Xi raised an eye brow at her questions, a series of them that he should have been anticipating more than he was. He smirked and answered her questions...She seemed to be quite full of these."Asking a question is not the same as arguing, so yes you may ask a question but remain in stance. By asking a question because you are unsure of what I've said is not breaking a rule, however breaking the stance to ask it is. And when i say breaking the stance, i mean moving your feet out of position you can gesture with your arms all you like. Just don't move your feet. I understand that some people move their arms when the talk so it's a fair idea, that i might consider that breaking stance." Xi pondered the next question with some revere. "Each teacher has different methods of teaching. My ways are mine alone, however each teacher will treat you as they wish to treat you. You are equal to them so if you don;t like it tell them, but you have to be able to argue back why you think it's unfair. With myself i'll take it on board and simply set you a challenge to see if your right." Her last question though made him laugh fairly loudly. "When i say a favour i mean a favour but don't worry on that front, if you think i'm going to call it in like that, no. So don;t worry about me doing anything like that without your consent or your approval and i wont force it upon you as a favour to me, no. Y'see i draw...It's a pass time of mine...I do it to help relax my head and see how things move in the world. I may call in a favour for you to be a model for me from time to time. But that's about as far as " alone time" will go. Else wise the favours could range from me handing you a bit of money and saying "head into town because i need so and so and i'm busy." So I'm despite what you may think and may have of me as a preconception, not a monster, nor an evil guy. Despite what revy may say about me..."Xi smirked a fairly friendly flash of a grin. "Any more questions or can we begin ?" |