8, his father begin studies. Rodywyn learned his family history, starting all the way back, though, there are many gaps, and none of the history took place pre-valterrian.

His father taught him Auristics, as his father had taught him, and so forth, back for many generations. Rodywyn usually hides his magic ability, as he knows how some people will react around it. He continued his studies for several years, before his father went missing while on a mission. This hurt the young page, but he delved into his studies, turning his mind towards history, chivalry, poetry, and sword play. He went from household to household, learning everything he could about the order, and how to fight. He elected to learn how to live off the land too, prefering to stay in the wood, foraging for food, and shelter.

As he aged, he moved to the squire dormitory, where he met with other squire, he sparred, and lived with many boys, and girls with the same mind as him. He thrived here, and the deaths of his parents were an old, forgotten memory. The years passed quickly, it wasnt long before he was a man in the eyes of the knights, and was tasked with a quest to test his skill, loyalty, faith, and courage.

(more forthcoming)

Languages: Common- Fluent

Skill Exp Total Proficiency
Longsword 15RB15Novice
Shield, kite5SP5Novice
Wilderness Survival10SP10Novice
Hunting5Sp5 Novice
Tracking5 SP5Novice
Food Preservation5SP5Novice

Lores: Making a Fire
History of Syliras

Wearing: Simple clothes, and his body pack. When on patrols wears Syliran light armor, under his body pack, and other survival gear. He also always wears his longsword.

-Simple Shirt
-3 Linen Breeches -1GM 6SM
-3 Linen Undergarments -2SM
-3 Linen Shirts -2 SM
- Linen Cloak
-1 Wide Brim Hat -4 GM
-1 Leather Belt -4 SM
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
Silver Brooch that belonged to his mother. He wears it under his armor, and other clothes
1 Rucksack -1GM



plate poleynes, greaves and solarets
leather vambrace and gardbrace.
Full chain mail is worn underneath
tabard atop
Steel Longsword
Wood Shortbow
Quiver with a the Windoaked stenciled on it
20 arrows
Kite Shield
Survival Gear
Body Pack -10 GM
Rucksack -1 GM
Belt Pouch -1 GM
Preservation kit -5GM
50 ft Hemp Rope -1GM
Half- Hatchet 4SM
1 Waterskin
1 Bedroll -1 SM
1 Hunting Knife -5 SM
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
1 Traveling Cooking Kit -5GM
1 One man Tent -2 GM
lives in a 20x20 apartment in the bowels of the citadel. Its sparsley used, and fairly dusty.

Purchase CostTotal
Starting100 GM
Bed Roll -1 SM99GM 9SM
Hunting Knife-5SM99GM 4SM
Preservation Kit-5 GM94 GM 4SM
50ft Hemp Rope-1 GM 93 GM 4SM
Body Pack-10 GM83GM 4SM
Half- Hachet -4SM83 GM
Clothes-6 GM 2 SM 76GM 8 SM
Traveling Cooking Kit -5GM71 GM 8SM
One-man Tent-2GM69 8SM
Belt Pouch1 GM68GM 8SM
Last edited by Rodywyn on June 10th, 2013, 7:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 24
Words: 15319
Joined roleplay: May 16th, 2013, 2:47 am
Race: Human
Character sheet

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