Closed [Kendoka Sasaran ]Wood and Bruises[Lydan Verdjak]

A friendly spar, amongst Akalaks

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Kendoka Sasaran ]Wood and Bruises[Lydan Verdjak]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 12th, 2013, 3:32 am

3 Summer 513

Rykanis walked in the front door of the Sasaran, and was greeted the same as always, by shouts, slaps of wood, even the clash of a few dulled metal weapons against another. But the predominate sounds were that of wood on wood, flesh on wood, and the manly shouts of Akalaks who were the main inhabitants of the fighting hall.

As he walked in, he brushed his hand over his lakan, one on each hip, and headed for the weapons rack, picking out a wooden pair that would imitate their usage for training purposes. For obvious reasons he did not spar with real blades, that would be little short of suicidal. Instead, a lakan in each hand made of wood that was well worn, would be his weapon of choice.

Turning on the spot, Rykanis looked across the hard wooden flooring of the training area, across the open area full of fighters, and tried to decided who to spar. It was always a tricky decision to make.

But he knew amongst Akalaks, he would always find a good fight.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Kendoka Sasaran ]Wood and Bruises[Lydan Verdjak]

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 12th, 2013, 4:48 am

Lydan strolled along into the Sasaran leisurely, his gaze that of cool-headed as his hands traversed his right leg, unsheathing the ever-so familiar lakan. His gaze ventured around and then to Rykanis, his eyes studying the man for fitness and prowess, for he wanted a fight with a man from the same skill level, or a painful lesson to learn from. His ears twitched at the sound of sparring and cries of combat, both from the armed and the unarmed alike. A palm ran across his chin and cheek as he continued studying Rykanis, it was a short pause before he simply approached the man, speaking up.

"Friendly spar, friend?" His smile was as friendly and casual as he could render it to be, his eyes likely meeting Rykanis' now with curiosity.
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[Kendoka Sasaran ]Wood and Bruises[Lydan Verdjak]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 14th, 2013, 1:21 am

Rykanis was by no means a master in using a lakan. Though neither was he a wet nosed novice picking up a lakan newly. He had a decent ability in using it, enough to suit his purposes most of the time. No, the main thing he was here to work on was using dual lakan. Dual wielding was a whole other game from using a single one.

It would likely be awhile yet till he got good at using two, but he was really in no hurry for it. But that was his main reason for using two lakan, and for being here on this day. Besides the obvious of wanting to work out, and stay fit.

He was tensed to fight, and had trained in the Sasaran enough to expect an opponent to simply come upon him without warning. So it took him a moment to unclench his muscles, which had reflexively readied themselves, realizing the man was not going to surprise attack him.

He had turned on the spot to meet the person talking to him, and raised both lakan up to chest level, at the same time as he had bent his knees to drop him into a ready stance. His elbows were also bent a bit, so as to deceive his foe about his reach, or to attempt to. He let out a breath of air, as he relaxed and stood back to his full height.

Then he began to inspect the man, a quick cursory glance before speaking.

His other side sucked up information like a man in the desert finding a tiny oasis of water.

The Alakak was taller than him, but much skinnier. For Rykanis height of 7'1", his 270 lbs was very light. He himself was a skinny Akalak, more compact and speedy than the average one, though still decently muscled. He did not fight brute force, instead preferring to use speed and stealth, and his maneuverability. Like a snake lashing out at his foe, and then sweeping back out of range.

This fellow though had at least a few inches on him, and was still lighter than himself. He also had blue skin, unlike his own deep dark almost black violet skin, and gold eyes unlike Rykanis own pale blue ones.

All in all, they looked very different.

But beyond that, what really caught his attention, was that he was holding a actual lakan, unlike the wooden pair Rykanis held. Rykanis responded with a smile crossing his lips, almost as if he was joking, but his Tukant words would not quite match his smiling tone.

"Sure, just as soon as you get a practice blade to use instead of your metal lakan. I prefer to not get skewered so early in the season, as I don't consider that the makings of a "friendly spar". Just a personal oddity of mine. If you will look about, you will see everyone else is using wooden training blades also."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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[Kendoka Sasaran ]Wood and Bruises[Lydan Verdjak]

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 14th, 2013, 6:38 am

Lydan narrowed his eyes as the man tensed up for battle already, shaking his head, "I have more discipline than that, and honor too."

Nor was the Akalak standing a few inches over him of ill knowledge in the arts of combat, his eyes studied the man's form as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He's not weakling, nor is necessarily stronger than I.His gaze continued to set down on the Akalak brother before he nodded.

"You poise yourself like you are ready for war, I do not intend to attack you with a metal Lakan of course, or I would of already done so ... seeing as that is a better opportunity for murder than friendly spar."

He stepped over, fetching a single wooden Lakan as he made his way back to his opponent, bending down and without further warning, pommeled towards the man as he spoke. "I am Lydan Verdjak, may the strongest emerge victorious!" His Lakan had been angled in a way over his right hand that the tip pointed towards the elbow of the same arm that wielded said blade.

His movements registered quickly after a short distance, swerving in a wide arc across his upper torso as he aimed a slash across it. But anyone with good tactical knowledge know his main attempt was to throw the man off balance slightly, or force him to move back for breathing space -- Or just plain and simple mindlessly knocked him over from the charge if none of the above happened.
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[Kendoka Sasaran ]Wood and Bruises[Lydan Verdjak]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 16th, 2013, 3:47 pm

Rykanis looked back at the man, who seemed to feel he was impugning upon his honor.

"No offense was meant, but that is simply the ways of the Sasaran, at least this one. People just attack, they usually don't ask. It is meant to help attune you to combat settings. After all in a real fight, you simply fight whoever comes upon you, you do not ask kindly if they would like to spar. And the fact that you carried a real blade also made me a bit more cautious."

Looking down at the lakan in his hand, Rykanis smiled and shook his head.

"Well then, you could have fooled me by the way you came up to me with real lakan in hand, onto the floor were anyone might chance upon you and initiate battle. What if someone had come upon you to attack, and you had defended by instinct? You might have killed someone by accident, and then what? It would be your fault for coming out with it in hand."

Rykanis was getting a bit annoyed at the man, for trying to deflect blame, and for attempting to act like he had done nothing wrong. Perhaps he had done so unconsciously, or by accident, but it did not change his action, or what might have so easily happened... His slip up could have cost another Akalak his life. However Rykanis was trained as a spy, and reasonably good at covering his emotions, so his annoyance did not show much. After all how could you question someone you knew did wrong, if every expression showed.

"Just make sure it does not occur again..."

Once he had returned with a wooden lakan, Rykanis nodded, taking in his name. Lydan Verdjak. However since he was still a bit annoyed at him, he did not tell the other Akalak his own name in kind. He would have to earn that.

As Lydan began to move at him, Rykanis flipped his left lakan into a downward facing defensive position. Then he waited for his opponent to come to him, knees and elbows bent and ready, not tensed, but prepared to spring.

When Lydan got in close, Rykanis took a step to the right, and then blocked the mans lakan with his own left lakan, attempting to hold it in place and block it. Then he would make a swing aimed at the mans neck with his free right lakan, followed by taking a jumping step back out of range, whether the strike landed or not, turning to face the man once he landed.

His sidestep would take him out of direct line of the charge, which was a blatant move anyways, not likely to work. He would need to get up earlier in the day, for such a simple tactic to work on him.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rykanis Dakshata
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