Clyde nodded once more as Wrenmae spoke, his words making a logical sense to him. His eyes felt a bit droopy, a bit sleepy, after all of the events of today. He had delved far into an aura, and expended a decent bit of djed in doing so. Not as much as he did while casting Reimancy, but enough to make him feel tired, in more ways than just sleepy.
But he did his best to keep his thoughts flowing and active, and to not let himself fall behind. Yes, as he had said to begin with, blockading Morley inside of a barrier might cause the item to not function, he had said as much when he previously put up the offer.
But if Wrenmae legitimately did not think it was a weapon... And that its function was not to do anything malicious... Well, he supposed he would need to just trust the mage for know, who professed such great knowledge of Malediction. he would need to trust someone at some point. And it made a logical sense to do so now, so why not?
When Wrenmae offered him a chance to leave the shop, Clyde shook his head. In fact, a very different idea had popped up into his head. If the threat was in them being found, it would make more sense to Glyph all of them with barriers, to keep the item from noticing them. It would serve the same purpose of defending them all, while also keeping the item from noticing them if it was able to do so. Two birds with one stone and all that... Which was ironic seeing as it was a bird skull causing all the fuss...
He was just about to tell this idea, of ensconcing each of them in a protective and concealing barrier of Glyphs, when Morley interrupted, just before he could do so.
He ended up going on a short rant, explaining more about the item, which honestly did not really affect him. So he let him go on in peace. But it was just as he was going to end AGAIN, that he spoke, and said Clyde's exact idea! Giving them all a personal barrier!
He was just about to say it, and he had beat him to it! And if he said so now, or complained, it would make him sound petty, and like he was trying to steal another's idea... But he had petching been about to say it, but had been interrupted by Morley, who had beaten him to it... He had thought of it first! He took in a deep calming breath, trying not to show he was a bit aggravated, though a small frown did cross his face. But it would do little good to say anything, so logic dictated he do nothing, and just Glyph. Let him think as he would, he knew he had thought of it first.
Without speaking Clyde got back out his inscribing paint, and set to work making three large circular barriers for each of them to stand inside of. Not huge, but at least a decent amount of feet in diameter, large enough for them to each comfortably stand inside of one, while they let Morley do whatever he did.
His barrier by nature need not be extensive or complex, his ability as a Glypher would be enough to do whatever he needed in this case even in simple terms. And it only needed to hold for a few chimes. Even a base barrier would be enough. And whatever he did, he knew how to imbibe it was strong intent, and make it serve more purpose than a far more extensive Glyphing drawn by a less experiences Glypher.
Using the paint, he began to draw it out, the first circle. He made a single dot, and then swept a line curving outward from it to the right. He then descended off of this with a S like Glyph, turned on its side. Off of that he did a circle with a line bisecting through it like a spear, and slowly curving around more and more symbols. This was a bit odd for him, not as he did his Glyphs traditionally, but he just let them flow out, doing what he felt, making a curving line to make the barrier, which went all the way around to encircle were the dot with the curving out line began. Completely ensconcing the line, with the dot at the very center. That dot would be the point were the person would stand.
He added in other Glyphs, to make the long curved line, a single line with many additional lines splitting off and branching, sort of like a tree... A cone with a wavy line at the front with the tip, depicting a beak with a worm in it. He kept on drawing, adding more and more different ones, adding in symbols that related to the malediction, in hopes of infusing his intent into the Glyphs to ward off that same malediction. Hoping that in doing so, it would not read the inhabitants. Even though it was but a simple barrier, he still infused it with the full capability and skill of his craft, giving it the same care as he did to any of his works.
He finished it off with a feather like symbol, which looked similar to the tree, except that it had a sharp line contouring its outside to mark the edge of the feather. Once he was done, he was left with a circle made of different symbols, with at one point a part of the solid circle curving inward to end at a dot, which was a heavy dab of his finger.
He moved over, and began a second one, and on to the third, making them more or less identical, however changing around the order of the Glyphs slightly, as his intuition said to. For some reason the Glyphing felt... Right... Even if it was very different from what he normally did. But it also felt strong, like it could ward off a djed storm in its full fury if he needed it to. Of course, this was just a feeling, which perhaps was helped by his tiredness.
Once he was done, he had three of these barrier Glyphings, each large enough for the three men to stand in, Clyde, Wrenmae, and Marcus, more or less each of the same diameter and identical but for the order of the symbols.
"There. Just pick one, and stand in it, on the dot. And make sure to keep yourself inside of the outer circle of symbols at all times, once he begins."
With that, Clyde put away his paint, wiped off his hands on his robes, picked up his staff, and moved to stand in one of the circles, holding his staff close to his chest. |