Aron smiled at her. This was too easy. "The red lamp is so people can find my business. It's not often that there are shops on such a small boat." he explained as he opened the hatch to the downstairs and climbed easily down the ladder. He neglected to mention the reason for the light being red. Red lights had been used for centuries to denote slavery and whores, and silently advertised his wares without breaking any sort of law. He had to be careful after all, slavery was illegal in Zeltiva. But what he was doing was seen as so far out of the normal for slavery he hoped it wouldn't be noticed. He was making a comfortable living off of it, after all. Once downstairs he put a kettle over a small cooking fire vented through the upper deck. It would make it seem like one end of the ship was beginning to catch, but it was the only way he could cook. It was dangerous, but he'd made every effort to ensure that the fire was set in a stone fireplace near the kitchen and was kept small. This prevented him from cooking anything ostentatious, but it was worth the risk. He smiled to himself and brought down a tiny tin box of tea leaves, setting it to the side on the mantle. "The gem is called lapis lazuli. Not a particularly expensive piece, but beautiful nonetheless. Someday I hope to be able to afford diamonds and sapphires, but that day is a long time coming yet." Aron told her. He brought out a small plate of biscuits and poured tea for the both of them, taking it over to a small, dark wooden table and seating himself on the couch there. "I do apologize for the size, the shop doubles as my home. I cannot afford rent on a real shop here." |