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Mysteries in a Bird Skull . . Timestamp: 7th of Summer, 513 AV Location: Temple of the Black Sun After he had been discovered, Marcus had been certain Inoadar would kill him. But, over the span of no more than a few chimes, everything had changed. Inoadar switched sides, if he had ever truly been against the Black Sun, and decided to work with Marcus instead of against him. Marcus had not only gotten out with his life, but with a new convert, and information good enough to make his superiors consider the mission a success. It was time to follow up on that success. Marcus had been asked to investigate the item Inoadar told him about, and while it had taken him some time to get things back in order, he did manage to find out about a mage who had not so long ago become an apprentice in the Ebonstryfe who might be able to help him. While he technically outranked the mage, Marcus knew better than to overtly thwart his authority over the man. A powerful mage was a powerful mage, apprentice or not, and Marcus wanted him to cooperate. He had a letter sent to Clyde Sullins, the mage in question, asking him to meet at the Temple of the Black Sun, on the 7th day of Summer, at the tenth bell in the morning. That was where Marcus was waiting. He was no longer disguised as a common worker, but was instead dressed in his official robes, marking him as an agent of the Black Sun. He was seated near the Black Shard. There were a few other people scattered about, but the temple was otherwise empty. There was no sermon scheduled for that day, so there was no special reason for anybody to be there. The agent kept an eye on the doors for the temple, having obtained a rough description of Clyde, and waited for him to arrive. OOCIf the timestamp doesn't work for either of you, I can change it. Just let me know. |