OOC - continued from here.
2nd day of Summer, 513, AV
Inoadar left The Spot with a grin. He had gotten one of the upscale jobs! Even his limp was not going to ruin his mood. In fact, it struck him as ironic that the need for his cane/blowgun/stiletto was now legitimate for all three functions. His lower right leg had been savaged by a wolf and was in an odd condition due to the mutagenic properties of the water that percolated up from the Glistening Geyser near the Talderan border. It was not bleeding, but he was not sure if it was healing either.
At any rate, he no longer had to FAKE his limp to account for his cane. But his leg weakened far too quickly for his liking. Not that he was given to seek kick fighting competitions or anything, but mobility was paramount in much of his work outside of the shop. He considered flagging down a Ravosala, but he needed to work the leg, try to get some strength back in it. His main concern was that the affected area had been altered to the point that the muscle was unable to be developed more than it was. Well, time would tell.
The second concern was that the limp would mark him and make his disguises less effective. He would basically have to always be in the guise of someone who limped. An old man with a limp, a drunk with a limp, a fancy boy with a limp, a street walker with a limp. One of his best and most useful disguises was as a courier, but what dispatch service hired a man with a limp to be a courier? It would give the victims and their security personnel cause to be wary. Or more wary than usual.
He reminded himself he didn't HAVE to limp at the crucial time. He could go maybe an hundred yards before he'd have to start limping. It was the limping that spared it enough to keep that hundred yards of regular use in reserve. He'd make it work. He always made it work, no matter what was wrong. Adaptability, Versatility, Resourcefulness. His calling cards...and a sore leg...
He got to the designated location on the Docks and sat down, massaging his ankle and working his way up and down to and from his knee. He still had the weals in his flesh from the tourniquet. He should be glad he didn't lose the damned thing. He WAS glad...damned wolves.
A man approached. He looked uncertain of both his location and his mission. "Nice night for a walk, eh?" Inoadar remarked conversationally.
The man jumped, startled, "What? Who is -..." he collected himself. "Oh, umm...yes and it will be nice for a swim to...a nice day for a swim...tomorrow." he finished as he sat next to Inoadar, who wondered yet again why people demanded coded phrases for identification, when they could never remember them.