by Ariann on June 16th, 2013, 10:48 pm
She frowns, bowing her head and loosening her grip on his arm as they talked. His hand had tread dangerously close to her purest spot, and yet he still tried to push her away with words. A feeling of guilt and sadness welled up within Ariann's mind, enough that her stomach churned as if to tell her that this was a bad idea. "Ximall..." She paused, unsure of how to put it, "I am easily frightened... and bravery like this rarely comes to me easily. I fear pain and suffering and all things bad in the world. But... I fear being alone more. I doubt I'd be able to ask you anything else about such a topic later on, so..." She sighed, stepping back from him and releasing his arm altogether. "If you don't like me in such a way, you should say so. I've made up my mind to offer myself to you, but if you don't want it, then that is just fine." She frowned, her eyes fixed on a spot on the ground before her, her hands clasped in front of her, "But questioning my judgement isn't a very nice thing to do. It not only makes it sound like you don't like me, but it also makes me feel as though I am making a mistake. Please tell me that this isn't a mistake." She mumbled, falling silent in order to give Ximal a chance to respond. She felt hurt internally. It was unlike the wound she suffered when she landed on the pier when she met Ricky. It was doubt and the doubt seemed to hurt more than anything else she'd ever felt.
Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to play Ariann until my life stabilizes. Sorry in advance to whoever ends up loosing out on threads because of this :\
I am now an official Grader of Mizahar! Happy squeals for all! ^_^ I will be focusing primarily on Zeltiva, but if another region needs cleaning up, let me know! I have a TON of free-time and I always enjoy reading other's threads!
[Unrelated] "(╯ಠωಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ I quit!"
(Signature courtesy of the awesome Shausha!)