[Verified by Banshee] Lydan Verdjak

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Lydan Verdjak

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 11th, 2013, 8:22 pm

Character Name


Race: Akalak.
Gender: Male.
Birthday: 471 AV, 21st day of Fall.
Birthplace: Riverfall.

Appearance: Lydan is no exception to the muscular prowess and athleticism of his race, he is very well built for his age and stands at a gigantic 7'5". He carries an azure hue to his flesh, and his eyes are a simple, pale shade of golden, along with his jet black hair. Weighing at 252 pounds, his obsession with fitness and the art of combat is visible all across his body mass.

Character Concept
Lydan is an interesting take on a Akalak, his "light" personality and "dark" personality both seem to be in agreement towards the code of honor and ethics, but each seem to be odds or argument with one another and how this should be executed.

The first personality, is an almost pacifist and egalitarian-minded individual believing every man and woman of every race has their right to an opinion and behavior, that the only purpose in life is to find one. He's a former cynic and currently debating as to what deity to worship, his take on life is agnosticism. The first personality is laidback and believes that all problems in this world will work themselves out.

The second, or "Darker" personality, is damned well unamused with that. "Might makes right," and "Survival of the fittest," he is very straight forward in friendships and attachments, something of a blunt one. He's willing to commit dark deeds but not without proper justification, "Bloodshed is always a second or third option, fun if we don't get to go through the first one!" He craves violence, but hates murder, he is a very hyper-active one.

Neither of the two are rarely seen in combat without their Lakan, an object they value and train with almost every day. As for the nature in which personalities swap, they agree that each is to receive certain hours of the day and certain days of the week. Unfortunately this does cause difficulty in time tracking.

Character History
Born in Riverfall from a Konti woman named Lydia, and a male named Jak'athan, Lydan's childhood was different from no other. He trained from an earlier age, became particularly aggressive through much of his teens (from the age of ten though) and endured the Rite of Trial at age fifteen, emerging with two or three other youth. He was extremely obedient to his father, although regarded him much more of a master than anything as he begun to become distanced from his biological parents, he favored daggers throughout his life due to their light weight, quick movement capacity and quick reflex capacity.

After declaring his intensions as a man focused in the arts of stealth and assassination, things were particularly interesting in training with his new master. As you may or may not notice he is a very large figure, and from his age of fifteen he was also considered such back then. He was easily detected when his toes creaked against some floors, to this day he still trains in such arts. His Rite of Passage came as he hit the age of thirty, and he went with a band of his peers and after setting up an ambush of sorts of which resulted in the death of a Zith.

At the age of 41 his father pressed him to seek out a mate. He agreed, furthmore stating that he will proceed to do so over the Summer.


Fluent Language: Tukant.
Basic Language: Common.
Poor Language: Kontinese.


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Stealth 8 SP, 1 XP 9 Novice
Weapon: Lakan 22 SP, 1 XP 23 Novice
Unarmed Combat 10 RB, 20SP, 4 XP 34 Competent
Observation 14 XP 14 Novice
Philosophy 1 XP 1 Novice
Running 1 XP 1 Novice
Socialization 11XP11 Novice
Teaching 1 XP1Novice

Layout of Riverfall City.
Zith Blood Corrupts Everything
Jh'eon: Wonderful Charoda
Jh'eon: Going to Sea of Grass
Wait and an Opponent Will Appear
Continuing the Fight Without Your Weapon
Befriending an Opponent
No Alcohol After Training
Ans: Lives in Baywatch Apartments
Stealth: Defending Yourself if Caught
It's Okay to Fight Dirty
4 Bodily Weak Points
Stealth is Best at Night
Barefoot for Silent Walking
Navigating Riverfall by Landmark
Litani: Herbalist
A Gentleman's Flirting
Flirting: Moving too Fast
Backing Down After Causing Offense
Drykas Polygamy


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
99 Gold Mizas 9 silver mizas, 2 copper mizas.

Heirloom: A curved dagger and cultural weapon, the Lakan. Attained just before 30th birthday, it is valued by both personalities almost more than their lives.


Location: Riverfall.

House: He lives in the Baywatch Apartments of Riverfall.

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Drinks -8 CM 99GM, 9SM, 2CM

Thread List
Wood and Bruises
One Rotten Apple Spoils the Hunt
The Aspirant
Secrets I never Knew
And Yet Another Evening
Akalak Will Be Akalak
A Late Night
Fit and Steel
Into the Eve
Spying Is For Children
Last edited by Lydan Verdjak on June 11th, 2013, 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
User avatar
Lydan Verdjak
Posts: 66
Words: 24094
Joined roleplay: June 11th, 2013, 5:33 pm
Race: Akalak
Character sheet

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