Closed The Water is Bad

Nikol investigates why animals and plants are getting sick in the area around his swamp.

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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The Water is Bad

Postby Sahassvanikol on June 13th, 2013, 4:12 pm


The Water is Bad

Timestamp: 14th of Summer, 513 AV

Something is wrong, Nikol thought to himself as he slithered through the trees around his swamp. Many of the plants that should be growing were sick, and Nikol was not sure why. They should have been fine, the swamp had recently been filled with fresh water overflow from a nearby river, and of course the rains were always keeping it full. But there was something wrong, and Nikol wasn't sure what. Even some of the animals seemed sick.

Nikol moved around, pausing at a few of the trees that grew along the edge of the water. Each one he touched, wrapping his long body around them, and focused on his gnosis. The trees did not know much. They were not healthy, he felt. There was.. something wrong with the water. But the trees did not know what. Only that the water was bad.

That in itself was not all that unusual. Trees had no eyes, they could not see what was happening around them, and could only tell by what they felt. And they felt that the water was bad.. but Nikol knew that the water should have been fine. But the trees did not lie either. If they said the water was bad, then it was bad.

But that still did not help Nikol. He did not know why the water was bad. He continued on in his search for answers. Insects buzzed around him, but they did not notice the bad water. The only thing they noticed was that their predators were not hunting them as much, and that was good. But of course it was not good.. too many insects could be bad. There was a balance that needed to be maintained.

Nikol stayed out of the water for the time. If it was as bad as the trees thought it was, he did not want to get in it. It would do the swamp no good if Nikol got sick too. Instead he sought something with a bit more intelligence, eventually spotting a turtle on a log near the edge of the swamp. Nikol slithered over, moving as quietly as he could so as not to startle the small creature.

Normally, when he revealed himself, the turtle would probably have tried to get away, or hid within it's shell. But Nikol was no ordinary snake. He was a phylonurist, and the turtle knew it when they locked eyes. Communication through Nura was a bit odd. It did not involve words so much as it involved feelings and images. Nikol expressed that he was concerned, and tried to convey the feeling of wanting to know what was wrong. The turtle was slow to respond, but eventually he was sent an image of the water again. The water was bad.
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